3:04 PM

Marathon Success!

GAH. I'm breaking the blogging-about-myself streak with a very short post today today. Gomen ne. XD

Remember how I said that I wished I could at least finish about 60% of my anime collection before I enter varsity? WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Over the span of one week I've successfully finished Tales of the Abyss, To Aru Majutsu no Index, Seiken no Burakkusumisu, Kampfer Asu no Yoichi, Canaan and Tears to Tiara. BWAHAHAHAHA! That's an awesome feat, ya know? And of course I've managed to watch every other thing that's currently ongoing to the latest episodes: Bleach @267, Fairy Tail @35, Shippuden @167, Hakuoki @12 and Uraboku @12 as well. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.


Currently almost done with Rosario to Vampire and Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor. Yippee! I'd probably finish Rosario by today. 'Til next time, others. :(

On another note, GAH. Despite still being in Penang, I'm actually having trouble packing my clothes. I thought a baju kurung would cost between RM30 to RM50, but I'm pretty surprised that they can cost well over a hundred. WHOA. And we ain't even talking about the KEBAYA yet. WHOA. Sorry for the wrong info, Ama. Wanna join me at Kamdar to buy 'em? XD

ANYWAY. Getting more and more excited! And tomorrow is the day! Whoo-hoo! Hopefully I'll be able to find friends who are as crazy as my current group of loud monkeys. I've long forgotten how it was once like to live in silence. BWAHAHAHAAHHA


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