11:48 PM

Finally a post about myself. WAHAHAHAHA.

I noted that I've been blogging too little about myself lately so yeah, since I'm up and everything waiting to start rooting fervently for Spain - I might as well pass some time babbling to myself about myself. WAHAHAHAHAHA.

Erm... 3/4 of the world I live in already know I'm accepted into USM for Applied Bio, so let me enlighten the other 1/4 who do not know. XD Applied Bio is generally the term used to describe a study of how to apply Biology in life. Applying Biology in technology, agriculture, genetics, machinery, engineering and etc. And that would actually mean that I'm studying a little bit of everything- comprising of biotechnology, biomedicine, horticulture, aquaculture, prosthetic, pharmaceuticals - everything in general. In which I can choose later on to major on something, I guess?

And I feel infinitely blessed to be given a course in something that I HAVE AT LEAST STUDIED ABOUT BEFORE. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. And the reason I say this is because I know too many other friends of mine who obtained courses that had no connection to whatsoever we wasted our time on in Form Six.

An example of that would be Bio stream students getting engineering courses or arts courses and Physics stream students getting bio-related courses.

I wonder if the allocator really did just close his/her eyes whilst randomly selecting students for random courses. That's just called... negligence.

... of course, we're all rather immune to it.

ANYWAY. Yeah. I find myself kinda envying those who have the opportunity to go far and wide; leaving home, seeking independence. Exploring new worlds. Getting lost in foreign cities. Making new friends. Meeting interesting people. Experiencing different cultures. Adapting to a completely different lifestyle. I'm just stuck in Penang for the next 3 years.

Sure, I'll get to meet new people and find new pals. Probably fall in love with a Korean or two. (Somebody said USM reeks of Koreans. *swoons*) Nosebleed over the gorgeous foreign blue-eyed GIRLS. Getting a little lost in USM. Hmmm. I guess it ain't so bad after all...?

I should probably count my blessings as I can still meet my parents and come home anytime I want to. Save money by doing my laundry when I come home for the weekends. Still can go on family vacations and all that. Close to home, close to comfort. And my hostel's amazingly lenient without curfews. At least that won't affect my World Cup fever as the mamak store is just a walk away. WAHAHAHAHA.

And not forgetting, the best thing about being in Penang would be the FOOD. I might as well kiss my university-diet-plan goodbye. WTH.

Another plus factor? Still able to hang out with the remaining monkeys left in Penang. XD

On another note, many people will be flocking far, far away soon. Some of them who'll be carrying with them our 13 years' worth of friendship. But then again, everyone needs to leave each other to walk their own path - after all, life is a journey in itself. Some are actually already planning to have babies with an Aussie. (OMG.)

There are many forks in life that will lead each and every one of us further and further apart from each other. But alike what I once told Vin - the instant we met, we've already been connected in our hearts. And this bond pulls strings in a way that even distance cannot separate.

Parting ways is part and parcel of life - strangely haunting, yet essential to move forward in life.

But saying goodbye is hard, and I abhor it. So let me take this opportune moment to tell all of you; who matter so much in my life, a very energetic "SEE YOU AGAIN!" instead of a mundane and sad 'farewell'. We''re definitely destined to meet again, no?

And so... Ganbatte minna! We're gonna be a bunch of professionals in the near future. WAHAHAHAHA. See you all again in 4 years!

... oh and for those who are feeling lonely already, missing the energetic GAY here - I'll remind you that our sweet memories do not collect dust. And that you too are sorely missed and loved by this hawt gay here. XD



Patrice said...

Just wanna say...

I LOVE YOU TOO DARLING!!! I'll miss you and everyone else when I'm gone freezing my butt off in the Alps HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...but I'll Facebook with you when I can...maybe send you e-mails! :D Please remember to inform me if you happen to find a cute Korean guy in USM and decide to get together...there could be a possible change in your sexual orientation? OR MAYBE...he might just turn gay with you and form a Gay Club in USM. :DDDDDDDD

Keep in touch Becky...I'll always cherish our 13 years of friendship no matter where I am...don't forget to keep blogging! It's amazing how everyone can keep up with each other's lives through our personal blogs. :) Love ya, see you again REAL SOON!!! *hugs!*


~Shuyin, G.O.T.~ said...

CRAP!! Just checked out my hostel rules and found out that there is indeed a CURFEW. OMG. Need to be back by 12am. BOOOOOOO! :(

vivien said...

haha juz overnight at the mamak stall.

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