OMG. I'm in deep trouble now.
This is disastrous! It has come to a stage in which I can't keep my fingers OR my eyes off game DISCS, guides and the random posters that I have. OMG. Tried to do a little bit of Chemistry today (after HuiYing frightened me with some msg asking me whether I've done Polymers' mcq... I was like, POLYMERS??? What's that???!!) but it was HORRIBLE, because all I could think of was owning a PSP.
Okay, in case you all are wondering why, actually HuiYing and I intend to share money to get OUR stuff. She wants a camera, and myself, a PSP of course (or Wii/ PS3/ Nintendo DS/ XBOX 360???) I'm sure you all have heard about SONY doing promotions like 'buy one camera and PSP for RM1xxx??
. . . .YEAH. We're gonna go get that set. She'll take the camera and I'll GRAB the PSP. It really IS cheap, if you think about it.
But I can't even afford a RM76.90 guidebook and I wanna go buy a RM799 PSP??? It's PRACTICALLY TIMES TEN!!!
Talking about guidebooks... YEAH.
They are kinda distracting me too. Oh Pat~!! Your FFX guide is still with me too. Safe and sound. Just a little exposed to my outrageous over-carressing occasionally. XD
And to add to all the distractions, I was INNOCENTLY walking on the street outside my house when this really pretty car passed by. GRABBED my handphone at the speed of light to take a photo but could only do THIS much. Good enough, I guess??
OMG OMG OMG. I'm no big fan of Yuna but still....?!?! The timing and my current addiction to RPG really stirred up emotions when I saw this. XD
AHEM. Don't blame me for the blurred out pics. What do you expect from a 2MP hp camera?? XD
Wouldn't it be nice to completely OWN that car??? *sighs in desperation*
Very interesting article of a game lover. Nice graphic and clarity that's gives surety for more virtual game.
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