10:03 PM

Vin's Surprise Farewell

Vin's farewell held yesterday night at Vin's poolside~

Pictures randomly stolen from Wendy's FB. Would love to elaborate but am horribly tired today, sorry~

Guess who showed up??

Vin must be EXTREMELY important that even the rare and cute, grown-up Geok Hooi decides to show up! Whee~!!

To quote Vin, "These 5 surely come wan la. (Ama, Ju, HYing, MYen and myself) But all of you pulak! This was unexpected!" BWAHAHAHAHA. Which means I did the right thing to invite all the others: HuiMei, Geok Hooi, Apek, Jon, Nicque and Cheah Yeem. THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING ONCE AGAIN. I can't thank you all enough for making this extra special for darling Vin. :)

Sorry, JeanLi, Vern, Gerry, HuiMin and Jill that you all missed this. :( When Vin comes back, we're gonna run there, all 16 of us, crash at Vin's and sleepover! WHEE~!! XD

The 2 infamous monkeys. XD

These two funny men (Apek and Jon) actually trespassed into a VACANT house's window-balcony thingy. WHOA. Funny how Ama and I forgot to ask them to teach us how to climb up there. HAHAHAHA

The both of them then SERIOUSLY jumped down from up there. WHOA.

That's how they look like when they're up there~!

When the star of the night shows up...

MYen brings Vin down and blindfolds Vin. When the blindfold was removed, Vin realised she was standing in a candle-lit heart!


All of us hidden in the bushes and all pops up and sings a strange rendition of 'Happy Birthday' replaced with the word 'farewell'.

Look how brightly our heart shines for Vin. :)

In the dark. Our candle-lit heart.

Blowing the candles with everything we've got in us! HAHAHAHA.

I kinda fell down flat since I was too hungry and all. XD

Aww. Vin, Ah Hooi and MYen.

Random talking around...

(Look how much someONE has grown up. *sighs*)


I hope Vin will treasure this surprise farewell we've thrown as much as we enjoyed planning for it~! It took us an entire night to prepare it for you! As far as you may be, our memories and our love for you will never wither away. All you have to do is to carry on pursuing your dreams while holding us dear to your heart.

And the simple truth? We simply love you, Vin.

... And I'm sure you feel just the same.

.... Hugs X16. :)


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