You know what? I've regained control of my sanity~ BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Still crazy bout cute boys, but yeah, I can keep my composure already. Not hysterical anymore~!!
And reflecting back with Vin, we can really win this thing. Our whole crew fits the entire drama perfectly. Why wouldn't there be a chance for us to defeat the odds?
Jon really fits Juliet, he's sweet at times. Perfect as a heroine. Chris plays a perfect Romeo, he's the best suited to Jon. They get along fantastically! Renaldo and Chee Yong are both great as girls (TOO GORGEOUS, TOO SWEET, TOO CUTE!!!), Yin Lei and David's role adjusts to their personality comfortably~ David is a great Ramli, sometimes it feels as if you ARE talking to Ramli, it fits him well! And Yin Lei's just great - as if he's really Mi Lo~! Adriel and Boon Leong are great enough to leave an impact, and we've got the best narrator in the house: Nicholas. Ignatius plays the blurrest, funniest doctor - because he's funny in his very own way. Even Joseph is great as a pondan!!! And we've got all the great backstage helpers: Gerry, Brandon, Bryan, Jun Yong - all of which I'm so, so very proud of. :)
Vin's a great President, she totally gets us working with her seriousity~!! Ama's just plain nuts, and Adrian's there to control the crowd.
I see no reason to fear... even if we don't win, everyone's done a fantastic job... and I'm proud that it only took us 2 weeks of practice to get to where we are!!
Each one of us are perfectly suited for each character they play.
Each one plays their roles just fittingly.
The wonderful scripts, the super funny acting, dance moves, fighting scenes, awesome musics...
So be motivated and inspired!! Let's get there and defy the odds... show them all who are the guys!!!
......................... (applies to everyone except Vin who's a WOT.) BWAHAHAHAAHAHA
HAHAHAHAHA everyone who has been reading my blog this past few days would rather think that they don't know me, yeah? But then my insanity continues on today...
HOOOOOOOOOOW CUTE!!!! I almost nosebled to death. I'm pretty sure my blood glucose level as well as my blood pressure hit the ceiling then.
Sweets just got sweeter. They've never tasted this sweet.... *nosebleeds*
BWAHAHAHAHAHA tomorrow's the rehearsal and Wednesday would be the day of the competition. And then all this fantasy would end. Yup, this fantasy about me living my life with the cutest people in MBS.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm gonna miss Nicholas and Adrian Renaldo a lot :( And to think that I just found Brandon. And Chee Yong. (the both of them are about the same height as those EXTREMELY cute but not-your-average height boys).
Did I mention Vasugi, Ama and I had a little bonding session??? HOOOOOOW SWEET~!!
The scariest thing that has ever happened to me during this whole drama, however... was when Mama Wong requested that I do makeup on them kids.
.... imagine the disaster.
I switched on my hp this morning, only to realise that David DID send me that adorably cute picture of Nicholas. HAHAHAHAHAHASEEEEEEEEEE????? OMIGOSH.
And there I was, so obsessed about pictures I took of extremely cute and adorable kids in MBS that I barely even noticed when Adriel, Vern, Ama and David all dressed me up to look like some lunatic. BWAAHAHAHAHA. And I just realised that those two fingers behind, showing the peace sign, are from....
....... *nosebleeds*
I shan't mention anymore in case I REALLY get caught for exhibiting paedophilic behaviour. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
I would have taken more pics of Renaldo if he weren't so active, jumping here and there....
I have a new target~!!! After some heavy discussion with Ama over drama stuff this morning in tuition... I actually realised that... BRANDON ONG is also not-your-average-height kind of cute! Which means I'll be stalking more ppl from now onwards. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Am almost very proud of it, and having no regrets participating in the Drama Club.
Before I explain why I'm a paedophile (and before losing a lot of blood putting in cute pictures of lil boys) ... THE DRAMA COMPETITION IS IN FIVE DAYS TIME!!! There's a lot of preparations to be done on these few days, but I'm hoping we'll at least get a placing or something. Vin, Ama, Adrian and I have been working our asses off this week staying back in school until as late as FIVE. And everytime I reach home, I'll be completely dead to the world. BWAHAHAHAHA
But I think we'll succeed?? Cos Vin darling prayed REALLLLLLY hard to Gods. She even made me go to the temple across MBS to go pray with her. Mad woman, hahaha.
Btw, the drama's about Romeo and Juliet.
Vin's right: I've got loads to say and I'm all but too happy to announce that I'm obsessed over cute and short boys. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH *nosebleeds*
...I'll let the pics do the talking before I get another fit of hysteria like I did in school today which maded me cry like a mad gay.
AHEM. Next...
On the bright side...
... if I do take a pic of both of them in it, I wouldn't be here blogging. I would probably be in coma due to excessive loss of blood.
The two ppl behind from left are: NICHOLAS LIM (OMG~!!! SO CUTEEEEEEE!!! WITH THE PEACE SIGN OOOOOHHHHHHH.... *nosebleeds*) and Ignatius, (OMG~!!!! VERYYYYY FUNNY as a doctor!!!) whom Ama's obsessed about.
And it's kinda obvious that I'm obsessed over Nicholas. OMGOMGOMG he's not the average height kind of person!!! He's not hittting the ceiling like Gerry, my son, he's just... just... soooooo.....
This pic is yet another one with all Boon Leong and Adriel in it, and Jon and Chris, but there's Gerry, my dashing and super super kuai son, Nicholas *nosebleed*, Ignatius *faints* and ADRIAN RENALDO *nosebleeds like hell* (OMGOMGOMGOMG sooooooooo cute!!! SOOOOO SOOOOO SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!) at the back.
And yet again, it's obvious that I'm obsessed over Renaldo as well. This is because Nicholas and him are at about the same height....
(Ama's succesor)
*nosebleeds yet again*
I'm think I'm stalking him. HAHAHAHAHA there's Nicholas at a Prefects' Orientation, I think.
And there's Nicholas again~ with Yin Lei, who's very very funny when he does some weird fighting stance BWAHAHAHAHAHA
The highlight of the day is definitely when I took these last two pictures, which completely threw me into a fit of hysteria, which I would like to call as 'paedophilic behaviour' (my theory). BWAHAHAHAHA
. .
. . .
. . . .
All thanks to David!!!! Actually David took a pic of Nick being EXTREMELY EXTREMELY cute by just saying, "C'mon here! Pose!" BUT DAVID REFUSED TO SEND ME THE PICTURE VIA BLUETOOTH. In the end, Nick was cute enough to let me take this. I think I almost chopped off Adriel and David's hand during the process. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. That's because they were trying to stop me. :P
*stares at pic again*
OMG. ADRIAN RENALDO!!!!! PLEASE, for heaven's sake, don't look so good in that baju kurung???!!!! I just can't stand it when he changes into that and then goes around blushing like a mad cow and at a loss of words. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMIIIIIIIIIGOSHHHHHHH. He loooooooooks sooooooooo pretty in his costume!!! I died over a thousand times looking at him find his words.
Usually he's very loud, crazy, fun and hyperactive... but when he wears that costume.... HE'S THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER KNOWNNNNNNNNNN OMIGOSH TOOO CUTE SOOOOOO PRETTY.
I noticed that I'm at a loss of words when I'm high. BWAHAHAHAHA. Pardon the redundant words and sentences that are utter nonsense.
And after taking both pics, my soul was practically flying and lost in its own world that I was.... utterly..... MAD. I laughed and cried while Vern stretched my sanity to its limit by making Nicholas stand next to me. Nick became a victim of my killer hug~!!! BWAHAHAHAHA. And then Vern was there saying "Siau eh mak!!" and then forced me into an even more severe form of lunacy when he called Renaldo over. Renaldo gave me one hell of a hug in which sent me brains out of the window, I think.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 'paedophilic behaviour'!!!!
Those two were my first hugs from lower form ppl in MBS and I still can't believe it's from the cutest THINGS I've ever seen in my life. I'm such a paedophile~
Vin darling, after you msged me that you left, I think I went even madder, if possible~ This evil Nicholas, knowing how drastically he would affect my mental health, very cutely wished me good bye which almost made me trip over my own feet. He said something like , "Bye, bye! See you soon, jie-jie," or something and I 100000% DIED. DIED. Died til I lost all form of action.
And suddenly coming to Form 6 wasn't such a bad idea after all. Manda dear, you would NOT believe we're related if you saw me in school today. HAHAHAHAHA.
INSANE!!! That's what MBS is making me. My other friends in college are all growing more and more beautiful and I'm growing more and more siau. Which is a good thing??
That ends my long long post. But then I suddenly had this disturbing thought...
Found this at Vin's blog and found it worth blogging about... HAHAHA. Can you see all our happy faces during a fire??(But anyway, if there were a real fire, I think I would be running for my life instead of standing at the middle of the field waiting to get toast. Definitely not standing there in a crowd making peace signals. BWAHAHAHAHA)
The fire drill interrupted our Biology lesson in which HuiYing darling and I were in an extremely 'chi kek' debate about potassium-ions hypothesis and some glucose hypothesis for transportation in plants. So... imagine having a Bio lesson in the middles of the field when there's a fire?? BWAHAHAHAHA cos that's exactly what we did. :P
Had fun during my first ever MBS fire drill~!!
DARN THOSE EXAMS. It sucks me dry of my life. Good thing it's over and done with but these holidays ain't much to compensate what remains of my life. I HAD TO GO TO SCHOOL ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY HOLIDAY!! AND IN THE MORNING!?!? Nobody wakes up early to go to school!!
....What am I blabbering about...? (must be a side effect for stopping at the Babbling Vale.)
Erm, never mind me... Had fun, though, sneaking around Pharos-ing at the Ridorana Cataract. I'm finally done with that hellish 'upside-down abyss'. I'm glad nobody KO-ed at all throughout all those Bosses~!! Me lovey them Bosses! Especially that cute Esper at the Third Ascent that keeps inflicting Disease.
Anyway, went for Relay for Life and was kinda disappointed except for the fact that Lim Guan Eng was there and that it's the second time in my life that I get to see him in real life. BWAHAHAHAHA. And the food is expensive. :( Starved like nuts. And it rained.THAT's Adrian. And he scares the hell outta me whenever I on my hp and sees this picture of him. HAHAHAHAHAHA but it actually looks really good in real life, ya know? :P Would have gotten my face painted if i could end up loking like Balthier. :P
And that's Jill's beautiful hand after she had the Henna done!
We decided to go to Gurney Plaza to have dinner after spending some time at Relay for Life. HY and I laughed like nuts in the car for no apparent reason...
AND I MUST BLOG THIS STRANGE PHENOMENON: My godbrother actually lent me RM50 for the first time in my entire life when I met him in Gurney. God bless.
The reason why I've gotta go to school almost everyday of my holiday is because of this.
Fill in the blanks yourself, huns, according to what you think I may say. It's a vowel but it can be an A or a U. BWAHAHAHAHAHA I'm just afraid that Jon and Adrian'll kill me if I spell it out. :P
I'm loving my G*Y life~!!
It's actually for drama, but you know how my brain works.
The highlight of my holiday is well... drinking alcohol. BWAHAHAHAHA. Hui Mei, Vin, Ama and I went to QBay to watch Street Fighter, I think? I guess... and we had tea at Azuma's~!! Japanese restaurant!! And I actually feel as though Ama and I both won a lottery or something.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA and that's because... we drank...
And that's me being greedy. NAH.
(But knowing the financial constraints of Ama and I, we had the cheapest sake around). And my mum's right, it's too mild. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyway, cheers to all, and most of all to Yuennie! We'll really miss her. She stopped school already :(
I shall take my leave now... us both editors, Vin and I are working our necks off on SUARA and Ed-Board respectively. And we've been online the whole day today since morning to finish stuff. Plus work for drama. We're so dedicated~!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Another thing: I'm all in support for Adam, Lil Rounds and Danny!! I hope all three will make it to the finals or something. And unlike Manda who looks too obsessed bout AI, I shan't blog about it anymore. BWAHAHAHAHA tata, cheerio~
Anyway, starting from the 6th of March, which was a Friday, my class had celebrated Mr Deven (he's so wonderful~!! BWAHAHAHAHA!! Especially his... AHEM.) birthday~! I think my classmates all know too well which part I'm referring to. BWAHAHAHA
It was more than just a regular birthday because Pn Tan may return after the hols and Deven's gonna cease teaching our class.. we will all definitely miss him! He's a really cute teacher. Let's all pray he doesn't read this. HAHAHAHA
Hying darling and I succeeded very well in surprising him but my stomach didn't do well with the wait - thanks to Jill's mum's wonderful, sinfully delicious chocolate cake.
Anyway, here's some candid shots of my classmates and I - thanks to Debz's great phototaking skills. You all JUST HAVE TO see Viki sweeping the floor for the first time in two years. BWAHAHAHAHAHA Mei Ling darling (also known as Rebecca 'Ang' - which means Rebecca's husband) (head of cleanliness) couldn't help but to feel proud!
In conclusion, it was a strangely funny day in school indeed.
With all that backside watching, I've gotta say I'm drained.
when someone you love
leaves you
Even though
it is for the better
nothing soothes the heart
nothing fills the gap
nothing replaces the love
she's gone
Always cherished and loved forever
departed 6 March 2009
Well, well, what do you know? I stumbled upon my The Black Mages 2 OST' last night and somehow got addicted to Final Fantasy all over again. BWAHAHAHAHA. And so I'm here, randomly wasting my time creating a list of what I loved best about it, and what I find most annoying.
I played FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, FFX-2 and FFXII. And I loved a certain part of every one I played~!!
In my opinion...

Yuna and Tidus - my fave scene!!
I would go for FFX, undoubtedly. The beautiful love between Tidus and Yuna with Suteki Da Ne at all the right places - I cried like a lunatic at the ending scene!! The storyline is somewhat unpredictable, and I loved it best because it didn't have that, erm... 'happy ever after' ending that unlike the previous FFs that I've played.
And all that about Sin, the Summoners' Pilgrimage, Zanarkand... loved it to bits~!!
FFXII hands down!!
Who would have thought that FFX would be so different from FFXII?? FFXII was so original, so 'British'-like, and instead of touching merely on love relationships, I've got to say, I'm ultimately impressed by all the hunger for power and nethicite, Archadia, plus our entire hero's quest. I LOVED IT!! It's so exciting~ BWAHAHAHAHA
Plus, you can see how mature Ashelia of Dalmasca is compared to Princess Garnet til Alexandros...'s like comparing between a lioness and a rat.
Erm... never mind.
Did I mention I LOVE the language in FFXII?? Well, I do. And you really learn a lot.

BALTHIER~!! *swoons*
BALTHIER!!!! *nosebleeds* Gorgeous with guns, dashing with daggers, astonishing with axes, brilliant with bows, stunning with swords, mischeivous with maces, ruggard with rods, sexy with shields....
*drowns in my nosebleed*
... and I have to add, his voice is incredibly sexy..... *swoons*
I can't quite decide between Kuja (FFIX) and Sephiroth (FFVII). Long silver haired bishounen.... *nosebleeds*

Kuja in Trance
And I absolutely love those BGM that comes together when you fight them. Try listening to Assault of the White Dragons -FF9- that's when Kuja destroyed the Iifa tree. (Gosh, I remembered that??!!) Or when you fight Trance Kuja in Memoria, right before the final battle with Nechron. (And I have poor memory when it comes to Bio...) Or the JENOVA music, either in Advent, Black Mages or FF7. And even One Winged Angel....
I like... Yuna best, surprisingly. BWAHAHAHHA. However, there's Lulu too. Yuffie, of course. And sometimes, Penelo.

My Yuna obsession, occasionally.

Penelo doing a Quickening...
I like Yuna and Lulu lots in FFX cos they were my EXTREMELY heavy hitting magic casters. Imagine Doublecast of Holy and Flare or Ultima with the cost of only 1 MP. :O And exceeding the 9999 limit. *swoons* (and when Rikku CopyCats them... *squeals*) (but I don't like Rikku, too annoying.)
Yuffie's agile and cute :P And I love Penelo's Replendescene.

Praise be to Yevon....
I LOVE FFX's BATTLE SYSTEM!!!! Imagine being able to tell when the enemy's gonna attack; or witching your half dead characters for fresher ones during battle; or being able to accumulate EXP for each and every character. Loved the music too~

FFX - in battle
I kinda like FF9's system too, even though there's nothing much to harp about. BWAHAHAHAHA
FF8's~!! You don't have the choose which stat you want to level up, since it's auto, so there's less hassle. Plus, you get to add bonus stats when you equip certain GFs. However, there's a little disadvantage though. The best GF, Eden, comes SOOOOOOOO late in the game you can hardly make use of its HP Plus, Mag Plus, Str Plus, Vit Plus and so on. Kinda sad.
Definitely FFX!! Can you believe that on top of Yuna's Overdrive, Grand Summon, these AMAZING Fayths can also go on OVERDRIVE?? And with Legendary Weapons, all these Aeons can break the 9999 damage limit???!! And Yojimbo, Magus Sisters and Anima (is it??) comes with the auto Break Damage Limit. When the Magus Sisters go Overdrive...

... OH MY GOD. God bless them enemies.

Plus, look at Shiva's sexy bum!! Plus Valefor's colourful wings!! Bahamut's sense of security!! Ifrit's monstrous strength!! Anima's DARKNESS~!! Magus Sisters, oh my God... their Overdrives... *squeals again*
I hate X-2 for stealing my Aeons away and making them as Bosses.

FF8's Limit Breaks. It's the ONLY FF I've played that allows them characters to Limit whenever they want. Just cast Aura!!

FFXII's not too bad either~! Full MP is kinda easy to get when you've learnt Martyr. And I love Balthier's Mist Quickenings~!! Plus, putting together a Quickening chain is so much fun (though my max chain is only 16 :P) I LOVE THE ADDITIONAL DAMAGE INFLICTED AT TH END!!!
Hated X-2 the most. Don't even know how you unleash a Special Attack. (No wonder I only got 78% completion.) Ahahaha...
FFXII. No matter how much I hate Phon Coast, it's still damn beautiful.
Oh and beautiful Bhujerba! Glimmering Great Cystal!! Giruvegan!! Oh, green Salikawood~!! Beautiful Osmose Plains~!!
... I even miss the Nam-Yensa/Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. (How'd I remember all these..?)

FFX. Don't ask me why. My ears are just glued to it.
OMIGOSH... of course it's gonna be FFXII!! I love those maps that appear everywhere you go, and I actually feel insecure and at certain times, SCARED, whenever the Mist is too thick and the map gets foggy or blurred. I think I was shaking when I was in Draklor's Laboratory, certain parts of the Feywood, and I was PRACTICALLY BLIND when I was in The Great Crystal. Damn those confusing names... (A Pram Vikaari?? Pratii'vaa?? A Prama Avaa?? A Phrama Bhrum?? Kabonii? The only sane name was probably Crystal Core.)
How in the world I remembered all that, don't ask me.
But I LOVE the names of all the other beautiful towns, forests and cities... Rabanastre!! Archades!! Balfonheim!!Tchita Uplands~!!
FF9's. It was... too easy, and so much fun!! Plus, you get to fight the hardest boss in the game, Ozma, in the Chocobo Sky Garden!!
FF8. Money was never a problem. :P
FFX's weapons and Squall's Lionheart. BREAK DAMAGE LIMIT~!!! And Squall unleashes a series of 9999 attacks~!! And it proved to be useful, especially for my most memorable optional Boss fight: With Omega Weapon, the toughest boss in FF8~

Some of what I think was the worst, though....
Vaan. No need to question why.
SEYMOUR!! Darn that weird-looking guy!! How many lives does he have?? And face it, you big dum-dum, Yuna's doesn't like you!! So stop forcing her to marry you!!
Ahem. Excuse me.
Another idiot would be VAYNE. Darn those long haired ugly villians.
RIKKU. All the more so in X-2.

X-2. What's up with those Garment Grids and Dress Spheres, I still don't know. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
FFXII's license points system. It annoys me! You've gotta buy every little thing that you want, up to Magicks and Techniques!! Even Gambits!!
Basically I dislike X-2 because they took my darling Aeons away. I'm not particularly fond of FFXII's Espers either :P I've only used one Esper once throughout my 70++ hours of gameplay. BWAHAHAHAHA. And that fortunate Esper would be Belias - I used him to open the gate to Giruvegan. BWAHAHAHAHA. And that's all.
I know I'm lame, but why waste your MP on Espers when you can do Quickenings??
Plus, all 12's Espers are kinda ugly.

NOOOOOOOOOO!! I'm not even at the Pharos of Ridorana yet but I absolutely dread going in there already!! First Acent, Second Ascent..?? No idea. What more the Nechrohol of Nabudis. It frightens me.
ERM.... Probably the fiends that lurk around Omega Weapon in FFX. Forgot the name of that place... :P They were annoying. And the Underwater sidequest in FF7 where you've gotta defeat that boss in a time limit. I couldn't even keep myself alive for 5 mins and you want me to KILL him in 5 mins??!!
ARGHHHHHH!!! Definitely XII!! I ain't got enough money to do ANYTHING at all!! Forget weapons, I can't even buy proper medicine or magicks. What more Armor and Shields...
And I hate those gil-hungry fiends in FFX in which you have to bribe to get Lv. 4 Keys.
AHHHHHHHHH. That was a long, irrelevant post. I spent some beautiful 2 hours on it. WOW. And even though it isn't a tag, I would very much like to tag Manda and Mandy to do this. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA let's see where our similarities begin and end~!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm off to study (Naruto manga) now... *winks* BWAHAHAHAHAHA