First of all, how'd you all like this cool layout? I need to familiarise with it a little bit more before I further make it my own. XD
GAH. My posts are becoming as irregular as Aimy's. Noooooooooooo!!!
Pardon my little randomness. Whoops.
Anyway, I thought this next photo would be really, um... ironic because I took this photo using my handphone in school.
I'm not that naughty, in case that's what you all are thinking... (in case there are any random prefects out there reading this) I took this during Hari Ibu Bapa or something.
I'll never forget this beautiful sign in Dewan Budaya which is largely ignored most of the time. I'll miss that signboard...
Before I go around declaring my love for inanimate objects, well... here's a glimpse of what the prizewinners do during Speech Day. XD
I was largely surprised because of cute Ah Hooi's open-ness~!! She CAN play on the handphone~!!
I was somewhere next to her probably busy gambling or something with HuiYing. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Next are the three top beauties/cuties of the Science stream....
Oops. I caught myself there unprepared... of course I fainted because the gay is too gorgeous.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD (I think it's been a long time since I said that??)
I hereby interrupt this ridiculous post with some VERY IMPORTANT NEWS.
... and so, for the highlight of the Speech Day (excluding the disastrous performances) is definitely a display of boy-boy, uh, FRIENDSHIP (ppl who know me better are probably on the same wavelength as I am.... XD) of the two Form 5 boys sitting in front of me.
Left: Ah Hone's brother, Wei Huang. Right: Wai Ee
.... The Two Khaws...
*faint terus*
.... The Two Khaws...
*faint terus*
I almost died from a massive nosebleed there behind them AND yet they remain oblivious to my life-threatening anaemic situation.... *mumble mumble*
.... shall continue putting up ridiculous pics of ppl in MBS when I recover in due time.
*massive nosebleeding*
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