It's about Final Fantasy XII this time! BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
No worries, people! I'm no playing/ watching/ reading machine!! After my very tragic and desperate loss to The Undying, I finally decided to catch up with some Hunt Marks, find Espers and level up. I'm proud of myself~!! In just about ten hours, I managed to upgrade my rank from Vanguard to Paragon of Justice!!
... okay, may not sound like much to many, but it's quite a huge acheivement for me, ya know?
The Official Walkthrough is really tempting. Perhaps I shall invest in it one day? If I manage my finances correctly... I may save up enough money by end of this year for it. But before I think about that...
...Let me reveal a very frightening observation that I noticed in the official guide.
Ready for the REVELATION?
The stats shown in the guide included a level 99 Vaan, about lvl 87 Fran and lvl 88 Ashe for the main party. The supporting party consisted of a lvl 58 Balthier, a lvl 68 Basch and a lvl 63 Penelo.
Got the gist of it?
Balthier's so HORRIBLY charming that there would be NO WAY that you can leave him out of any battle at all!!! LET alone be a part of the secondary party ONLY???!! And how can VAAN, an ordinary slumboy-aspiring-to-be-an-annoying-skypirate POSSIBLY be at a higher level than the EXTRAORDINARY prodigy, Balthier??
.... FUH, Beckz. Relax.
AND, if you think that THAT piece of observation was frightening, wait til you hear/read this one. Scroll down, people.
The guide shows that their gametime is 705:13:45. If you need a translation for that, it's read as 705 HOURS, 13 MINUTES and 45 SECONDS. What the...??? Does that mean I have to spend 700 HOURS just trying to train my lil darlings up to lvl 99??!!! I was amazed by the fact that I almost spent 97 hours playing FF12 and this fellow who wrote the guide took 705 HOURS??? (My 97 hours would account to almost 10-15 hours stuck at the Phon Coast. Ahaha. Not forgetting that, are we?? XP Thanks to that, I have a phobia of doing any sidequests/hunts around that area. My heart almost collapsed when I had to go to the Vaddu Strand at the Phon Coast to kill some kind of stupid test mark.)
Anyway, 705 HOURS? No way. But I'll throw in, at my best (AND most) 200 hours. And those hours will be dedicated to completing the Bestiary and obtaining all Espers. Forget the Zodiac Spear! I've got more to target for. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Did I just say I wanted to complete the bestiary? OMG.
I've got huge plans for my Kingdom Hearts too. I must defeat Sephiroth despite all odds!! I'm gonna do it for both Kingdom Hearts 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
.... Of course, all of that will only take place after STPM. *groans*
Here's to game playing and a fantastic one week holiday!!! I SERIOUSLY need to finish this game to get some temporary peace of mind (at least until STPM is over).

the one you believe in.
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