9:23 PM


You know what? I've regained control of my sanity~ BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Still crazy bout cute boys, but yeah, I can keep my composure already. Not hysterical anymore~!!

And reflecting back with Vin, we can really win this thing. Our whole crew fits the entire drama perfectly. Why wouldn't there be a chance for us to defeat the odds?

Jon really fits Juliet, he's sweet at times. Perfect as a heroine. Chris plays a perfect Romeo, he's the best suited to Jon. They get along fantastically! Renaldo and Chee Yong are both great as girls (TOO GORGEOUS, TOO SWEET, TOO CUTE!!!), Yin Lei and David's role adjusts to their personality comfortably~ David is a great Ramli, sometimes it feels as if you ARE talking to Ramli, it fits him well! And Yin Lei's just great - as if he's really Mi Lo~! Adriel and Boon Leong are great enough to leave an impact, and we've got the best narrator in the house: Nicholas. Ignatius plays the blurrest, funniest doctor - because he's funny in his very own way. Even Joseph is great as a pondan!!! And we've got all the great backstage helpers: Gerry, Brandon, Bryan, Jun Yong - all of which I'm so, so very proud of. :)

Vin's a great President, she totally gets us working with her seriousity~!! Ama's just plain nuts, and Adrian's there to control the crowd.

I see no reason to fear... even if we don't win, everyone's done a fantastic job... and I'm proud that it only took us 2 weeks of practice to get to where we are!!

Each one of us are perfectly suited for each character they play.
Each one plays their roles just fittingly.
The wonderful scripts, the super funny acting, dance moves, fighting scenes, awesome musics...

So be motivated and inspired!! Let's get there and defy the odds... show them all who are the guys!!!

......................... (applies to everyone except Vin who's a WOT.) BWAHAHAHAAHAHA


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