I should post this instead of posting Vin's actual farewell first but... I'M TOO TIRED TO CHANGE THE CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS. Sorry, dudes. Completely flat out today but somehow managed to blog out something today. HAHAHAHA.
We met up at my house up in Balik Pulau for a sleepover. More like a 'wakeover' considering how little we actually snoozed. OMG. MYen and HuiYing arrived at PROBABLY 11.30PM. WOW. Erm, so yup... when we started work it was probably already 12 or something. XD
HYing and I were busy assembling bear parts and SEWING A TEDDY BEAR FROM SCRATCH. Yup. That's how brilliant we are in sewing. Ama and MYen were busy with the banner.
Without the head the entire body of the bear looked fine. By the time we were done with just the PARTS, but not assembling it yet, it was already 4.30AM or so. Yup.This is how our masterpiece looks without the head sewn on yet!
Ama and MYen at the banner probably around 5AM. Wow.
By the time this pic was taken it was probably 5.20AM already. HAHAHAHA. Don't you think the bear looks really photogenic? AWWW. :0 *love love*
Result of HuiYing's hard work and mine. XD
Her name's MRS. SHIDA, btw!So my house was THIS messy when we were working on the stuff. There were bits of cloth, paper, string and crayons everywhere! Plus coffee on the table, of course. HAHAHAHAHA.
I look horribly sleepy!!! :O
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the third part was just kidding. But we were of course damn tired after we were done. Ama and I hardly slept a wink til 6.30AM for some crazy reason. XP
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!! I'm surprised at my anti-sleep endurance!!! BWAHAHAHAHA. All for Vin darling~! <3
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