DARN THOSE EXAMS. It sucks me dry of my life. Good thing it's over and done with but these holidays ain't much to compensate what remains of my life. I HAD TO GO TO SCHOOL ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY HOLIDAY!! AND IN THE MORNING!?!? Nobody wakes up early to go to school!!
....What am I blabbering about...? (must be a side effect for stopping at the Babbling Vale.)
Erm, never mind me... Had fun, though, sneaking around Pharos-ing at the Ridorana Cataract. I'm finally done with that hellish 'upside-down abyss'. I'm glad nobody KO-ed at all throughout all those Bosses~!! Me lovey them Bosses! Especially that cute Esper at the Third Ascent that keeps inflicting Disease.
Anyway, went for Relay for Life and was kinda disappointed except for the fact that Lim Guan Eng was there and that it's the second time in my life that I get to see him in real life. BWAHAHAHAHA. And the food is expensive. :( Starved like nuts. And it rained.THAT's Adrian. And he scares the hell outta me whenever I on my hp and sees this picture of him. HAHAHAHAHAHA but it actually looks really good in real life, ya know? :P Would have gotten my face painted if i could end up loking like Balthier. :P
And that's Jill's beautiful hand after she had the Henna done!
We decided to go to Gurney Plaza to have dinner after spending some time at Relay for Life. HY and I laughed like nuts in the car for no apparent reason...
AND I MUST BLOG THIS STRANGE PHENOMENON: My godbrother actually lent me RM50 for the first time in my entire life when I met him in Gurney. God bless.
The reason why I've gotta go to school almost everyday of my holiday is because of this.
Fill in the blanks yourself, huns, according to what you think I may say. It's a vowel but it can be an A or a U. BWAHAHAHAHAHA I'm just afraid that Jon and Adrian'll kill me if I spell it out. :P
I'm loving my G*Y life~!!
It's actually for drama, but you know how my brain works.
The highlight of my holiday is well... drinking alcohol. BWAHAHAHAHA. Hui Mei, Vin, Ama and I went to QBay to watch Street Fighter, I think? I guess... and we had tea at Azuma's~!! Japanese restaurant!! And I actually feel as though Ama and I both won a lottery or something.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA and that's because... we drank...
And that's me being greedy. NAH.
(But knowing the financial constraints of Ama and I, we had the cheapest sake around). And my mum's right, it's too mild. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyway, cheers to all, and most of all to Yuennie! We'll really miss her. She stopped school already :(
I shall take my leave now... us both editors, Vin and I are working our necks off on SUARA and Ed-Board respectively. And we've been online the whole day today since morning to finish stuff. Plus work for drama. We're so dedicated~!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Another thing: I'm all in support for Adam, Lil Rounds and Danny!! I hope all three will make it to the finals or something. And unlike Manda who looks too obsessed bout AI, I shan't blog about it anymore. BWAHAHAHAHA tata, cheerio~
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