FINALLY CLEARED MY BACKLOG OF POSTS!!! Whee~!!! And this is my last outdated post. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Yay!!
It was 4pm in the afternoon when HuiYing suddenly asked me if I would want to go out on that night and meet up at the Komtar Walk at 6pm. Do notice the slight time difference. Ahahaha.
But all was well and we managed to meet up. I managed to gather MingYen and Vin but for a price, because Vin was extremely sleepy and tired and was dazed that she managed to go out with us in the evening. HAHAHAHA
Had dinner at the 1 Station Cafe or something, where we yakked like nuts cos MingYen and Vin were flying off to somewhere for a holiday. (And so was I, but it's not worth mentioning. HAHAHAHA)
HuiYing wanted the Powerpuff Girls to be in. XD
(David will like that. HAHAHAHA)
Notice that HuiYing is posing with chocolates. HAHAHAHA.
Surprisingly, the one most eager to come to this outing (HuiYing) is the one who went home first!!! (???) Leaving a tired Vin, Mingyen Ama and I to snap up one last picture with a Christmas tree. HAHAHAHA. And what was even more surprising was that the one most eager to go home (Vin) was the last to go home. HAHAHAHA.
Fuhhhhh. Tired. Blogged too much today and my fingers are numb from all the typing. Which explains the many typos when I typed out this post. HAHAHAHA. Ciao, more recent stuff to update next time!! XD
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