4:53 PM


It took me the whole of last night and the whole of today because I was absolutely struggling with Photoshop. I am new to it, anyway...


I need some sleep!!

Btw, has anyone seen my Ouran manga vol 1 and 2, my Air Gear, my Busuo Renkin, my Tsubasa 2? There's plenty of other stuff missing, and right now I'm too lazy (and worried) to blog about it. I can't seem to find RM620 worth of anime/manga... I shall do a thorough stock check and find out the missing stuff.

After a take a good sleep.

*sudden transformation*
A gay needs plenty of rest for good complexion! After all, beautiful ME is only fit for Yunoki-sama!
*sudden transformation*

*yawns* I'm turning into an owl.


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