Erm... I don't think that there's such a word as randomality, but whatever. I feel that since exams are close and I have no other alternative but fail, I might as well be random. So, presenting:
This is a post long due, actually. :P I promised to blog about my anime things when Manda darling blogged about her books. THAT was LOOOOOONG ago. (Probably aeons ago?)
And it's REALLY bad that I delayed writing then cause now my stuff keeps expanding. I've got a hell lot of things at home now. *phew*
Without further ado...
Let's start with the posters I have~!! :)
Pardon me. AHEM. Got carried away... :P
L to R: Mori, Haninozuka, Kaoru Hitachiin, Haruhi, Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru Hitachiin and Kyoya Ootori!!
WHY AM I REMEMBERING THEIR NAMES??!! This is too freakish!!! I watched Kyou Kara Maou and finished it like ages ago. OMG.
Plus empty boxes of Japanese chocolates and sweets.... They're hard to come by at my current financial state.
Oh. And a miniature Randy Orton. See Kiran dear?? I'm still keeping it. :P
Both from Prince of Tennis.
I'll repost again when I get all my stuff back one day. *sobs*
Plus I've lost both volumes of my RM30.90 each OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB VOLUME ONE AND TWO.
it won't be the most expensive anymore once I finish collecting MAIL. Each priced at RM43.23. :O
(Actually, the first anime I ever bought was Neon Genesis Evangelion, but that's REALLY REALLY disappointing because I bought it without subtitles and had to endure all 51 episodes listening to horrid Cantonese dubs. I choose to not think about it. RM53... *sobs*)
And Pat, this is proof that your Memory Card is still safe with me. :P
(I've got more games than this but I couldn't find the rest of the files...) :(
Even though I'm lost somewhere playing as Miku, and died practically more times than the number of ghosts in the game, I STILL LOVE THE GAME!! I MISS THE CREEPY MUSIC!! I MISS THE FREAKY GHOSTS!!
Final Fantasy 6 all the way up to FInal Fantasy 12. (Oh and Manda, that FF6 is yours, I believe...)
I completed this Naruto Jigsaw Puzzle... totalling up to 1000 pieces, all on my own~!! And I'm feeling absolutely proud about it. I'll take another picture of it once my dad stops delaying the purchase of the frame and gets it for me. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Uchiha Itachi!! Freaking Sasuke Uchiha. Kakashi Hatake!! NARUTO'S FATHER!! (forgot his name...) SABAKU no GAARA, Kazekage!! NARUTO UZUMAKI!!
Oh and the rest... erm... ignore me. I was so caught up taking pics of Mr Shida...
Mr Shida says he loves me too.
Anyway, that ends my feature on my modest collection of anime and stuff. Do comment. And be patient with me because I'm lazy to take pics of more of my stuff.
Will miss you, Thar!! Be obsessed with Naruto!!
And well, now, back to failing Bio...
signing off,
the gay otaku freak
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