UNLIKE my crazy cousin Manda who spends her entire blog and Plurk on American Idol, I'm here to blog a one-time-post (probably? Unless some contestant blows me off my feet. XD) about my disappointment on AI9. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. From my brief moments every now and then switching on and off between Star World and 8TV, I noticed something crucial that Season 9 contestants really lacked.
I happen to think that that missing something is called IMPACT.
Let's compare this season with the last which was just - absurdly explosive. XD
Last season, American Idol was just PURELY entertaining! They had names that we will never forget; names like Adam Lambert, Danny Gokey, Allison Iraheta. Of course there's my darling Kris Allen who won the show, but to be completely HONEST with you, I NEVER really noticed him til the week he sang 'She Works Hard for the Money'. HAHAHAHAHA. YEAH. Like Kara once said, he's the dark horse in the competition! You never really noticed him til there were about 5-6 people left, and suddenly his vocals just blows you away. Go Kris! I rooted for you from that week til the end!!! XD XD
But people like Adam, Danny and Allison really made you want to listen to them from the start to the end of the competition! Even Scott MacIntyre was a name I would remember - as the talented man who was robbed of his vision but NEVER failed in making an impact on American Idol!
I miss even the Norman 'Gentle' last season who made it to top 24!! What the heck. XD And if Tatiana Del Toro had joined this season, I think she would have gone REALLY far just by singing 'Saving All My Love You' 10 weeks in a row. XD

(1st is definitely Adam. XD) Norman Gentle!
This season, the only potential I see in the men's group is actually Lee Dewyze. Kinda reminds us of Chris Daughtry or David Cook, no? HAHAHAHAHA. I'll be really happy if he chooses to sing Cook's songs on Idol someday! YAY! Andrew Garcia has a great voice but, hmm, he keeps choosing the wrong songs to sing...
Some people like my mum really look forward to Casey, but I think it is unlikely that he'll be winning the competition. It's so early in the competition and he just doesn't seem like the kinda person who can actually go any further than where he already is. At least that's what I think. Ahahaha. No offense, Casey fans! I know there are plenty of you out there! (Sorry, Kara.)
Of course there's slightly more choice among the women to root as winner. On top of my list is Didi Benami, followed by um, probably, Crystal Bowersox. The rest don't appeal much to me... sadly. And it's strange that the judges mention that this year's talent is great; because it's barely even a shadow of last season's RAW talent and entertainment.
.... and I'm not exactly a fan of supporting a potential female winner. XD BWAHAHAHAHAHA. No! Not gender discrimination; but naturally - I feel better supporting a male to win. BWAHAHAHAHAHA gay-ness to the max!! XD XD
... Which means I'm left to supporting just Lee Dewyze. *sighs*
Correct me if I'm wrong, but even Simon looks bored - week after week! Does he miss Paula? Or is he just disappointed? XD It's amusing to see him get so annoyed. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Probably the biggest impact this season is that - Alex Lambert - BECAUSE his NAME sounds pretty much like Adam Lambert. HAHAHAHAHA. My mum keeps thinking they are brothers! XD But vocally? My speculation is that he won't go very far. Maybe he'll be around for another 2-3 weeks or so and that'll be his last performance. Yup. I'm straightforward, honest and mean. HAHAHAHAHA (Simon the mentor.)
The problem with this season is that: I'm not gonna remember the contestants or their performances at all. They look and they sound forgettable; nobody stands out apart from the rest. They are all normal, and I'm thinking that people like Tim Urban (sorry, but this is really mean) shouldn't even BE there. (How did he survive the first week?!?!) Their performances are too stiff, they pick the wrong songs, they don't hit certain notes - and they are just ORDINARY. None of them have got, what I think is STAR quality.
Which is why this season is so bland and unexciting. So predictable that this is probably the first and the last time I'll be blogging about it.
Unless somebody majorly improves and sings the brains outta me! Whee~! Blows me away with vocals and onstage presence! Captivates me and inspires me to blog about him/her!
... but I suppose there's nothing much to expect out of this season. Hmm. Prove me wrong, Season 9 people. PLEASE.
Oh yeah. A random thought. Say, where is Taylor Hicks now, by the way?!?!
Hicks is working hard and doing great from all reports laughing all the way to the bank. Idol has never been the same since he was there and stole their show.
I really like that guy, great voice and performer.
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