12:05 AM


As much as I would like to avoid discussing politics on my er... overall, lunatic-al blog, the political bickering as of late in our country has brought the rakyat to an overdrive of fury. And as part of the rakyat, I'm feeling that tinge of annoyance at the current state of affairs in our nation. What happened to Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan?

Inspired by Manda's post (which was written with much fervour and passion) on the nation's political scenario and towards a better nation, I have actually decided to post something sensible for the first time on my blog.

Just to recap this week's roller coaster of events:
- 3 people have been detained under ISA, that is: one Member of Parliament (freed today), one prominent blogger and one journalist (freed)
- SAPP quitting from Barisan Nasional
- The resignation of Datuk Zaid Ibrahim due to his firm stand on the ISA detainees

And of course, the very much anticipated September 16, not just Hari Malaysia - but also the day in which Anwar was supposed to topple Barisan Nasional.

Today's headlines were about bribery bids to Barisan Nasional Members of the Parliament.

And so I began to wonder: when is this drama going to end, and when are the chosen leaders of the country, elected as of the March elections, going to carry out their duties... for the people? It is undeniable, that after 51 years of independence, Malaysia has finally shown the maturity of a truly democratic nation. There is not one dull day in the nation's political arena ever since the general elections in March. It has been six months since the elections, and yet the rakyat has seen little development, or worse still, even lesser proof as to what politicians had promised to do while campaigning during the elections.

What happened to 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people'?

I am, of course, undoubtedly, intrigued by all the drama in our political arena, even though I am hardly of age to vote.

But if people my age were given a chance to vote, we would vote for peace, and most importantly, justice and equality. I believe that our country has matured enough to at the very least, work on this. Care for the people who have chosen you to lead. That is all we ask. Is it too much to ask for?

51 years into our independence has brought the rakyat, though of different races, together as one. Perhaps politicians have yet to notice that behind all the politics, the people truly are united? I see people of different races sitting at a mamak stall not just in advertisements. I have seen this even in real life. I have seen young children running around with pure innocence; oblivious to their differences in race, cultures and skin. Unity does exist.

And with a little more push, an amendment here and there, and a little effort - this unifying bond can be strengthened. It can be our shield. It IS our weapon.

Take your eyes off the political arena, and fasten them on the current economical crisis. The Lehman Brothers have gone bankrupt. Share markets, stock exchanges... all have taken the big dip.

If we stay united the way we did in 1997, the burden on the people may be reduced; the impact, softened.

But how shall we overcome now, if the leaders themselves are not leading us? Let politics be a matter of the past and let our future be the consequence of today. Bottom line is... get down to business. Enough is enough. For me, if you truly are patriotic, and if you really love your country, you should play your role efficiently and effectively towards nation building. To show that Malaysia Boleh.

"If the King does not move, his subjects will not follow."
-Lelouch vi Britannia-

Lelouch's words are very wise; very precise and all practical. Even though he's just referring to a game of chess.

All these from the eyes of a 17-year old otaku; (who realised that she loves Malaysia as much as she loves Japanese men - be it real men, or FAKE men.) one who is a strong believer in a more progressive, developed and booming Malaysia.

I'm all for Malaysia.


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