Yes, thanks to Manda again, I'm on a Dissidia gaming streak!! Was initially inspired by YouTube's videos on the Ad-Hoc battles played by the pros - but lets face it, PLAYING it is harder than it seems. GAHAHAHAHAHA. Do check out this guy's awesome battles on YouTube. Can this pro ever lose a single battle? He's amazing!!
(On another note: IT'S HARD TO PLAY FIRION ON A LOW LEVEL. All he's got are long range attacks which makes him frighteningly susceptible to close combat. :( I need to learn up and get used to Firion.) Yes, Manda darling - I'm past Cecil and his gay brother Golbez. XD I could choose to play Tidus or Firion now and I chose Firion. Whee~!
You know what? Firion looks amazing in Dissidia compared to anywhere else. Whee~!!
Firion in the PS version - Final Fantasy 2
Firion in the PSP version - Final Fantasy Dissidia WOW!! XD Anyway, back to my little discoveries...
(Thanks, Final Fantasy Wiki for amazing info! XD)#1: Yiazmat (FF12)
Did you know that Yiazmat has the
highest HP of any creature, monster or boss in the entire Final Fantasy series to date with over 50 million HP? WOW! Yiazmat is considered THE superboss of FF12 and is a mere level 73 as compared to the other higher leveled superbosses in other FFs - most of them at level 99. :O
(example: Minerva - lvl 99, Crisis Core; Iron Giant - lvl 81, FF3; Omega Weapon(s) -lvl 99, FF1,5,6,8 and etc)
(I actually feel even more proud of myself right now for the simple reason of having the patience to defeat this dude. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.)
A battle with Yiazmat. He fills up the entire screen. XDAnd to think that the name Yiazmat actually came from
Matsuno; the director, Yasumi Matsuno's nickname. WOW! The title of the hunt "Farewell to a Legend", refers to how Matsuno left the company before the game was completed. The story that Montblanc tells Vaan actually refers to how the development team felt about him leaving the company. How interesting!
#2 Pandemonium Warden (FF11)
The Pandemonium Warden was among the toughest superboss to defeat when FF11 was first introduced.
WOW! A party of 18 members ganged up and marathon fighting the Pandemonium Warden for 18 hours but failed to defeat this boss!
OMG! The marathon attempt halted after members of the party started to become physically ill,
(and I don't mean in the virtual world...) fainting and vomiting as a result of prolonged and excessive period of gaming.
WHOA!This incident led to a change and the monster was patched to have a spawn time of 2 hours only, and its overall difficulty was decreased significantly. AMAZING!
#3 Final Fantasy 7
I suppose that
there is no surprise that Final Fantasy 7 is the most popular and best-selling Final Fantasy game of all time, with its wide range of merchandise and its compilation series! I didn't quite know about the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7 until this week. HAHAHAHA. Its amazing how one game can branch out so massively - resulting in such an epic storyline.
Zack, you do me proud! :)
(Note that I mentioned ZACK and not Cloud. XD)The chronology of the series goes like this:
Before Crisis - FF7: This game
platforms on mobile phones and is
not released outside of Japan, so basically - IT'S something that we can never get to play.
*sobs and whines* A dark story six years before the events in FF7 - tells the tale of the Turks vs a far more sinister AVALANCHE than Barret has ever been in. XP They ACTUALLY get to play the Turks!! OMG!!!
I'm missing Reno more and more for some unexplainable reason.
Crisis Core - FF7: Platforms on the PSP. The history between Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis with Zack as the awesome main character and
Cloud as the useless burden.
(Sorry, Cloud fans. I CANNOT stand emo ppl like Cloud and Squall. Can't characters be more jubilant like Tidus and Onion Knight? Or pretty like Terra?)You know what? I just realised that if I had started the game off in Hard Mode initially, Zack would not have lived long enough to see the end of the game.
Crisis Core's first playthrough in Hard Mode is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT even for the pros. Enemy's HP and stats are about
4-5X harder than it is on Normal Mode. Which is why even most pro gamers can't make it through 100% completion on Missions in Hard Mode.
But once you finish the game and play Hard Mode on 2nd playthrough? CONSIDERABLY EASIER. What I'm attempting right now to no avail yet. :( It depresses me!! Enemies stats are only boosted by 1.5-3X compared to Normal Mode but still... :(
*mourns*Final Fantasy VII : Platforms on PC and PS1.
Advent Children Complete - FF7: Movie. Takes place 2 years after FF7 and tells of the conditions in the world after Meteor Fall. I like the animation on this one. Do you know that there's a special edition Advent Children from the eyes of Denzel? The boy suffering from Geostigma? I think it's titled,
"On the Way to A Smile: Episode Denzel". Whee~!
Dirge of Cerberus: Platforms on PS2. We play as Vincent Valentine 3 years after FF7 whilst
unveiling Vincent's secret ties with Lucrecia and Hojo. Unknown to people who played this before Crisis Core -
there is a secret ending that features the return of Genesis. OMG!!
Dirge of Cerberus - Lost Episode: Platforms on the mobile phone. We don't get to play this either!!!!
*sobs and wails again* Vincent makes his way to Nibelheim while fighting Deepground soldiers who are after his body for the Protomateria.
#4 Bahamut
How should I put this...? Well, Bahamut is kind of like
the most repeated name in the Final Fantasy series~ XD
The name
Bahamut a.k.a. The Dragon King has been featured throughout Final Fantasy 1 to Final Fantasy 13 with the exception of Final Fantasy 2. Bahamut appears as a Summon, a Ship, a Card, an Avatar... AMAZING!! In fact, Bahamut is so popular - he's even got his own GAME:
Bahamut Lagoon. XD That game platforms on Famicon.
FF8's version of Bahamut.
#5 IGN's Top 5 Characters of all Time! (Source: IGN) Surprises in store! :)
5th place: MOOGLES. Now, isn't that surprising? XD
I prefer Chocobos to Moogles but... what the heck. They're not even the main characters and MOOGLES are at No. 5???!! Probably their publicity is just as good as
Gintama's Elizabeth. HAHAHAHAHA.
(Now, that was random. XD)4th place: KAIN HIGHWIND. It's just so sad that Cecil lost to his alter ego in the rankings, man. Oh yeah, did you know that
Kain was the first person to curse in the Final Fantasy series? HAHAHAHA! He said 'bastard'. XD Highwind kinda reminds me of... er.. oh yeah. Cid Highwind or something in FF7, no?
3rd place: CLOUD STRIFE. I hate him.
(Sorry again, Cloud fans.) He doesn't quite deserve 3rd place, if you'd ask me. C'mon! Before FF7, he's just an
INFANTRYMAN, he's not even in Soldier! Those aren't Mako infused-eyes of a SOLDIER he has! Those are S Cells implantations! Sephiroth's!! The cool sword ISN'T EVEN HIS!!! Buster Sword belongs to Angeal!! GAHHHHHHHH!!
And he was nothing but a burden that caused the death of a FAR MORE WORTHY hero, Zack Fair!! *whines and complains endlessly* Sorry Cloud, you're not getting any praise out of me for being there at No. 3.
2nd place: VIVI ORUNITIA....
Wait, am I reading this correctly...?
THE VIVI?!?!?! The
CUTE, JUMP-ROPING VIVI?!?!?! Geez... I'm HAPPY to see he beat Cloud Strife, but yeah, I'm kinda speechless to see him so high up in the rankings. OMG.
Vivi, everyone. For those who forgot. XDAnd for 1st place:
. . .
SEPHIROTH. *I'm smiling from ear to ear.* Really, did you expect anyone else apart from him?
*evil cackles* Pretty obvious, no?
*BWAHAHAHAHA.* It's almost certain that nobody else can beat the most
GORGEOUS LOOKING, BAD-ASS VILLIAN ever created in the Final Fantasy series!!
*smiling to myself* And the fact that I can't stop smiling tells everyone that I'm THOROUGHLY PLEASED with this Number ONE. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Here are rankings of some of the notable characters I quite enjoy watching in Final Fantasy:
#6 Kefka Palazzo (mentioned specially for you, Manda!) The remembered evil clown we all love.
#7 Aerith Gainsbrough (mentioned specially for my DARLING Zack Fair.)
#9 Balthier (
"You know what they say about the leading man. He never dies." *swoons*)
#20 Reno (A light in the darkness that looms about FF7's storyline.)
#24 Ultros - FF6. Watch the following picture and you'll get the big picture. XD
YEAH. The awesome-ness of the purple octopus that brings humour to a tense battle. XDYou know what?
ZACK'S NOT UP IN TOP 25!!!!! *mourns like a psychopath* HOW COULD THIS BE?!?!?!?!... Ahem.
I'm surprised
Squall didn't make it to top 25!
Sounds sad, no, Pat? XD Even Selphie did make it. OMG.
Tidus didn't make it too, but Lulu's up and rolling in top 15. Not to mention, even Wakka's somewhere there in the 20s.
(Interesting coupling, no?) I like Tidus! He deserves No.3 spot better than Cloud. XD I'm sad that
Firion, Cecil and
Onion Knight didn't make it too. :( Or
Ultimecia and
Kuja. (Even Steiner got up there, man. Geez.)
But Sephiroth's up in Number One and that abates all troubles! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
*evil cackles*Now that was a very random blog post, and a very long one too. XP So with that - concludes a very long post! Whee~!! Off to play Firion now!