I think I did. Because the food was soooooooo good, I undoubtedly put on some 3kg and a whole lot of H1N1-cough-like symptoms after steamboat/BBQ last Saturday (22 Aug).
I ate some 5kg of chicken that day, I think. And one whole COMB of bananas maybe?? BWAHAHAHAHAHA. You read that right, darlings~ BANANAS.We MBSians acted like how we normally act... ransacked the foodstuff, messed up tables, laughed like psychopaths and each time we talked it was like an atomic bomb went off.
Try not to salivate when you scroll down. BWAHAHAHAHA. Shows how fantastic a chef I am!!!(Try to avoid reading the fine prints, will you? XD)
(... in actuality, I was doing all the eating while Jill and Adrian cooked for me, while HuiYing darling did all the peeling. XD I'm a chef extraordinaire!)
But somehow we were all in awe whenever the restaurant guy came to change our BBQ set. GAHAHAHAHAHA my table ate so much that we changed the set some 3-4 times. XD
This BRILLIANT recipe of prawn barbequing firstly by using oil and prawn, then peeling the prawns and then later RE-barbequing it was founded by none other than....
Yeah, darlings. She's the one behind all the 2kg of prawns that I ate. AND, in case you are wondering what in the world is that shish-kebab thingy that she's holding, they're actually called BANANAS.
.... I'm just getting on to the bananas thing. THIS IS THE REAL PURPOSE FOR SERVING BANANAS -
Being the brilliantly creative geniuses that we were, Jill, Adrian, HuiYing and I were fooling around with FRIED bananas barbequed in ice cream. And thanks to Jill and Adrian's secretly mischeivous acts, we all ate SATAY sauce with ice cream like nobody's business. (Thanks to that, my toilet visits were pretty frequent the day after.)
I seriously think this was what people meant by going bananas. XD
Jelissa darling then surprised us Ex-MGSians with ex-MGSians... when JEMIMAH darling and Vayshi darling emerged from thin air!!! What was MOST frightening was that Vayshi darling COULD GET THINNER than she already was in Form 5.
Am I the only person here putting on weight??!!
Am I the only person here putting on weight??!!
We then decided to go watch a movie. THAT was really chaotic! Jel wanted to watch Up, MingYen and HuiYing wanted to watch Beth Cooper, Vin, Juju, Jill, Adrian and I wanted to watch District 9.
Speechless. He was wearing Jel's earrings. OMG.
Anyway, District 9 was.... HMMMM. Loved aliens, and I'm all for alien rights right now!! Go aliens!! Your technology rocks!! (or rather... 'zaps'???) I'm in love with aliens and technology right now~ Go laser beams and DNA recognition!!!
Phew. Tired out my wallet that day. Bought some book on Malaysian politics. Interesting~! Shall share some stuff some other day... XD
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