First and foremost: MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES TO PANDORA HEARTS FANS OUT THERE WHO STUMBLED UPON MY BLOG LOOKING FOR A GOOD REVIEW ON THE SHOW. You'll be thoroughly disappointed at what you'll find in this very post. So, um... this is my blog so I SHALL comment as I please..?
I'm finally done with it after 3 weeks of an endless hellish experience trying to finish up watching this anime! The 'best' accomplishment I've ever had this year! First time I spent 3 weeks watching a 25 episode show during my anime-marathon-high season! What in tarnation?!?!
(Yeah, I could finish over a 100++ episodes of Eyeshield in 5 days. Ya-HA!! XD)
To be frank, this anime is rather slow-paced with the most COMPLICATING plot I've ever LIVED to witness. HAH! Imagine me, having to say that a non-mecha anime is complicating. XD
If I give Soul Eater a 6/10, I'll give this anime a mere 3/10. 1 point goes to the ever-beautiful bishies and 1 more point is credit for the amazingly creative storyline which is well, uh... creative. Original. Did I mention the BISHIES - the bishies, oh, the bishies... *drools and nosebleeds*
The other point, more IMPORTANT than even BISHIES is of course....
*a tsunami of nosebleed*
JUN FUKUYAMAAAAA! Bishies save the day!! Whoo-hoo!!! *nosebleeds*
Allow me time to recollect myself~ XD Surprisingly, all the bishie uproar and EVEN, Jun Fukuyama, isn't even to save me from ultimate boredom. Often, I would find myself asleep past just a quarter of an episode and every time I rise, surprisingly my portable DVD's battery would have run out. The best remedy for sleepless nights!
Okay, let's give this anime some credit. Pandora Hearts started off beautifully with suspense and the exciting thrill of wanting to know what else would come, and what had actually happened. But all that THRILL ended halfway through the 2nd episode, of course.
A speedy recap on the series for those interested.
Everything started off with Oz Bezarius discovering a pocket watch that plays a strange, familiar melody. On that day also was his coming of age ceremony in which he turned 15. He appointed his servant Gilbert - whom his Uncle Oscar had rescued years ago - to clad Oz in a robe that would mark the close of this very eventful ceremony. Gilbert has no memory of who he formerly was and he is the constant unwavering shoulder for Oz whenever he feels downcast with rejection by his own father.
However, a strange group of people known as 'Shinigami' appeared before Oz during the ceremony. In an array of confusion thick with plot, Oz finds himself cast deep into the depths of the Abyss. There he encounters B-Rabbit, a chain who's also known as Alice, who rescues him from the other Chains and forms a contract with Oz so as to escape the Abyss.
Oz manages to return to the real world but THAT is the start of all troubles. By the time he was back, it had been 10 years ever since his disappearance into the Abyss. He was sought after by the Baskervilles, his dad disappeared ever since Oz disappeared, he becomes an illegal contractor... and everyone tells him he's the biggest sinner alive. The complexity of the plot follows soon after with many side characters being thrown out one by one: the Cheshire Cat, the Will of the Abyss, the Pandora Headquarters, the tragedy of Sabrie, Jack Bezarius, Xerxes Break and Vincent Nightray.
Shall enlighten you about why I think this anime was a letdown?
The ending was like... POOF?!?! I didn't even know that it ended! The ending raised a thousand questions in my mind and NONE of them were answered. It is the first time I actually watched an anime to its end and not understand a single thing that happened. (I really dislike watching Meccha anime because my brain refuses to accept robots but I think I could understand Rahxephon a thousand times better than Pandora Hearts.)
AND why do they have to take this Tragedy of Sabrie thing to such a heavy extent? The WHOLE anime centers around Oz leaving the past behind and taking a step forward but EVERYBODY SEEMS TO BE PURSUING THE SECRET BEHIND THE FALL OF SABRIE 100 YEARS AGO. What's this? Trying to contradict themselves?!?!
Frankly, I'm not interested in Sabrie AT ALL. I don't see what's the big deal of wanting to find out what made Glen Baskerville just even-more-bad-than-he-usually-is. I mean, he's not a THAT good man you know, for starters?
WHAT is this Will of the Abyss??? For such a powerful being, SHE IS BEING CONTROLLED BY (the gorgeous) Vincent Nightray (*nosebleeds*)?????? IF that's the case, EVERYONE should be afraid of the gorgeous Vincent Nightray rather than the Will of the Abyss! What the heck.
Oh, and this anime is supposed to be rather action-packed, but they used up 24 out of 25 episodes to explain what was actually going on. Great storyline, but hopelessly dull because it takes up too much time to build up suspense or just to understand.
As for the characters: Let's start with Oz Bezarius.

He, the heir to the Bezarius family name... IS THE MOST ANNOYING MAIN CHARACTER IN THE WORLD. He keeps talking about sacrificing himself to supposedly 'save those he wants to protect' but ends up being the biggest FOOL alive. What the hell?! He even needs (the gorgeous) Elliot Nightray (KYAAAAAHHH~!! *nosebleeds*) to wake him up from his useless dying monologue.
Even if he DID change in the last few episodes of the show, it was already too late! My heart has already accepted him for the big idiot he was and still is. In the last episode, I was like... HUH? He fought with his father's Chain supposedly using the 'power of his heart' and KABOOOM! suddenly his contractor mark completes the circle.
I'd completely agree with Oz dying but then there would be no show after that since this whole show revolves around this idiot's 'hidden potential'.
However, Jack Bezarius is the complete opposite of Oz. He is the splitting image of Oz (or rather, Oz is a splitting image of Jack?) but he is barely annoying, and GORGEOUS, to boot. NYAHAHAHAHAHA~!!
Next critic on: Gilbert Nightray.
His unchanging character throughout the anime speaks for itself. There is no thrill, no expectation from him, no excitement, and nothing new at all about this MONOTONOUS man who's not even half as good-looking as Xerxes Break *nosebleeds*. If you claim yourself to be a real servant to your Master, you wouldn't be fending yourself from fangirls when your Master is FIGHTING for his life against three Baskervilles.
He only looks COOL in the beginning when he appears as a man clad in black garment. Even though he controls Raven, he is utterly useless. He can't even shoot to save a life! And to think that I've never really seen his chain before....? Hmph.
The way he so childishly ARGUES with Alice/B-Rabbit is nothing comical but instead annoying. Admit it, Gil, your hair really is seaweed-ish. XD
I've got loads of complains for Gil. AND yup, it's endless. In short? Poor character development for Gil. Too dull, too bland, too selfish. Not to mention, hopeless.
OOOOH! There is a silver lining behind every cloud though. You know what? This fella's got good points in him too!
Gay sightings!! Whoo-hoo! All GOTs hail yaoi!!! XD XD
Of course there are many other characters who annoy me much, but these two annoy me the most: GILBERT AND OZ. ARGHHHHHHH.
In case anyone is wondering why I bothered to watch this anime to the end instead of giving up halfway like I would usually do (like to the overrated Bleach) IT'S BECAUSE I BOUGHT THE ORIGINAL SERIES FOR PANDORA HEARTS. Yup. Now you understand why I felt this whole 'blogging-to-vent-out-anger' is necessary.
To lighten up the mood...
Presenting the bishies of Pandora Hearts next!!
Since I already mentioned a darling named Xerxes Break, I might as well elaborate on him. To sum it up:
HE'S GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfect, completely perfect, albeit the missing left eye!!! BEAUTIFULLY GORGEOUS!!!! SPLENDID!!! Talented, sly, sneaky, humorous, mysterious... everything an otaku fangirl squeals about!!
Or should I call him Kevin Regnard? Whatever his name is, or whoever he may be, however old he is, despite his cruel mysterious history... Xerxes Break is splendidly perfect~! NYAHHHHH~
I have a thing for silver-haired bishies. HAHAHAHA. Let's not forget red eyes. And Break-kun is a perfect manifestation of my bishie dreams. HIS SILVER HAIR IS LOOOOOOOONG~
Next up would be VINCENT NIGHTRAY. *loses composure all over again*
HE's JUST AS GORGEOUS, MYSTERIOUS, LOVABLE, evil, sly.... (I have to improve my vocabulary on adjectives... HAHAHAHA)
He has a peculiar brother complex, he's beautiful, powerful, a genius behind the massacre. NYAHHHHHH~!!!
Do notice the mismatched colured eys. Most importantly, one of them is RED IN COLOUR. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And you know what I love most about Vincent Nightray? Not JUST the eyes, the hair, the sly smile or the body language that screams 'SEXY'.
.... it's the sexy, suave voice! The very voice that made me love Lelouch Lamperouge so much more than I already do.
voices V-V-Vincent Nightray -
- *completely dies in a pool of darkest red nosebleed*
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