HAHAHAHAHA. This is a continuation of the activities that happened right after the other post about our crazy shots in school immediately after our last STPM paper. We were so jubilant that we decided not to even go home and instead went out to QBay and overnight at Vin's. YUP. We were that 'homesick' - as in, sick of home~! XD
So our adventure started by heading over to QBay, where we first pampered ourselves with Paddington pancakes followed by Sushi King. (ACTUALLY, the main purpose of this outing is to exercise our fats away at Vin's gym, but somehow we ended up gaining more weight thanks to Vin's mum's DELICIOUS cooking!! I ate so much I could hardly breathe! NYAHAHAHAHA~!! Although that's nothing to be proud about, ahem. XD)
We wanted to take a pic of the place since it was nicely decorated up for Christmas but somehow we didn't. (After such a long time of staying at home, we forgot how to cook up a commotion with our very loud voices. HAHAHA)
Well, Ama, being the old person she is (HAHAHAHA) fell asleep somewhere during my 4th serving of sushi at Sushi King. XD
Cheers to freedom until university intake!! Whoo-hoo~!!
For some strange reason, every phone booth that HuiYing touches has a defect. HAHAHAHA. I can't remember what was wrong with this one... XD
Since we were in the Christmas spirit, we started fiddling with those Christmas decor hanging around Jusco. BWAHAHAHAHA
HAHAHAHAHA. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mature to just stand by and watch them do funny stunts and NOT join them. I've grown up!!! NYAHAHAHAHAHA~!!
Watched New Moon in QBay. DO YOU KNOW THAT I BOOKED FOR TICKETS FOR NEW MOON 3 DAYS BEFORE BUT COULDN'T GET A SEAT AT ANY TIME SLOT IN GURNEY BECAUSE THE SEATS WERE ALL SOLD OUT???!!! What the heck?! Sry New Moon fans, but I'm gonna write a WHOLE separate post JUST TO COMPLAIN about how crappy it was. Taylor Lautner is the SOLE reason why the whole show was watchable. *swoons* Shirtless tops!! *swoons*
Oh, and when I went to collect tickets at QBay I realised that I accidentally booked tickets for 'Princess and the Frog' instead of New Moon. Ahahaha. No wonder there were seats available.... XD
TQ aunty~!! I even had supper at 3am in the morning. OMG.
We spent the whole night in this movie marathon. I'll never forget watching the VERY STRANGE movie, 'Jennifer's Body'. OMG. Just as its name implies, it actually was very.... AHEM. I was.... amazed.
After watching a few more things, somebody suggested we re-watch 'Twilight'. And that was when each and every one of us fell asleep. We were so hyper just before the movie!
(that's a gym ball she's bouncing on at Vin's place.)
The next day, we worked SUUUUUUUUUPER hard to get rid of the calories. Ahahahaha. We went to the gym, followed by a sweltering sauna treat~!! And we ended up looking like sweaty pigs as shown here:
Then we went to Vin's room after a thorough bath to ransack through her DVDs. YAY!!! Movies galore!!
Vin went out of the room to go grab paper and pen to write down what each of us were going to borrow. AND the moment she came in, she saw us in this crazy pose and took a photo instead. HAHAHAHA.
HAHAHAHAHA. And that ends a very very memorable outing. Have a belated XMas everyone! Nyahahahaha~
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