FUHHH. Surprisingly, lately I've been getting many complaints that my blog's too... er, 'inhuman'. HAHAHAHA what the heck! So I'm making up for it by posting up two LONG posts about what mayhem we eight MBS-ians can cause to one place. XD
Us eight monkeys: MYen (later known as Harvard XP), Vin (later known as China brand uncharged battery), Juju (later known as Sleeping Queen), HYing (later known as RAPIST!!! XD), Ama (later known as longkang digali) Apek (later known as ApekMui), Weng Wah (later known as Ji Mui) and myself (fishmerman?!?!?!/penggali longkang?!?!?!) departed for Genting on Wednesday the 5th of May! You know what...? I never knew why I was known as a FISHERMAN, of all things... XD
True to our name as monkeys: we were COMPLETELY rowdy and noisy everywhere we went!! In the bus on the way there, we were already hyper and loud as early as 9am in the morning. HAHAHAHA! Too excited.

(And oh yeah, that's me. XP)
Her bladder was really funny throughout the trip!! XD And it was contagious. HAHAHAHA

Made this whole picture look like something that came out from a horror flick!!

Dunno what to say about these two who were VERY busy playing my PSP. HAHAHAHAHA XP
DO YOU KNOW THAT HUIYING'S HIGH SCORE IS 1000++ AND MINE WAS A MERE 100++ FOR THE VERY SAME BRAIN TEST GAME?!?!?! What the heck?!?! That's the only game anyone can beat me with such a BIG margin!!! XD
And yeah, look at Apek's seriousity playing Crisis Core til he didn't realise he was squatting on the floor... *fangirls shrieks for Zack*

A nice picture of us, no?!?!?! God, I don't even know where were we when we took this photo.
I only remembered Mr. Sotong. XD
The instant we arrived at First World Hotel, we were entertained by these 2 musicians. AWESOME!!!
Oh yeah, Harvard and Rapist!! You both missed this! Their second song was a Mandarin song that even I couldn't sing.
AMAZING!!! First time I saw 'street magic' performed completely in Mandarin. I thank WWah for translating. WWah!! Next time if you don't have a job come find me and work for me as a Mandarin-English translator. XD
Since we paid heftily for our Indoor wristbands on the first day already, we REALLY, REALLY made sure we enjoyed ourselves to the MAX!

Unfortunately, the 2 most exciting thrill rides inside is the Euro Express and the 4D Motion picture thing. HAHAHAHAHA!!
We sat the Euro Express thing some FOUR times I think, but somehow wasted all our throats away screaming for NO REASON. What's a roller coaster ride without screams, no? Even though it ain't thrilling?!?! We even had this random competition of who screams the loudest wins or something.
Next up was the FRIGHTENING FERRIS WHEEL. What the heck?!?! This trip really caused me to go traumatised over Ferris Wheels.
... you know why?
HuiYing and co. went on the wheel some TWENTY TIMES!!

In our boredom we kept singing random songs. HAHAHAHAHA I think all RM21 was already worth it going ELEVEN rounds in this thing.
Btw, the people controlling the Ferris Wheel at the bottom were the ones to determine whether you move or get out, so YEAH. ELEVEN. XD

I pity you, Vin. XD HAHAHAHAHA you look so sane next to Ama...
ANYWAY, we did a buncha things and ended up on this caterpillar monorail thing. See the red words on the glass at the 2nd picture? HAHAHAHA it actually says, bantuan akan datang if we're in trouble or something.

Then Ama and Apek kept crying for help and begging around to evolve to butterflies or something. HAHAHAHA!!

(It was embarassing that we forgot some of the lyrics. AHAHAHAHAHA! And we were 'toot-tooting' throughout the song. XD)
By the way, it was very misty out there. Whoo-hoo!
Went back to the room after playing around for sometime and after dinner. We scared someone off at Burger King with our rowdiness. HAHAHAHAHA. And then we stole her food! OMG! I quote Vin, "WOW! Ladies of Class lo." HAHAHAHAHA!! Can't help it that Apek had to propose to Ah Wah in such a funny manner!! Using Onion Rings as wedding rings? WOW. I don't even know how that happened... The vid's on FaceBook though. Feel free to laugh! XP
In the room later on: we payed for what we played. HAHAHAHA.

We then watched Ip Man. OMG!! Donnie Yen!!! *love* OWWWWWWW! XD
The audience here in Genting is really amazing! They cheer and clap and whistle when Ip Man wins, the count the countdown together and they boo when the antagonist wins! WOW. I felt really comfortable and at home there! It's the first time I could really, really enjoy watching a movie without people who try to hush things up in a cinema. FUHHHHH!
Try cheering in a cinema in Penang and you get popcorn thrown at you. The worst time was when Wen Lee, Ama and I watched Love is Cinta. A girl actually turned to the back to scold us for saying "Gua bukan Donni!" YEAH. (We then threw popcorn seeds at her. XP)
Sorry, I digress. XD OMG. DONNIE YEN~!!! *love love* Out of complete randomness, Vin was actually screaming, " I WANNA MARRY IP MAN!!" on Facebook last Friday. HAHAHAHAHA

We went for a couple of rides more before the show. Here we went on the Venice boat-like thingy. The three of us were practically disturbing Apek and Wah's honeymoon.
Btw, some random singers were singing the song from Wonder Girls and Wah started dancing and singing. HAHAHAHAHA!! 'I want nobody, nobody but you~' XD
And then 'Where is the Love' was playing and APEK pulak started rapping?!?! FUYOH!!! HYing's crazy phone failed to record that whole crazy moment when Apek was practically confessing his love to Ah Wah. XD HAHAHAHAHAA!! Funny la wei! XD

We then went for another Bumper Car Ride. I think we went on that thing 4 times as well. HAHAHAHAHA!! It was really fun, mind you, when you've got large groups of people out to kill each other.
After watching the 11.15pm show which ended at about 2.05 am in the morning, we went outside to snap a few photos. It's amazing how we wandered around in the thick mist in SHORTS. Hahahaha! By the way, my mismatched red shorts is actually Vin's. XD HAHAHAHAHA. Thanks Vin darling!
Btw, Harvard later 'hong sip'. HAHAHAHAHA
It looks as though all of us are in some foreign country studying medicine or something. HAHAHAHAHA. Juju, Vin and Apek should have put their specs on like Ama, HuiYing and I!! WHOA!!! Super Harvard-ly feeling!!
And then Ama, WengWah, Apek and I walked throughout Genting, exploring every nook and cranny including.. uh, Indah Water. XD HAHAHAHAHA! The rest followed Harvard back to the room. I'm surprised that Genting's rather quiet at night. Should have had 24 hours entertainment, no?
Whoo-hooo!! And when we went back to our rooms, it was already 3am or something!! Time to go catch some rest before we cause more havoc!! Whee~!!
the photo is blur is because of the person hand is moving...lol
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