The highlight of the day was actually: SIVA AND VIKI JOINING US FOR OUR REUNION. OMG.
Okay, so after a whole week's planning and a whole load of $ spent on inviting our classmates to come, we decided to have it held at 7.30 AM at Town Steamboat Macalister Road for early morning Wednesday dim sum. Yes, 7.30AM. God knows how so many ppl managed to drag their feet up there to eat. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, arrived there right on time just to realise that... TOWN STEAMBOAT DIM SUM IS CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY???!!!! Should have taken the opportunity to run home and get sleep but somehow ran over to the Dim Sum shop behind Red Rock Hotel instead. Ahaha.
Ate and yacked, ate and yacked BUT - the moment Hime-chan yanked out her spanking new Nokia E71, Vin and I acted like hooligans while checking out the uber-cool GPS system on her phone! (Hahaha sorry Vin, but thinking about the nonsense we did when we saw her phone just made me laugh like nuts. XD) Vin and I immediately set the GPS for directions and the both of us set out on our journey on foot to QUEENSBAY from MACALISTER ROAD. Yup.
But of course we failed judging from how we only progressed at an astonishing speed of 2.5km/h. HAHAHAHAHA
ANYWAY, did I mention that VIKI AND SIVA WERE THERE FOR OUR REUNION???!!! It was shocking! But somehow, all of us were too shocked at that to be smart enough to take photos with them as proof of their presence. ARGHHHHHH.
We miss MingYen, Meiling, Hone-y and Ama who all did not turn up for the reunion. You're forgiven. OUR NEXT REUNION IS AT LANGKAWI AND IT IS COMPULSORY FOR ALL OF YOU TO BE PRESENT. XP (No, I'm not joking~!)
OOH! Another compulsory visit is for us to REVISIT MBS WHEN MIANG YEN REUNITES WITH US. Those present at this reunion know why. HAHAHAHAHA~
Debz suddenly had this crazy idea to go back to MGS and Juju AGREED because she didn't eat enough during dim sum. HAHAHAHA. Don't blame me! I didn't eat her share!! XD So all of us went to collect our 1119 certs (and I amazingly forgot to take mine from HuiMei when we parted. NYAHAHAHAHA~)
Debz then dropped us in Prangin and HuiMei, Vin and I went to walk around since HuiMei's mum SUDDENLY couldn't make it til 2. A lot of things happened but I do not have the liberty to blog it here cos Vin and HuiMei might kill me. BWAHAHAHAHAHA~ Let's just say there was a lot of sneaking around here and there which eventually led to two VERY, VERY tired people. XDA deader than dead Vin... XD
A tired, worn-out Hime-chan~! XD
Of course I was energetic enough to eat loads more. HAHAHA. Let's not forget Juju who was involved in this mambo-jumbo! GAHAHAHAAHHA~
Well, there's lots more to say bout our Prangin trip but since I'm so distracted with Eyeshield 21 that it took me 4 hours to blog this very short post, I shall say ciao. XD GAHAHAHAHA. Nightz!! (Kakei-kun~!! Akaba-san!! *nosebleeds*)
10:15 PM
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