Sorry HuiYing darling, but I JUST had to post up an inhuman (uh...?) post once again before I write something human again! That's because...
Yeah, the awesomeness of me! XD 2 weeks into playing the game and then coming SO CLOSE to ALMOST finishing it?!?! I've gotta be nuts! XD Good thing I realised it when I somehow got lost at the final chapter. No choice but to refer to an online guide. AHAHAHAHAHA. I got lost at the final chapter just before my last boss fight and I didn't even know the game was going to end! WOW. XD
GAHHHHH! I knew something was up when everyone kept telling Zack, "I have this weird feeling that I'm never gonna see you again. Just kidding!" What the heck. He's really gonna die after this anyway. *sobs*
I've come to love Zack as the main character SOOOOO much!! He's so un-annoying, unlike Cloud who's utterly useless and hung up on self-depression. Ooooh Zack! *sobs* I WANNA PLAY ZACK SOME MOREEEEEEEEE! (Just like how some Kingdom Hearts fans would prefer so much to play Riku rather than Sora.)
I knew something was up the instant I got assigned on a mission to Nibelheim - FFVII fans will know that Nibelheim is where Sephiroth goes running amok and suddenly turns into a mother-complex evil villain. Oh Zack!! I almost cried just watching Zack being so 'SOLDIER'-ish all honoring his pride and SOLDIER honor carrying a useless Cloud everywhere in order to protect Cloud from these degenerating psychos who want his pure and untainted S Cells. OMG~!!!
*wails and sobs*
To think that the depressing looking Cloud in Advent and Final Fantasy VII was actually CUTE and hopeless once. And man, he's not even in SOLDIER! All he was was an infantry man who was unlucky enough to cross Jenova and Hojo's path! WHOA. :O
Square Enix, why kill Zack?? Why not kill Cloud instead?!?!?! *sobs and wails around*
(Sorry if I'm revealing spoilers to people who have untimely crossed this blog and do not wish to know what happened. XD)
OMG!!! I'm definitely gonna finish it up after I come back from Genting, man. OMG!!!! So near the end without realising it!! How clueless can I be?!?! I'm gonna New Game+ this if there's one or something!! Whoa, awesome!!
Anyway, another crazy, reckless gaming streak would be one where I spent some good, solid 10+ HOURS hunting Yiazmat down. WOW! It's amazing!! I had to escape from battle 3 times to get my items restocked, though. It took me over 200 Ethers, 100s of Remedies, Chronos Tears, X-Potions and Gold Needles. I spent over 200 000 Gil just on items, ya know? X-Potions and Ethers don't come by cheaply. GAHHHH.
And TRAINING just for the Yiazmat battle was just awesome!! Look, look! This one's my LONGEST chain of Lvl. 65 Abysteels in the Henne Mines yet!! BWAHAHAHAAHAHA!!
HAHAHAHAHAAHA!! In case you're wondering why there are only 2 people instead of the usual 3 people in my party, well... I've been going at 2 people in a party ever since Balthier hit lvl 85. Ahahaha. Doesn't explain myself very well though, since Balthier is not in this screenshot anyway. Maybe I've hit a point where 2 characters are enough to take on the challenge? XD
Surprising how I cleared the entire Pharos Subterra with only 2 people in a party, though. BWAHAHAAHAHAHA!
(Which would explain why I KO-ed a whole bunch on the outer perimeters of each and every floor... :P)
Anyway, my main party is something to be proud of, but I'm most definitely NOT proud of Vaan. XP He's my weakest character and I don't quite like the idea of actually using him in combat. If I had a chance to change characters when I roam the city, rest assured I'm not gonna choose Vaan. Too bad he's default! :(
A taste of the Yiazmat battle?
My characters just kept falling like flies despite being above lvl 89. YEAH. It's crazy when Yiazmat hits HP Critical. I mean, DIE already! Ain't it enough that you've got OVER 50 MILLION HP?!?!?! I seriously don't know what they were thinking to make him at 50 MILLION HP. Wow! No wonder it took me 10+ hours, no?
FUH, my back was breaking and my tears where falling like waterfalls when I finally saw this screen. I'm proud of you guys, man! I'm really proud! Go Balthier! You're the man! *sobs*
Remember what I mentioned bout spending 200 000 Gil on Item Preparations? Yeah, at the end of it all, Montblanc awarded me with a mere 50 000 Gil. WOW. I need 4 TIMES that amount. FUHHHHH.
All that trouble was worth it for these screens, though. XD
*sobs* WAHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm so proud of myself right now!!!
*sobs and cries all over again*
By the way, my Sky Pirate's Den would now look like this:
I'm left with Old Dalan (Complete world map), Ba'Gamman (complete Bestiary) and Omega Mark XII now.
Omega Mark is just the least of my worries. If you can kill Yiazmat, you'll defintely kill Omega. XD Whee-hoo!! But I'm surprised why Old Dalan refuses to show up in my Sky Pirate's Den. As far as I know, I've walked every INCH of Ivalice and every map is already complete! So why is he still not here? GAH. I guess I'll have to walk all over Ivalice once more... *groans*
As for Ba'Gamman? Tee-hee! Only 50+ more monsters left to hunt! XD A majority of them are rare monsters. GAHHHHH. I think I'll kill the remaining missing Elementals and Entites first....
IF I were to replay FFXII again... HMMM. I'd probably do the 122333 CHALLENGE. You know, the one where characters are all low leveled but you'd complete the game anyway? XD Very hard challenge, but much easier compared to the NO LICENSE BOARD CHALLENGE. Wow! Gaming streak!! XD
Steadily marching towards Order of Ambrosia for now! That has been my Final Fantasy XII goal ever since I killed off The Undying and Vayne Solidor. Whoo-hoo! I'm on an emotional gaming streak!! Too emotional to complete Crisis Core now, though. HAHAHAHAHA
Come to think of it, I really am too free nowadays....
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