These two weeks have been nothing but sheer fun and relaxation! In addition to finishing Tales of Legendia (plus 2 out of 8 character side quests XD), Ultimate Ninja 5, Kafka on the Shore, Senkou no Night Raid and Rosario to Vampire – I went out almost everyday with family and pals. And having visited Gurney almost 6 times in a week was BEYOND scary. XD
Not that I don’t miss my lovable/crazy/murderer uni pals – but a separation of 3 months from the ‘siau’ness of my favourite Hokkien-speaking Penangites was what made it all so different! I missed stirring up a ruckus everywhere we went, talking like loudspeakers and laughing like psychos! And these two weeks relieved all of that.

NEXT time, Siva and Viki better sit around longer. SHEESH.
BEFORE I FORGET: Congratulations HuiYing on having found B-Blacks all the way in Singapore! You’ve done us all proud since local universities ‘kepupusan kaum lelaki’. BWAHAHAHAHA
As for VINNY TAN: You siau kia everyday threatening to divorce?!?! What did I do wrong?!?! I’ll smack MYen for stealing you from me. XD (GOSH this sounds so wrong – don’t get the wrong message, peeps. I ain’t lesbo. XD)
Anyway, heard so many nonsensical stories these 2 weeks that it makes me smile every time I think about it: Huiyee’s story about singing in class, Apek’s thief-in-training with his hostel door and his AH SAM(S), Gerry Ah Kia using SK-2 (??!!), Ama and Ju’s ‘awesome’ lecturers… the list goes on!
THANK YOU EVERYONE. I really had a two-week long fairy tale with you guys: so much of slacking off and having fun that going back to uni almost feels like falling hard on reality. Ya know, the usual back-to-school (um, uni?) blues? MAN, I sleep at 4am and wake up at 11am almost everyday these two weeks – I WONDER HOW I’M GONNA GO BACK TO WAKING UP AT 7AM. PowPow, save me! XD
Looking forward to December holidays already! That time, we’re gonna have our FULL FORCE back. HAHAHAHAHA. I miss Hone-y. No worries, time’s gonna fly past by fast and sweet.
I LOVE EVERYONE. Good luck in whatever tests, quizzes, road trips or random uni outings! See ya again in December!
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