Akong's obituary in The Star newspaper. Note all the names of different races in here.
Chinese newspaper.
On Friday morning at 5am, my kei-kong (god-grandfather) passed away. He was 93 years old.
He was the healthiest man alive in our neighbourhood, and yet he left us when we least expected it. Nobody knew HOW he had gone, but since he was asleep that time, we are happy that he need not undergo any suffering before his last moments.
My biggest regret was thinking that his birthday this year would be the same as any one throughout his lifetime. Instead I went to Bon Odori to have a good time.
I never knew that that would be his last birthday. And that was my deepest sorrow.
We threw him a very grand funeral - Full Taoist funeral with the burning of the 'kong-teik' and 'siew tu bak' offerings. Akong came back, during the early mornings of his wake.
There were many firsts for me during this funeral. It's the first time I experienced such a grand funeral and also the first time I held a Japanese's guy's hand (some of my akong's grandchildren are Japanese) - surprisingly I was too sad to be happy.
The last day of his funeral (the 'chut-sua' part) (today) was a most painful experience. Imagine having to call out to your dad (my aunt had to do this) several times without crying. She failed miserably and she cried like there was no tomorrow. Us spectators cried just watching the scene, what more the person doing it?
It was sadder still when they were going to close his casket, cos we hired a band of musicians to play music that surely stings your eyes.
Prayers after closing his casket.A band of musicians playing the saddest songs.
And when we trailed his coffin to give him his last ride in the mortal world, we cried even more. Worse still when he had to go into the incinerator.Us giving him his last ride in this world.
Akong has managed to pull his whole multiracial and multicultural family together in life and in death. Despite being Thai, Japanese, Malay, Eurasian, Indian or just plain Chinese - everyone in the family has been reunited.His Japanese grandchildren, Yuji and Miyoko.
My koko's Thai girlfriend together with relatives of different backgrounds.
We will never forget him even in death.
I will now have to cope without seeing his smiles after school, without calling his name before meals, or without listening to his ramblings about his beloved country China, or without exchanging comments about sports. He will no longer be there to force me to study harder and harder or to feign deafness when we talk occassionally.
Thank you for being with us and we wish you all the happiness the world has to offer in your afterlife.
Went to QBay on Tuesday - no pics to blog, sorry. Will steal from Ming Yen soon?
Chemistry at Mr Sim's...
... was too long to be true.
We ended up gambling, driving out for McDonalds and basically partying at tuition during it's FOUR AND A HALF HOUR lesson on Thursday. What a way to spend our school holiday!A pack of Tiger poker cards and Cap Tangan ground nuts - STRICTLY FOR GAMBLERS ONLY.
A whole bag of McDonalds trash. That's Ama's gluttony face. :P
McDonald's Onion Rings with groundnuts littered into it. The Onion Rings are really SMALL!
And Debz darling went to KFC with Sue Ling, Chee Hong and Yu Jun (???) without inviting me. :( (Not that I had enough money anyway.)
Went home and suddenly realised that my kei-kong (god-grandfather) had gastric.
First things first... I would like to apologise to all my darlings that I'm sorry for not blogging for... (a week??) some time. i had those darned monthely tests and I actually failed miserably.
And in Form 6, fail REALLY means fail.
And so, I'm proud to present evidence here that in my 11 years of doing Mathematics, I've never scored under 75%. This was what I got in FORM 6 - just recently. I got this back yesterday...
Beautiful Maths marks.
And would you believe, people?? The great Rebecca Koay, the world's most beautiful gay... has scored 30% for Maths for the first time in my life. My first FAIL in my life.
Only God knows why I'm hardly feeling depressed. Mandy, I love you too. :P (I somehow feel that you'd be some where on the other side grinning at my 30%. We're on the same boat, darling!!)
And so, our MBS prom theme this year is... "If Only Time Would Stop..." and that's exactly how I felt doing Chemistry and Maths. (God bless me - Wilson's Accounts' marks were worse than 30%). BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm also here to say that Jze Yuin has become increasingly more hardworking!! She's sure to beat me this time around.
I actually wanted to be first or second in class but darn it, thank you Maths and Chemistry. I haven't actually received any other marks apart from Maths, but from the aura that my Chem teacher radiated, it isn't spelling good stuff. :P
HOW I HATE K*** H*** **N. May I burn someone with the world's strongest acid - Cl2O7.
Someone totally rejected my SUARA saying that Ama and MY work is 'half-heartedly done' and that 'if you both were to produce something with such low quality, why (the hell) even be in SUARA?' I related this to Dr. Lim and she was burning furiously in anger because our work is DEFINITELY quality work. Someone had said, 'quality is IN the previous issue'. WTH. The previous issue was a PHOTO ALBUM. We are now producing a magazine-like bulletin! WTH. You want us to make it into a picture book?? Go make the changes yourself then.
I usually never say WTH but MBS definitely changed lots of things. Like degrading MGS's Ladies of Class.
But then again, I'm gay~
Okay.. let's talk bout more interesting things before I bore my darling readers even more. TODAY was MBS' prom night!! Here are pictures of the night's events~That's Chee Hong presenting L6Sn3's performance... a FASHION SHOW!! Chee Hong was surprisingly nice and gentleman-ish tonight (I think he was bitten by a devil or sth??!!)!! Which made me laugh like mad cos him and 'Phua Chu Kang' were saying nice stuff like, "Rebecca, you really sang well!" or stuff like... "Are you a new girl here? HP number please...?" And usually in school Chee Hong is rowdy and funny. But fun to talk nonsense to. :P
That's Adrian during his Fashion show performance. I laughed like mad because I thought he actually looked really cool wearing these shorts. PLUS, ADRIAN PAINTED HIS FINGER NAILS BLACK!! OMG!! How cool! I totally loved the colour. :P
Science 3's fashion show. Very WOW!!
PHUA CHU KANG!! (Sorry Yuennie, I forgot his real name...) HE REALLY is a look-alike PCK, yeah?? They even made him wear a fake mole. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
GEOK HOOI~!!! This is the first time I've ever seen my darling in a dress. I almost cried...
That's Geok Hooi darling singing!! I've never heard her sing. :P Looks like she's really talented... *sigh* (also very good in Chemistry) *sigh* Gotta work up to that!! Btw, the programmes were REALLY delayed thanks to the very punctual teachers. :( Mr Khor Didn't even turn up...
Cheah Yeem and I~!! Cheah Yeem's really a nice senior... she totally gave me her Dissecting Set for free. Not only that, she doesn't actually mind driving Geok Hooi and I all around Penang searching for a place to have lunch. I love you Cheah Yeem!! And my boobs aren't po piah pui.
Vinny, me and Debz!! Debz's dress was actually worth more than RM 300. WOW. O.O
Dinesh from L6A4 doing a magic trick. Cheah Yeem kept saying he was pulling out his intestines. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. One of the magic tricks he did was really lame!! He pulled out a flower from his belt and I laughed like mad because it was SOOOO obvious!!
AMA HAS A CLEAVAGE!!! *groans in jealousy* Ama looked really nice that night. First time in a dress!! I nearly cried again....
BEAUTIFUL YUENNIE AND I!! I actually voted her to be Freshie KING but instead Poh Chong got it. Ah, darn! Yuennie would be a great freshie king. But of course it was only right for Poh Chong to win... Poh Chong is VERY gentleman-ish!!
Jze Yuin looking very stunning tonight... FURTHER attracting more guys to her... *AHEM*
A few Upper Sixes goofing away with Chuck Chuan 'wearing' Cheah Yeem's handbag on his head.
Cute Bee Siang and I!! She's another person that many guys are after.... *sigh*
In case you're wondering why Sheng Zheng is wearing sunglasses at 9pm at night, it's because she has eyebags under her eyes. Many curious people asked her the same question so I might as well answer first... :P
L to R: Vinny, Jze Yuin, Pn Tan (our BEAUTIFUL BIO TEACHER), Yuennie (by the way, Yueenie is a MIX of many different bloods: Hong Kong, Australian...), Ama, Hui Ying darling, me, Yoke Yee
Yes, that's ever 'beautiful' Weng Wah~!! Also known as my Chi Mui. I like the way he styled his hair tonight!! So 'YENG'!! he actully spiked it and stuff making him look very MANLY!! And yes, we're holding hands but that means nothing :P HAHAHAHAHA I liked his fashion show thingy in which he was a 'Summer Boy'.
Jelissa looking as cute as ever!!
Ama and I~ (Ama's beauty courtesy of her Mum's work from hair to toes) BWAHAHAHAHA
A group of break dancers from MBS... MBS boys know nothing about performing except for breakdancing. :( But I must say.. their break dancing was spectacular. Very high quality!!
Cheah Yeem being sexy *ahem*
Hui Ying darling and her birthday cake!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE HUI YING!!
L to R: Julia (she looks so princess-y!!), me, Vinny, Yoke Yee and Geok Hooi who looks TOO happy to be out from her dress.
ERM.... for the million dollar question now, people: DO I LOOK STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL??
(I'm so full of myself. Gosh, I'm vain. :P ) BWAHAHAHAHAHA that's what gays are meant to do.
Throughout the whole of prom, Ama, Vinny, Hui Ying and I kept complaining bout sore feet. :P I almost gave up on being female, at one point. Weng Wah kept laughing when I said I don't wanna be female. :P
Did I mention that my hairdresser spilled a whole bottle of glitter on me?? I washed my SCALP like mad removing the glitter after the prom.
Now, enough about prom... today was also Pn Wong Soon Kee's (MGS) retirement!! I was SO touched and surprised at the sight of a very very classy MGS. Maybe because I've been in MBS for quite some time now, I can really see a difference between MBS and MGS. MGS is QUALITY. Seriously.
Our halls (MGS) are now FULLY air-cond!! Thanks to our hard work raising funds, washing cars, aerobicathon.... brings back many memories that makes you fall in love all over again for MGS. Everyone wore Cheongsam today (all teachers - male teachers wore batik) to remember Pn. Wong. The quality of everything has improved... even our DRAMA!! They did some contemporary drama for Pn. Wong's retirement... which was really meaningful because it was the life story of Pn. WOng herself about how she became a teacher.
Did you know she rather teach than do medicine??
Pn Wong taught Chemistry, Biology, KH, Moral and Civics before!!
She became headmistress of MGS in only ONE year.
She was born in Singapore.
And she made me cry today when I hugged her.
Awwww people... you KNOW gays are sensitive people!! Every word she says carry a meaning, a POSITIVE meaning. And everything she does for the school, she does not say aloud. Even though she did some wrongs last time (WL would know...) she's still the best headmistress / principal I've ever had.
Pn Ng Guat Hwa however was upset that I failed Maths in Form 6. :P BWAHAHAHAHA
I'm off to sleep, darlings! DEAD tired after prom and heavy duty laughing. I DID sing the Mandarin song, ya know?? And everyone said it was VERY GOOD. I got lots of praises from Ama, Yuennie, Vinny, Hui Ying, Chee Hong, some weird guy and even Wilson!! Some people didn't even know I'm not Chinese-literate. Vinny, Yoke Yee, Jelissa took pictures. I'll steal them and put them here when she blogs about it or when they send them to me. :D
Tata dears~!
(I think I'll watch Druaga first... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
Erm... yes, wan an, ni men!!
OMG I suddenly realised I've been sitting in front of the comp watching the Tower of Druaga, the Aegis of URUK for too long!!
What in the world am I doing??!!
I should be studying like mad!!
My third post today; and I can only say I totally love this anime. It's so dumb!! Oh, Jil-sama! You're such an idiot!
Ahem. Back to studying... *sigh*
Yes, my second post of the day!! You must think I'm really free but darn it, exams start this Saturday and yet again, I repeat - I KNOW NUTS ABOUT ANYTHING.
So my offer still stands for a Bio and Chem teacher!! RM1 per hour!!
Anyway, last Saturday (2.8.08), FINALLY the stupid Monitors' Camp is done and over with - which means I don't have to skip lessons anymore just to search for teachers, go on with meetings and finalise things for that stupid thing. THE LAST MEETING for the camp was absolutely FRIGHTENING since Yong Chin was in a BAD mood looking at the badly planned programmes when the camp was only two days away from the meeting day.
So one the day BEFORE the camp, on Friday, Wilson Jie Jie, Geok Hooi, Pookie and I planned and replanned everything for the next day. It was DIFFICULT since we needed to get everything ready. I was out of class the WHOLE day that day... doing SUARA and the camp that I didn't even rest my butt on my cold chair in class. :(
Er... enough about me butt~
On the night before the camp, my handphone credit received the worse DEPLETION in its life when it went from RM10 to RM0.02.
Well, on the day itself... NOTHING when according to plan since Mr. Khor suddenly decided to NOT show up after I reminded him to come to the camp for the opening ceremony almost 20 times! Pookie and I almost went crazy! We were the last minute emcees, and we had to improvise and 'pau sua pau hai' (cover mountains and oceans- Hokkien proverb for 'doing everything') to make everything successful and smooth.
I smelt like decomposed worms - and it was only 9.00 an.
And since I became the very newly-elected VICE PRESIDENT OF WUSHU (my dad almost toppled over laughing when I told him this :P ) I had WUSHU on THAT saturday and I had to go for Wushu, and yet be emcee for the camp. It WAS CRAZY!! I changed clothes like 4 times that day I would have easily passed as a fashion model. :O
Throughout the camp.... er.... let's just let the pictures do the talking. :DAmong the games we played... finding sweets in flour~!
The station I was in charge of (I'm in the organising committee, remember??) Which involved a lot of holding, gripping and close contact~! How my gay heart flutters!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Martin looking very artistic and creative working on his straw model :P
Weng Wah (my 'Chi Mui' (sister) ) the only guy in that group working on a masterpiece made out of drinking straw - a chair!!
I like the straw thing around this guy's head. Looks very Greek Godly. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
My favourite photo!! People splashing Kui Kui and his group members with water mixed with flour!!
I just splashed Guo Wen with water. :P
Pookie and I improvising as emcees when EVERYTHING didn't go according to plan... (we did VERY well!!)
Wilson Jie Jie giving her... erm... HIS speech as organising chairman...
Ming Yen's beautiful tongue shown. WOW.
The noisest group of guys I've ever known. :P
Giving Geok Hooi her surprise birthday cake!! She didn't know we prepared this for her!! And everyone in the hall just started singing her birthday song with us. :P
WELL... our camp was very chaotic. There was not enough flour, not enough balloons, not enough this and that... which resulted in me riding pillion while Boon Su drove his bike to the nearest mini market. Yuennie darling said she saw me riding behind him and that the expression on my face was worth dying for. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA maybe she has never seen a beautiful gay ride on a fast-speed motorbike with a full bladder.
Oh well. Camp was eventful and fun... but not so fun for the committee because we planned and worked like crazy. I don't think I've ever felt so happy to be splashed by water. :P
And after being emcee for this camp, Pn Wong suddenly came in and told Jie Jie, "I think you and Rebecca would make very good emcees for the prom." I almost died. WTH. (sorry for this but I really hate being an emcee...) which resulted in my fight today with Debz.
Sheng Zheng put my name as emcee into the Prom Night Committee list together with Wilson... then it changed to Poh Chong... who pushed it to Chee Hong. And I changed it to Debz... who argued with me... and then I changed it to Hui Min. Thank god. I will burn Sheng Zheng's house if I were emcee for prom, and that's true. and do-able.
Gotta go study now!! Exam's on Saturday!! I've only finished one chapter!! It takes me two weeks to finish one chapter!!
Which is why I suddenly developed a stomach ache and is unable to go to school tomorrow.
Okay, a post that's way overdue but BAH, better late than never :P
And so I shall put up a picture here that I stole from Vinny's blog but is too small. I hope those who love and miss me will be able to see my beautiful gay face~
So I CRAMMED up into Poh Chong's Kenari together with Pookie (Vinny), some two other girls (who I dunno their names, but they know mine...) [YEAH - I'm popular. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA] and Wilson, and of course Poh Chong himself... my leg almost broke due to the very strange and obscene angle at which we were sitting.
(I dunno how to explain how obscene... but it was obscene. :P)
Well, the food was not great cos... WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM AN RM15 BUFFET LUNCH??!! All they had was fried rice, ice cream, sausages, some taufu here and there, vege (Spinach) and some lame fish and prawns.
I am SOOOOOOOOO 'young' that I refused to peel my prawns and Hui Ying dear had to peel them for me using her fingers. I do notice that MBS is making me more of a glutton and less of an adult as time goes by.
Ama and I were being very glutton-y by eating every thing we could til our stomachs could take no more. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ama had three plates of rice and I had 2 plates of rice and one bowl of porridge. I would have eaten more if the 'feng shui' around me was better. :( I can almost say that I wasn't full...
All thanks to my Mandarin antics again, I was the main... er... 'attraction' of the day~! No, darlings, i did not ask someone to kiss me again... but even Danny (one of the most stoic seniors I've ever known) laughed and smiled at my... er... dumbness. There Jie Jie was again, trying to bully me into singing Chinese songs and Hokkien songs that I've only heard once in my life. And she... ERM - I mean - HE was like, "I'll give you RM100 if you can sing this song HERE, right now!" and the next song was like, "I'll give you RM350 if you can sing this Hokkien song right now!!"
To sum it all up, I looked like a fool running to all my Mandarin-literate friends asking them for lyrics and still ended up losing on nearly RM1000 after lunch.
So, to show my BURNING spirit and dedication to Mandarin... I have decided.
My friends were like... "What the...??!!"
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I will show them the burning spirit of SEIGAKU!! Ah, no... I mean... THE BURNING SPIRIT OF REBECCA KOAY, the gay!!
Back to the food. I should have ate more ice cream and rice but then seniors started taking photos here and there of us - which made us look like the seniors and them the juniors. Hahaha but then it was eventful and fun~!
I regret.
I should have taken more ice cream.
The porridge was tasteless, however.
I take this crazy opportunity to show off my improved Mandarin.
对不起.. 我没有机点写 blog. 我要说.. 我爱你慧樱!
(Just kidding, I'm no lesbian. But gay, yes. Very much gay. YAY!)
(OMG, I sure hope that whatever I typed is correct.) BWAHAHAHAHA