Vin darling, wherever you may be: tracking the paths of Europe, or caught in a heavy snowstorm, I wish you well!!! And this is the post I promised for you!!
(And this is my entire complaint about New Moon.) SORRY, Twilight fanatics! No spamming my blog because there's freedom of speech in where I live! XD
Here goes nothing....
Bella is STUPIDLY dependent on on men, and cannot seem to live without. I can understand that she needs Edward a lot because uhhhh... love makes you feel that way? HAHAHAHA. (Whoa, I sound like a pro. XD)
AS MUCH as you love someone, it's CRAZY to be so over-dependent to the extent that you actually dream that he's there, haunting you - like a ghost of XMas past. (???) HAHAHAHA.
AND it's BEYOND STUPID to want to cross the line between life and death just because you want to see that vision of your love, who's NOT even there for you! Stupider still to make your father worry about you just because you're so overly depressed over him LEAVING. He didn't dump you, he just left you!! In a nice way!!
Well. You may argue that all of this occurred because their love is strong and bla bla. But that doesn't give her the authority to mess around with others' feelings - other people like JACOB.
Jacob! Who has been there for her through every obstacle in her life! Jacob! Who protects her from every stupid thing she attempts to do!
It is utterly mortifying for me to see this gorgeous-shirtless-chap being played around just because SHE loves to be comforted.
I finished the Twilight saga (books) WAY before New Moon. It was annoying, but watching the movie was WAY more annoying because Kristen Stewart is a fine actor. XD I hated the dialogues in this movie too. It's too... punctuated, making it look like a child's play.
Final conclusion? Bella is the ultimate opposite of a WOT.
And now, presenting, the ONE and ONLY independent WOT, Vin darling!!!
Vin almost always flashes her smile, or her famous trademark: the 'LAUGHING-LIKE-A-MAD-WOMAN' signature laugh despite the odds against her!!
Never gives up despite the challenges that awaits her, and instead, is still happy!!
And she never lets the failures of the past haunt her memories or taints her memories!!
Which was why she decided to psycho up dancing the Indian dance that was made famous by Christopher and Jon. XD
This is a motion in support of the WOT. (and against women-dependency on men). GO W.O.T and G.O.T.!!! (dunno where the GOT thingy came from but anyway...)
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