.... SMACKED RIGHT BEFORE STPM at that time. Fuhhh. I'm surprised by the insane number of Sixth Formers that were present and the insanity streak that engulfed Ama, HuiYing and I on that day. HAHAHAHA
We had an extravagant buffet lunch at G Hotel!!! In which most of the pics I've uploaded on FB. But since I'm HARDWORKING I'm gonna blog about it too. HAHAHAHA
We got a WHOLE section to ourselves!! And somehow when MBS-ians gather, craziness ensues. For example:
HAHAHAHA he deserves credit for bringing his guitar everywhere!! Hock Mun and him were dressing up as identical twins. XD
I prefer the time when Siva and Viki fed each other though. HAHAHAHA. I should have forced Philip to feed Viki. Somehow... typing that stirs up some excitement in me.
... if you know what I mean. HAHAHAHAHA XD G.O.T~~!!
Expect our table to the laden with food. We even had to borrow some of the guys' space for us to accomodate our plates. HAHAHHA expect nothing less from us table of big eaters!! XD
Guess who's that charming, good-looking man sitting in the middle of us beauty queens (and one gorgeous GAY)?? Why, who else but the FANTASTIC principal himself, Mr Khor??!!
No day is complete without this photo. HAHAHAHA. I shall not elaborate~! XD
Ama, followed by my son, Vern, the hot gay him/her-self and his/her darling Pookie/ Lover Vin. HAHAHAHA
This is one of my first family photos with Vern. Nyahahahaha~!
Nothing sells better when the gay promotes the product. XD
Can't help but to smile each time I see this photo!!!! HuiYIng is sooooo cuteeee~!!! The lampshade is bigger than her!!! XD CUUUUTTTEEEEEE~!!
Aha. We then went to the fish spa which made HuiYing yell like nuts til she sweat like crazy. HAHAHAHA. The three of us used some 20 towels in there! Well, it was a first for us and I think the spa ppl will wish that it's our last. HAHAHA.
(We kinda paid for 15 mins and sat there for an hour instead - screaming and laughing and sweating rather than spa-ing. HAHAHA)
Beware the big fish attack!!!! The big ones were the size of our palms and HuiYing kept laughing like nuts. We should have been gambling there to relieve the ticklish feeling but somehow we couldn't even finish one game because we laughed too hard. HAHAHAHA.
Oh!!! A priceless shot of HuiYing!!
HAHAHAHAHA she was sweating so she needed a towel on her forehead permanently. HAHAHAHA.
.... the towel which was on her forehead, in the water, on our legs and finally thrown on the bench. HAHAHAHA
The towel thing on the head then became a fad. XD
Oh! Did I mention we tried to steal a comfy Arredo sofa?

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