Yet another post that has nothing to do with me whatsoever!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I dunno if I'm the last or the first person (among my lovable POT friend fans!) to notice this Prince of Tennis OVA: The Prince of Naniwa ~Memories of Past and Future~. When I saw it in stores today I was like, "HEY! I wanna watch this!" BWAHAHAHAHA. Only done with the first episode for now (there are only 4 episodes to this OVA...) and well, it brings back those nutty memories we darlings in MGS shared in Form 4 and 5. Plus, the OVA title really kinda makes you reminiscence!! XD
The first episode starts with a bang: Seigaku members travel to Osaka for a practice battle with Shitenhouji, (er, was it?? I keep mixing up with Eyeshield 21's Shi- something. Ermmm... Shi- Shi- Shi- Shinruji Nagas!! GAHHHHHH. Both schools wear monk-ish clothes when in a game. Gets me all confused... XD )

motive behind this visit...
As usual, POT is never POT without its hilarious lines! From the very START of episode one of this OVA to the very end of it, it was just funny! Momoshiro and Kaidou love making fools out of themselves, while the Shitenhouji 'funny men' were just... NUTS!
Remember the two gay jokers from Shitenhouji? They always aspire to be jokers but usually nobody laughs except for my darling Fuji. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Do notice that one of them has boobs. HAHAHAHAHA. I laughed like a madgay during this scene!
The matches were fantastically paired up right from the start!! A showdown between Fuji and the genius of Shitenhouji (The Genius Pair) vs. Kawamura and the Shitenhouji powerhouse (The Power Pair). Sorry I forgot all the names of the players from Shitenhouji. HAHAHAHA. It's been 3 years since I last watched POT!
In fact it took me quite a while to remember Seigaku players. I was to lazy to Wiki. XD
Other funny match pairings were between the Funny Men Pairs (Momo with one vs. Kaidoh with the other one), Tezuka vs. the future of Shitenhouji (the guy who fought against Echizen in the Nationals, what's his name??!!) and Eiji Kikumaru vs someone (The Speed Match). Forgive my poor memory. Ahahaha.
The Eiji match was so erm 'troubling' that I laughed like nuts while Tezuka and Oishi too commented on the match.
The OVA basically tells us what the seniors are going to do as they graduate. Tezuka will leave for Germany while Oishi...
Nah. Although I wish much for that. HAHAHAHAHA. This Eiji and Oishi scene was so gay-ish that I JUST couldn't resist putting it up here. JUST look at how Eiji is sitting, OMG!
Oishi was actually telling Eiji that he wants to do medicine and become a doctor.
(Despite the warning, I just couldn't control the quantity of blood in my nose.) Fuji dresses ever so sexily in yukata!! OMGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! *nosebleeds once more*
Here Fuji *nosebleeds* has this really funny thought of trying to play tennis in a sexy yukata. *nosebleeds* HAHAHAHAHA. And Inui actually thinks that they can reach Echizen's father's heights in tennis. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Won't the yukata actually constrain your movements??!!
The next part was HILARIOUS where Sumire Ryuzaki (principal) emerges in the midst of Seigaku's pillow fight with Higa Middle!!! (Yup, PILLOW FIGHT.) I was like, OMG!!! She was wearing a sexy see-through nightgown!!! All members fainted at the sight. HAHAHAHAHAHA
At the end of the episode, Tezuka reveals his hidden motive:

They are leaving the leadership to Momoshiro and Kaidoh!! Since Echizen ain't around, its up to those two jokers to run the Seigaku Tennis Team. I wonder is they'll make it work in the next episode?
ANYWAY. I was really excited to see this OVA because I thought it was the end for POT after the Nationals. Glad to know that I can still reunite with my darling Fuji even after the National Championships!!! YAYYYYY!!
... Next, I'll have to pray hard to be reunited with my darling Hiruma from Eyeshield 21. I just don't understand how they can bear to leave the anime hanging like that after Ojo vs. Devil Bats. WHAT THE HECK!! It was frustrating.
I really miss POT~!! This OVA sure brings back memories of us drawing graffiti on those Physics lab tables, MGS darlings! And of course it reminds me much of the graffiti in my 2007 yearbook. XD
Lol, nice post! XD though I'd never watch POT b4 .___. but heard it's kinda...uh BL-ish. >_< *gets hit for being so yaoi-addicted)
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