Yes, my second post of the day!! You must think I'm really free but darn it, exams start this Saturday and yet again, I repeat - I KNOW NUTS ABOUT ANYTHING.
So my offer still stands for a Bio and Chem teacher!! RM1 per hour!!
Anyway, last Saturday (2.8.08), FINALLY the stupid Monitors' Camp is done and over with - which means I don't have to skip lessons anymore just to search for teachers, go on with meetings and finalise things for that stupid thing. THE LAST MEETING for the camp was absolutely FRIGHTENING since Yong Chin was in a BAD mood looking at the badly planned programmes when the camp was only two days away from the meeting day.
So one the day BEFORE the camp, on Friday, Wilson Jie Jie, Geok Hooi, Pookie and I planned and replanned everything for the next day. It was DIFFICULT since we needed to get everything ready. I was out of class the WHOLE day that day... doing SUARA and the camp that I didn't even rest my butt on my cold chair in class. :(
Er... enough about me butt~
On the night before the camp, my handphone credit received the worse DEPLETION in its life when it went from RM10 to RM0.02.
Well, on the day itself... NOTHING when according to plan since Mr. Khor suddenly decided to NOT show up after I reminded him to come to the camp for the opening ceremony almost 20 times! Pookie and I almost went crazy! We were the last minute emcees, and we had to improvise and 'pau sua pau hai' (cover mountains and oceans- Hokkien proverb for 'doing everything') to make everything successful and smooth.
I smelt like decomposed worms - and it was only 9.00 an.
And since I became the very newly-elected VICE PRESIDENT OF WUSHU (my dad almost toppled over laughing when I told him this :P ) I had WUSHU on THAT saturday and I had to go for Wushu, and yet be emcee for the camp. It WAS CRAZY!! I changed clothes like 4 times that day I would have easily passed as a fashion model. :O
Throughout the camp.... er.... let's just let the pictures do the talking. :DAmong the games we played... finding sweets in flour~!
The station I was in charge of (I'm in the organising committee, remember??) Which involved a lot of holding, gripping and close contact~! How my gay heart flutters!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Martin looking very artistic and creative working on his straw model :P
Weng Wah (my 'Chi Mui' (sister) ) the only guy in that group working on a masterpiece made out of drinking straw - a chair!!
I like the straw thing around this guy's head. Looks very Greek Godly. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
My favourite photo!! People splashing Kui Kui and his group members with water mixed with flour!!
I just splashed Guo Wen with water. :P
Pookie and I improvising as emcees when EVERYTHING didn't go according to plan... (we did VERY well!!)
Wilson Jie Jie giving her... erm... HIS speech as organising chairman...
Ming Yen's beautiful tongue shown. WOW.
The noisest group of guys I've ever known. :P
Giving Geok Hooi her surprise birthday cake!! She didn't know we prepared this for her!! And everyone in the hall just started singing her birthday song with us. :P
WELL... our camp was very chaotic. There was not enough flour, not enough balloons, not enough this and that... which resulted in me riding pillion while Boon Su drove his bike to the nearest mini market. Yuennie darling said she saw me riding behind him and that the expression on my face was worth dying for. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA maybe she has never seen a beautiful gay ride on a fast-speed motorbike with a full bladder.
Oh well. Camp was eventful and fun... but not so fun for the committee because we planned and worked like crazy. I don't think I've ever felt so happy to be splashed by water. :P
And after being emcee for this camp, Pn Wong suddenly came in and told Jie Jie, "I think you and Rebecca would make very good emcees for the prom." I almost died. WTH. (sorry for this but I really hate being an emcee...) which resulted in my fight today with Debz.
Sheng Zheng put my name as emcee into the Prom Night Committee list together with Wilson... then it changed to Poh Chong... who pushed it to Chee Hong. And I changed it to Debz... who argued with me... and then I changed it to Hui Min. Thank god. I will burn Sheng Zheng's house if I were emcee for prom, and that's true. and do-able.
Gotta go study now!! Exam's on Saturday!! I've only finished one chapter!! It takes me two weeks to finish one chapter!!
Which is why I suddenly developed a stomach ache and is unable to go to school tomorrow.
9:02 PM
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