OMGGGG. After reading Apek's post about Finals I've been hit with this sudden realisation that MY finals will be up in 6 WEEKS TIME. OMG. Hear that, Kok Ming, Raz?!?! XD OMG. Time flies!
Feeling all excited and fearful at the same time, no? Excited that this sem's gonna be over and I'm finally done with WUS, excited for a month-long sem break... but darn worried that I have absolutely no clue what to expect for Finals. YIKES. Now, that's gonna be a problem. Uh-oh. XD
This whole week just back from a 2-week-long break made me feel so absolutely DISORIENTATED, LAZY and FAT. PowPow and I can barely fit into jeans that were perfectly loose for the both of us 2 weeks earlier. Disorientated that because during the 2-week break I barely did anything at all (in academic terms). And my laziness that completely EVOLVED to a different level altogether. OMG.
Past week can be summarized as: German Test... Uh-oh. And WUS, oh, WUS... uh-oh.
And then this coming week's gonna be summarized as: Genetics Test... Uh-oh. And once again, WUS, oh, WUS... uh-oh.
The whole week may see me flunking my WUS this sem altogether... OMG! Nothing's been right - came back to realise my team didn't submit Rancangan Perniagaan yet (now the lecturer won't accept it?), skipped quizzes and OMIGOSH my attendance...BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Hopefully I'll manage with a near-pass for this course, man. I don't wanna repeat this cumbersome course. Uh-oh.
On the bright side, study break in 5 weeks! OH MY. Finals.
HuiYing's lecture notes somehow served as wake-up call for me, ya know? Man, I've gotta get start working on studying seriously. I must NOT be lazy. Uh-oh. I better get started on changing my attitude right now. Yikes.
Off to try focus on Genetics right now!
(BTW: Manda. I have no idea why I didn't notice that Mana Khemia was such a nice game before. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Playing like a psycho now! Whee-hooooo! And struggling with Dissidia's optional ending now! WHOOO-HOOOOOO! Super tough to play, man. FUHHHHH. A level 100 Zidane or Onion Knight can't even handle it Uh-oh. XD)

Someone remind me why I abandoned this game on the PS2?!?! It's awesome! Feels like playing Atelier Iris all over again~ *love love*

See THIS, Manda? Pat?! APEK?!?!?! OMG!
... at the end of all my serious talk, I guess I will never change. BWAHAHAHAHA XD
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