FIRST OF ALL: I'd like to say, it took me SIX HOURS IN TOTAL TO FINISH TYPING TWO POSTS, which is my longest yet. WHOA. XD
Us overexcited people woke up at 7.30am in the morning to start our outdoor adventure!! WHOO-HOOO!!!!
The initial plan was to start queuing up before the theme park even opened at 10am. HAHAHAHA! Too bad we took too much time taking photos and everything that we only ended up going down to check out at 9.30am or something. WOW.
This is one of the many, many photos that we took that morning. Looking back on the photos in Vin's FB, I had this sudden realisation that I didn't move an inch from my lazy position. HAHAHAHAHA Oops! XD
Whoo-hoo!! After checking out and throwing our bags away, we practically RAN to the outdoor theme park! We started things off with the Pirate Ship!! Wished it would go higher though. BOOO. This one did not turn us 360 degrees. It was only close to 180, but not there yet. BOOO.

It was fun, though! We then jumped right into this Corkscrew ride which completely destroyed the Rapist's ribcage or something. HAHAHAHA probably her lungs flew out before she knew it...

I'm surprised that the TWO MOST ENERGETIC DAREDEVILS were actually the TWO OLDEST PEOPLE in the world. HAHAHAHAHA!! Whoo-hooo for Apek and Ama, man! These two old people really know how to extend longevity! It was their suggestion that brought the whole bunch of them to sit the Space Shot!!
(If only I could go on too, it was really fun! But thanks to my motion sickness and my VERY bad experiences vomiting almost every trip I go on, I decided to avoid this ride and the Spinner. XD)
Look how fun it is!! WHOO-HOOO~!!!
WengWah was my motion sickness partner but he's a special case, man. HAHAHAHA. He get's motion sickness on the bus but is perfectly FINE on every other single ride in the theme park. WOW... :)

Next time, I'm gonna do the Space Shot thing!! DEFINITELY! Whoooo-hooooooo!!!
We were randomly walking around and..... VIN FOUND HER BATTERY CHARGER!!!
HAHAHAHAHA somehow HYing says that Vin's expression in these photos are very... ERM.... extreme. HAHAHAHAHA
We went for another roller coaster right on some Dragon thing. It must be fate that brought us together with these buncha small, cute, THAI kids. Yeah, Ama's hometown! That's when these pedophiles (HYing, MYen, Ju and Ama XD) showed their TRUE colours. HAHAHAHAHA! MYen started speaking Thai to the little boy and she claims that, "his face lit like a bulb."
.... Yo, MYen. You sure you said the correct thing, bo??? XD
Anyway, that's how this picture with the kids came about! HAHAHAHA. To think that we didn't even know them... :) WHOA!! We're awesome!
For some strange reason, everyone just jumped on in to take this photo. Which looks very nice. XD
Next up: TIME TO GET WET!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA!! I LOVE the Sungai Rejang ride!! It was BEYOND fun!! HuiYing and I like water-water stuff. It was worth it, getting all wet and stuff. And then we all really froze up because of the weather and the water. Bwahahahaha~
HAHAHAHAHA! No belts or anything. Which is why it's frightening, I guess? XD

Vin blames it on me, for eating too much Maggie Mee in the morning but based on both HuiYing's observation and mine, IT'S BECAUSE OF AMA. XD Hahahaha~
(I only had one a half cups of Maggie Mee!!!)
Next, we went on that KILLER Train Ride in which we sat two times in a row. HAHAHAHAHA the first time with Apek was unpleasant because I wanted to.... uh, Harvard. XD HAHAHA. Halfway during the ride he PURPOSELY pushed the rail that almost destroyed my bladder. WOW. *sweatdrops* Second time with Ji Mui was really, really fun!! His screaming was so... WHOO-HOOOO!! Hahahaha! I almost banged my head on the wall!! WHOO-HOOOOO!!!!
WAH!!!! Everyone then went on the Cyclone without HuiYing and I!!! I wanted to go on it but the queue was too long already!! BOOOOOOO!!! But Juju didn't go on the Cyclone either. :(
HuiYing and I went for a second round on the Sungai Rejang wet ride and then a cute train ride. XD How romantic, no?
Then we went to London Cafe to grab a bite of GARLIC BREAD WHICH COSTED RM5. Whoa. But we get to sit in a bus-like restaurant! YAY!
We looked outside the bus to see these two cute people posing for us:
Whoo-hooo!! Next up, we went on the Spinner!! Erm.. THEY went on the Spinner. Juju and I watched. YAY!!! I have a partner who gets dizzy like me!! :) So we took great shots of our darlings up there spinning their heads off. XD
HuiYing says that Ama is actually very childish. YEAH. In fact, in one of the photos she looks like some kinda hyper excited kiddo, man. HAHAHAHAHA
It's amazing that they went for TWO rounds on the headache-inducing spinner. But of course, they're AWESOME people!! XDD
Ooooh! This is the photo in which Ama looks like Superman with white undies outside! XD Hahahaha at least she's not blocking you, yup HuiYing darling? XD
We then took some random group shots at Beryl's. I LOVE THE PHOTOS HERE OMG!!!! and not to mention the free chocolate tasting. HAHAHAHA
Everyone looks so natural, as if we're posing for some kinda play called Life. WOW!
But I was wondering... what sign language are you doing yup... Ju??? XD
(I see the Harvard pose again XD)
Well, sadly... it was then time to go back. :( Boo. Just two days in Genting felt like some kinda crazily, fun dream in a faraway land!! We've GOTTA do this again, man! Next stop Sunway Lagoon, guys? XD
And in the bus..? It was time to catch some much needed recharge. XD

And the bus was REALLY peaceful until 7pm or so when our bladders started screaming, "HARVARD!!!" Hahahahaa!! And that was when all the random nonsense came out from our half-dead speech: something about Sammo Hung, Donnie Yen and Bobby OWWWWWWW!! HAHAHAHAHA!!
Something else memorable during that bus trip was that I started campaigning for votes as Prime Minister thanks to Harvard!! Whoo-hooo!! "Vote for me, I'll liberate your bladders!!" XD Not to mention Ji Mui's sexy rendition of Wonder Girls and Lady Gaga's Telephone on the Pen Bridge. AWESOMEEEE~!!! We must have a karaoke session with Ji Mui!! I laughed my head off in the bus!!
Thank you HuiYing for very meticulously planning this trip. I wanna let you know that your efforts are very much appreciated for attempting to bring us all together in such a short amount of time! I really had fun and I hope that everyone else had as much fun as I did. Sorry, guys, for always making you wait for us - I understand that having 4 women, 1 pondan and 1 gay must be very tough on you all. XD
Thank you MingYen for your Harvard nonsense, Ju for your companionship, Ama for being a SIAU KIA and Vinny darling for your shower of LOVE and sida-sida-ing me even though I just came back from my Thailand operation. XD
I appreciate our short but fun time together... and VIN!! Don't get these siau kia ideas that we won't meet again or something!! There's a time and place for everything and so, if you just believe and have faith in this word called "FRIENDSHIP", destiny and love will somewhat move its strings in a way that distance cannot separate.
I re-read the whole posts about Genting again. OMGGGGG SO KAM TUNGG!!!! laughed my ass off alone till my mum thinks im possesed. THOUGH i wonder why was I such an uncharged battery that time. MISSING ALL THIS MOMENTS <3 <3 <3 LOVIN EVERYONE! :D
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