8:55 PM

I MIGHT be a mass murderer soon.

Guess what, darlings?? I'm gonna be a mass murderer soon!!


Not worth to go to jail just because of SUARA.

Today, Ama was absent from school, leaving Dr. Lim and I bustling into the HM's room. I expected her to support me and probably restrict Mr. HM from making us edit the WHOLE SUARA again but instead she said, "Let's put this in and let's put that in." Before we went in she looked JUST as agitated as I was but all her anger melted away when we were in his office. And I had no choice but to follow orders. *groans*

This means that we'll have to edit SUARA all over again... *laughs maniac-ally*


Today the school counsellor saw me strolling up and down outside the HM's room before I went in to see him (only to get SUARA REJECTED ONCE MORE) and she told me, "Oh my, you look stressed."

Don't worry, people, I'm not stressed. I only LOOKED stressed because I had to run out of class halfway during an UNO game in which I was going to win (yes, we gamble AND play UNO in school).

(However, my Chor tai ti sessions almost always ends up in Ama and I losing to Hui Ying darling. :( )


Anyway, the counsellor saw me again outside the HM's room moments later after I came out, and I was so furious I was punching my fists everywhere I went. She told me something like, "Ooh, dear. Be calm. Be a lady," or something.

I almost said that I was gay.


(But she's a REALLY nice teacher)

But then again, SUARA never fails to give me problems in school. *sigh* Sometimes I wished I had gone to UTAR?? Biology lessons in class makes me feel like selling Char Koay Teow after I leave Form 6.

Koay Teow with Penaes, served with feet from Rana temporaria, and to save cost, I'll pluck leaves from Puccina graminis. And probably throw in a few Phylum Basidiomycota Agaricus compestris for free. My kitchen will have no Periplaneta, don't worry~ However, you might want to worry about Taenia growing in you after consuming my koay teow.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA Bio students will know what I'm talking about bout I doubt that they'll be buying my koay teow anytime soon.

Right Hui Ying darling~?? BWAHAHAHAHHA

I'm off to sleep now though it's a lil early. I'm suffering from an intellectual drain after 3 and a half hours of Chemistry tuition : sp2, sp3, sp3d2 hybridisation or whatever Lewis diagrams and bond angles and tetragonal or triangular planar shaped molecules.

I have no idea what I just rambled. God bless me, because tomorrow is RE Week....






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