A moment of retreat with my best buddies from all over Malaysia is just about as close to paradise for me. I LOVE YOU GUYS LOADS.
And before I start rambling off about my countless outings (especially in GURNEY, WTH?!) and and money spent (though worth it, doing things I love with people I love XD) I MUST TELL YOU ABOUT MY GAMING STREAK the past week. WOW WOW WOW.
This is my best gaming streak as of yet, leveling up my characters all the way to lvl 40++ and completing the game in under 40 hours. AMAZING! I've never even played Kingdom Hearts so fast - it took me two weeks to finish KH2. So my journey with Tales of Legendia is just pretty awesome! XD
I felt that this game was kinda underrated. YEAH. It only got a review of 6.2/10 but I find it pretty fun and playable! Sure, the tale ain't that awesome nor that well developed as compared to ABYSS - but the characters made up for it by being so easily lovable! Um, minus stupid Shirley. It's FUN! Imagine playing an action based game (battle system alike Abyss) but then still being able to control 3 people at once..?!?! WOW!

Last time I had so much fun was with Tales of the Abyss. :)
The game is actually divided into 2 parts, that is: the main events and the side events. Which means, after finishing the game, you've only just completed the main event. The second part of the game then resumes (optional) - the character development side of the game. A very interesting system, no? So now I'm done with the main event - and I'm gonna put off my optional side of the game for... some other time. BWAHAHAHAHA. My fingers are stiff from playing too hard. BWAHAHAHAHHAA
The storyline's pretty awesome to play too. A little bit unbelievable, because any normal human would not be as lucky as Senel Coolidge to live past so many near-death experiences. And of course, Shirley's character is horrid, and her seiyuu's squeaky voice does nothing to make her lovable. Not forgetting, though, there's this Chloe Valens who's so obviously into Senel - but Senel's too dense to notice. BWAHAHAHAHA
And of all things, Shirley, the horrid one, is the one who can woo Senel's heart?!?! WTH?!?! Chloe's gotta be so much better than Shirley! And to think that Chloe was the one beside Senel all this time throughout this whole Merines saga!
Enough with the annoying-Shirley-romance thing. Kills off the game. But then there are so many other likable characters: AND MY FAVOURITE'S GOTTA BE JAY. XD
Jay the Unseen is a professional spy with a sexy sounding seiyuu!! NYAHHHHH~!! XD HIS VOICE, HIS VOICE, HIS VOICE!! XD *swoons* He fights like a ninja and I love him all the more when I'm using him as my Leader. XD HIS VOICE, HIS VOICE, HIS VOICE! XD OOOOH JAYYYYY!!! He's so awesomely cool! And brilliant!! And amazing!!
Well, of course there's also crazy Moses Sandor - the head of bandits, and he's so stupid that everyone (Norma and Jay) calls him stupid bandit. HAHAHAHA. Together with Norma, the both of them light up the entire game with their random laughable humour. Add in Jay's sarcastic wit (Jay's a little like Jade from Abyss - just smaller, cuter, and an awesome seiyuu~) and the whole game turns into a dynamic comedy. It's pretty awesome! XD
Let's all not forget the extremely strict but funny Will Raynard! Norma calls him 'Teach' and I think that suits him just fine as a nerdy historian researcher. XD
Last but not least, there's the awesomely cool GRUNE. To think that I, of all people, would swoon over a WOMAN?!?! But there's more to this hot chick than just her looks. She's so blur and fearless that it's almost taunting. Still water runs deep, I guess...
... oh and this Grune's history is still a huge mystery I'm yet to uncover. Perhaps I'll find out more about her intriguing behaviour when I play the side events? WHOO-HOOOOO!! Can't wait to get started on that, now! XD
For gamers who are interested, give Tales of Legendia a try, no? It's newer than Tales of the Abyss, in terms of date of release. But if you haven't played Tales of the Abyss, it may be tough for you dudes out there to grab a hold of the battle system and such. Unlike Abyss in which Vandesdelca actually taught Luke (you) sword training... LEGENDIA GIVE NO HINTS/TUTORIALS FOR BATTLES AT ALL.
... yeah. If I hadn't played Abyss before I'd be blur throughout the entire game. That's the only down point of Legendia, though. Oh and mind you, bosses have 50, 000HP in Legendia. Yourself? A mere 2,000HP if you're diligent, perhaps? A battle tip from me: GET a couple of Black Onyx(s) for your party before you kill yourself entirely.
Btw, if you haven't been following my FB updates? I FINISHED DISSIDIA!! WHOOOO-HOOO!! I'm just THAT awesome. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
(Oh and on another note, I managed to finish Senkou no Night Raid and Rosario to Vampire as well last week. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Which explains why I'm rushing like a lunatic to do lab reports now. PowPow, rescue me!)
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