3:55 PM

Donnie Yen Marathon!!! WHOO-HOOO!!!

I dunno what's up with me and my crazy Donnie Yen movie marathon but I suddenly ended up snooping around on his background. XD OMG!

Probably I've watched a little TOO much Donnie Yen for the past week? Titles include: Mismatched Couples (1985), Once Upon a Time in China 2 (1992), Wing Chun (1994), Shanghai Knights (2003), Seven Swords (2005), Stormbreaker (2006), Dragon Tiger Gate (2006), An Empress and the Warriors (2008), Painted Skin (2008), Ip Man (2008), Bodyguards and Assasins (2009), 14 Blades (2009) and Ip Man 2 (2010).

HAHAHAHAHA. I think I know why I'm all psycho right now. XD

ANYWAY. Donnie Yen has an amazing background! He was born in China, but went to Hong Kong at the age of two. He then moved to Boston at the age of eleven. His mother who was a famous Wushu and Tai Chi master (something I'll never become... XD) taught Donnie martial arts the moment he could walk. WOW, just wow!!

His father plays the violin and the Chinese Erh-Wu while his mother would sing soprano. Donnie Yen studied classical piano; favouring Chopin much. WHOAAAA!!!

You know what's amazing? Donnie Yen's like a little martial arts prodigy!! He would rebel and skip school just so he could catch a kung-fu movie marathon. But unlike most of us, he could walk out of the cinema and repeat the EXACT same moves as shown right after the movie. FUYOH!

Donnie Yen was an actor, a musician, a dancer, martial artist, action choreographer, film director and a film producer. With looks like THIS, he would have easily passed as a model too, I think. WHOA!!! WOW!!! *nosebleeds*


OMG, OMG!!!! What's with the pose?!?! OMG.

*nosebleeds* WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! Look at those gorgeous abs!!!! OMG!!!

OMG!!! Donnie Yen!! *swoons*

What's he - a swimsuit model?!?! OMG. OMG.

OMG. OMG. *nosebleeds and faints*

Ahem. Let me recollect myself...

Gather yourself, you gorgeous gay, Beckz!! Wake up and notice the ring on his fourth finger!!! GAHHHH!!

And when I thought I was gonna go all depressed to find out he was MARRIED WITH KIDS, I saw his WIFE and immediately started nosebleeding all over again. OMG. You'll see soon enough why I utterly envy Donnie Yen's life.


*NOSEBLEEDS and lies DEAD in a puddle of blood*

OMG!!! She's hawt!! And I really mean it, HAWTTTT!!

*swoons and dies*

OMG!! She's really pretty!!! So pretty that Donnie looks like he's in the shadows or something. OMG!!!

*completely collapses - am now lying flat on the floor eagle-spread*

GOSH, I don't quite know how to put this. To sum it up: They are ONE HOT sexy couple. OMG.

And look how cute and humble he can be with his two kids. AWWWWW!!!


OMG!!! Donnie Yen!!! I'll be a fan of you (and your wife) for a long, long time!! OMGGGGGGG!!!


*goes running and shrieking into a mental asylum*

I owe a million thanks to Donnie Yen's official website for everything that's in this post today.


weng said...

hmmm... u are like really crazy about him right...

Step said...

I like Donnie Yen too. Really loved Ip Man.

Anonymous said...

Shit he's sexy his wife is cute but she's trying to hard Hawhawhaw!!!?!!

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