I'm tagged again~!! This time by Vinny (sorry darling, this is long due...) and Pat darling who's grown up to be a most charming woman. *sobs* I'm feeling all... touched. She's grown up to be a fine woman and I'm yet to evolve to become a perfect gay...
Pat: One of my bestest bestest (...is there such a word...?) friends!! I've known her since I was in Std. 1.
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
Vin: Laughs like a mad woman. Mad woman. Woman of tomorrow (consider being gay, darling? Please give it a thought~). Mad. Loved by me. :P (I know you love me too, Vin!!)
Pat: Mad like me. Sweet. Caring. Helpful. Fantastic friend. Wonderful listener. Pretty. SEXY. Charming. Kind. Nice. Funny. Tenmiyu-crazed. Anime-crazed. A lover of Japanese like me. Sadly not gay. Loved by me. Loves me too (hopefully more than she loves a certain someone?? :P Hahaha I know can't ask for too much...) (Oh, oops. That's more than 5... but you can't blame someone who nearly failed Maths again, can you?)
3. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Vin: Bought me a black bra for my birthday last year? Pushed me til I nearly fell in Bio tuition. Keeps treating me ice cream though I kinda lied because she didn't quite owe me any money... OOPS! The truth's out. :P What else?? Ooh... crapping in tuition and hardly paying attention. Discussions on 'SERIOUSITY'. Discussions on whether gays or les- ASEXUALS are better. Putting up with me at seriously embarassing moments in cinemas!
Pat: Listened to me throughout my endless ramblings on useless, good-for nothing guys all throughout secondary school. Our Khoosh ball legacy. Pokemon Club. Saiyuki pictures for my birthday. Drowning at Sri Pangkor with Jas. Drowning at my party in Std. 5. William and Charles' gay ending. Obsessing about Zell Dincht and Squall Leonhart. :P Crazy Flag Day moments. Noisy outing moments. Debating on Tenmiyu men. Sleeping at G Hotel. Discussing about fictional men. Decorating my yearbook with weird pics.
Most importantly... just being there for me whenever I needed her the most.
4. The most memorable thing he/she have said to you?
Vin: Ni you si ar?? HAHAHAHAHA
Pat: ... S.W.A.L.F.H. !! Will remember this line always! Plus, I'm still keeping our letters...
5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
Vin: WHAT??!! She IS my lover!
Pat: Kill the others who want her. NAH!!! Just kidding there, Ben. :P Well, I guess I will definitely make her really happy.
However, no matter how 'L' that sounds, do remember I'm GAY.
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
NEVER! I'll probably commit suicide. :P

7. If he/she become your lover, she has to improve on...
NOTHING~! Oh wait, on second thought...
Vin: Reducing the frequency of WTH words... Reducing the frequency of asking to me 'go and die'. Hahaha. But that's what makes her the violent, agressive woman of tomorrow, yeah?
Pat: Reducing her obsession on real men and fall for gays? Never will happen though. Hahaha.
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
Vin: I made her my darling No. 3?
Pat: I said that her Japanese men are "Chinamen rapists?"
... ANYWAY, already did both and they still love me. HAHAHA.
9. The most desirable thing to do for him/her is?
Make them gay!!
Make them happy (without involving money...?)
... but most of all...
~to be someone that'll always be there for them til the end of my life~
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
TWO of the GREATEST and most WONDERFUL PEOPLE God has ever sent into my life. Thanks for the sweet memories, and for the future memories that we're soon to forge!
Aren't you both touched? BWAHAHAHAHAHA love you both to bits! I know you both love me too.
To Vin: 3 years of friendship and still counting!
To Pat: 12 years of freindship and still counting!!
Let's grow old together. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. I'll stay forever young, though. :P