Anyway, thanks for all the progressive comments!! I dislike pink greatly, but I know not why it's pink. So... I made it slightly more maroon-ish. Better, better?? I change the colours everytime I online. And thanks a million for saying its nice~! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats the best thing to say to me (besides being gay). BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Thanks also for saying the poem is YAY! Cos, I wrote that partially based on Allen and Tyki's battle - it was just UBER cool when Allen got his Crown Clown~
For D Gray Man fans like Pat: here's to you!
And I would like to proudly tell the world:
And I'm not posting it here til I know what Chee Hong got. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
And after today's Chemistry paper, I doubt that I'll have any FACE to FACE Mr Sim. BWAHAHAHAHA. Plus, if I score a mere 20/100 for my Paper 2 in Chem, I'll gladly part with my RM2.20 to buy Hui Ying darling a Cornetto ice cream. :P
... I'm a man of my word, despite how gay I am.
And it also shows just how utterly 'confident' I am about failing. Form 6 is just fantastic, people. And the terms you use when you answer questions are just plain mad.
Anyway, away from the stress and into a more joyous occasion...
Today we had FUN in Prangin, even though we have another TWO more weeks of exams after this~! The Disaster Movie we watched was a disaster (duh) and I became very attached to this girl who's some pregnant teenager who got later hit by a falling asteroid. Erm, wait... Kim Kardashian got hit with an asteroid. This pregnant girl was eaten by ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS.
Uh... yeah.
Laughed my head off though, in the cinema~!! Had two pairs of smelly feet up on the chairs too~ (mine and Huiying's). HAHAHAHA
Also, wasted my money eating a whole lot of food for dinner at Secret Recipe. Ordered (less) than I could eat... but anyway... here it goes: my RM22 meal.
Chicken Lasagne~!!
Tasty, but I preferred HuiYing's Chicken Gordon Bleu better... too bad it comes in TOO small portions.
OH ex-classmates of MGS??!! Remember we once had a young Indian teacher in Secondary school who taught us English?? But later she broke down and there were rumours that she went for some mental thingy?? I THINK I saw her working as a waitress in Secret Recipe. Freaky.
Anyway, my fave pic of the day~!!
... oh. I just noticed that my eyes are closed. Oh well, aren't they always in photos?? If I had opened them, everyone would fall for me, the beautiful gay, and the world would lack of new generations. (What am I saying..?)
Vin's feet and mine in Bio tuition. She insisted I took a pic with her wonder shoes... BWAHAHAHAHA
Oh, in Popular, HYing and I came across this little game thing for kindergarden children. (I actually considered BUYING it because it said it guaranteed that CHILDREN would be more proficient in Maths form numbers 1-25 after doing the activities)
In case all of you dunno, these few days, I need to spend some 4 minutes thinking about what is 7+6. No kidding!
So here's one of the games in the series...
I was like... WHAT THE...?? TWO THOUSAND, PEOPLE?? I would rather buy an electric guitar that I can't play!! And I had to rub my eyes, RE-READ, borrowed HYing's eyes and stuff before we both concluded that it WAS indeed RM2480.00.
OMG. Kids these days are too lucky.
My addiction for Cantonese dramas returns thanks to ASTRO ON DEMAND's free first few episodes for viewing!! I love them Cantonese people!!
Immediately RAN to Prangin and bought this series:

(they better have subtitles. It's not that I don't understand, but then I prefer subtitles. There are many words I don't understand. I know this word the best, though: "yi yun". (Hospital) Every drama features this word at least once :P)

And that ends my short bliss during this 4-week exam horror. Shall post more pic sup, I guess, when MYen darling sends them to me. BWAHAHAHAHA
Off to watch Last One Standing now~!!
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