David is so cute!!! I would have thought him as some strange, annoying person last time but the fact he remembers me, and the promises he made to our class somehow MOVES my heart of stone. OMGGGG~!! David is sooooo CUTE!!! And since he IS SO CUTE, I think I'm gonna go visit him on MONDAY~! Whee~!!
Oh yeah, this is David. Combo shots of him for some people (like a certain TWO PEOPLE I KNOW WHO LOVE HIM *ahem*) to enjoy. FOR those two people who just can't get enough of him. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sc2 people will know who they are. GAHAHAHAHAHAHA.Sorry, that's not David but a pic of the AWESOME Mr. Deven. I MISS YOU SIRRRRRRR!!!!! I miss our insanely fun and interesting classes!!! I love Bio because of your classes!!!
Erm, sorry. Coming back to David pics...
These combo shots are specially dedicated to MY and Ama. XD
According to HuiYing, he actually waited for us at his house during CNY because we told him we wanted to go and visit during CNY! He prepared angpaus and such! And HuiYing is so TOUCHED by that. HAHAHAAHAHA.
Of course David remembers me as his crazy student who aspires to be the future Prime Minister. XD And also as the crazy monitor who keeps making him belanja ice cream~
HuiYing said when she saw him in school recently, he was eating STRAWBERRY ICE-CREAM. Reminiscing on the times he had someone to belanja?
We'll never forget the promise he made to give us RM50 if we scored 'A' for PA in STPM. WHICH IS WHY I'M TAKING THE TROUBLE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY TO CLAIM MY MONEY & ANGPAU. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Prepare and ice cream for me too, sir! Nyahahahahaha~
....and maybe we'll have a little surprise in store for you too, Sir. :)
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