The world should know that I've finally overcome a very partial part of my grief over Lulu's departure.
And wow~ Spent HOURS on this one. More than 3 hours thanks to the stupid comp that keeps hanging. Hope its worthwhile!! Wanted to put the text in the center like the same way I did with Lelouch's but IT JUST WON'T MOVE THERE!!! Oh wait. It DID move. Anyway... Got so angry I abandoned all hopes of putting some pic in the center.
I wrote the poem myself, by the way~!! It's the main reason why my theme is Allen!! Hope you like it Pat!! (since you're the D Gray Man fan here~)
Anyway, thanks to the exam blues and my incessant thoughts about whether I'm gonna fail Maths again two times in a row, we did the crazy things we usually do in tuition.
Lately, HYing and I are having very pointless arguements in the toilet (while doing our business) debating on whether Punitha was cuter or Mr Sim.
(this is not for extra PA marks but for her cuteness. I almost fell asleep during my Maths paper today and she totally inspired me to wake up and crap numbers out.)
our feet!!
Anyway, Vikram came to school in STYLE today!! He totally missed the Maths paper in the morning and only came to school at 11.00 am when our MUET (English) paper was about to start.
His reason?
"I've never failed my Maths before!" he says.
That's true, people!! He was absent during our first examination, so he didn't fail but he got a TH (tidak hadir). That guy's a genius!!
(Am wondering whether I can do the same for Chemistry). BWAHAHAHAHA
And I do not recall why I wrote this post at 3.23 am in the morning. :P Btw, I can't wait for Friday!! We're in the middle of an examination week and we somehow decided to go watch The House Bunny this coming Friday.
That's how carefree we are about exams~!! Only two more weeks to go!!
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