My heart beats and dances to the tempo of the latest Naruto Chapter 485!!! OMG OMG! (At least, it is the LATEST when I wrote this post.)
Lately I've been busy because of grades complex, freakishly frequent outings and the fact that I've started working again. NEED MONEY FOR PSP. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Feel free to contribute games to me! My mum thinks I'm childish because the only people she sees carrying PSPs around are 5-7 yr old boys. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
My CNY this year is considerably the worst I've experienced in my 20 years of breathing!!! Which is why I think I'll be converting this blog of mine into some random anime/ RPG nonsense kinda blog. BWAHAHAHAHA!! I love blogging about my hobbies much more than about my life!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Ooooh yeah. Sakura fans. Before reading this post, I would like to apologise that there are NO WORDS OF PRAISE FOR SAKURA IN THIS POST because she was so downright annoying that if ****** failed to kill her, I would do it personally. (Censored so as to not spoil anything for those who haven't read the manga~)
CHAPTER 481-485
So as to give time for those who stumbled upon my blog and wish to keep Naruto spoiler-free, here's your chance to turn tail and run - while I put here a beautiful picture to commemorate my favourite organisation of all time: the Akatsuki. (2nd best Organisation? DEFINITELY Organisation XIII - Kingdom Hearts!!! XD XD)

(Kinda true since only Zetsu and Madara/Tobi remains alive...That's not a spoiler, is it?)
Sasuke finally defeats Danzo thanks to some brilliant fight scheme by Sasuke while Madara looks on. The plot finally reveals that Danzo isn't the only freaking eye-collector in the series but it appears that MADARA himself has a pretty fantastic collection of Sharingans as well! What are these people, LUNATICS??
Erm, well. I THINK he's collecting eyeballs. I dunno. Why else would he want Shisui's Sharingan?
After all, Madara's Sharingan has a limited lifespan, no? Considering how frequently he uses his Sharingan to manipulate space, I was thinking, "Hey! When's this guy gonna go blind?!?! Ain't he like over 100 years old by now??" Hmmm. Yet another Naruto mystery.
ANYWAY. Madara asks Sasuke to leave the area because somehow... "the light is going out of your eyes, Sasuke." YAY! Let's pray that Sasuke goes blind and joins the unending list of blind Uchiha prodigies! But somehow Sasuke fidgets around with a half-dead Karin and Sakura manages to ditch Sai, Kiba and Lee and FINALLY encounters Sasuke on her own.
I almost slapped her dead reading this part:

You're conspiring with an internationally wanted assassin who wants to destroy
the very place you were born?!?!?!
... BUT too bad she's fictitious!!! OMG!
For a moment there I REALLY thought I could kill Sakura with my bare eyes; thinking she was motivated by some kinda rekindled friendship/old love/ puppy love idiocy kinda frenzy. But then it could just be Sakura trying to tail Sasuke so that she'll find some hidden opportunity to kill him. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
It was the latter. But, Sasuke almost killed HER first. Go, Sasuke! Too bad Kakashi saved the day.
Sakura's really hopeless, ARGHHHHHHH. We could really do away with this girl, ya know?
Sasuke then overuses his Susanoo having almost killed Kakashi if Kakashi haven't had the Mangekyo Sharingan as well. And guess what? VISION REALLY FLED SASUKE'S EYES~!!

It seems that the Uchihas have just two options in life: DIE; or LIVE and be BLIND.
*sighs* Sasuke chose the latter.
And Sakura plans to steal glory all for herself and interferes with the battle - BUT THEN STOPS halfway knowing she can't kill a friend! WHAT THE HECK. Sasuke almost kills her when she was saved for the 2nd time that day: this time by Naruto.
And so, Team 7 reunites! Whee~!
I could really KILL Sakura. Does she really think she's strong enough to handle Sasuke? PLEASE LAH, Sakura. You can't even handle one tiny part of Sasuke's limbs lah. How frustratingly stupid.
(Sorry, the last paragraph was just me being completely annoyed by Sakura's SHEER stupidity.)
Many apologies to Sakura fans out there once more~! But freedom of opinion exists in where I live.
A statement to the world:
Naruto fanatic. OUT.
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