I once wrote this about you when I we were leaving Form 5:
"To my greatest pal since Std 1, who has stood with me through thick and thin, unwavering, my pillar of strength: PATRICE! We've had too many memories together, eh? But I won't forget how people weren't able to tell us apart, how you polluted my brain, how we so often share and keep each other's secrets, how we had the Pokemon Club together (I was secretary, Jas was Vice President or something), how we stopped each other's tears, how we laughed together in school, how we broke the school rules, how we talked about the past, present and future, how we drool over men that will never enter our lives, how we crazed over anime... I'm sure to miss you! I guess I'll have to learn to start walking on my own now without you... (note: most of the pictures I have - has you in the picture)... Without you, I might not have made it past secondary school. I remember how I used to cry in Std 6 when your mum said you were gonna transfer school. And how your mum frightened me again by saying you'll leave our school after Form 3. But I'm glad that you've stayed and made my school life so much more memorable, so much more fun. I hope that we'll still keep in touch with one another through and through til then end!
Btw, you too owe me a Khoosh ball cos it was your fault too that you were too tall. :p"
Btw, you too owe me a Khoosh ball cos it was your fault too that you were too tall. :p"
I was flipping around unnecessarily (MUAHAHAHAHA) recently and I found this recollection of you. And you know what? It's funny that after all this years I still feel the same way - that you shall always be one of those besties whose value would never depreciate with time. :)
You are among the few people who seem to know me better than myself. And I love how you read my mind even when I don't say a thing. I love it even more - because you know exactly what to say at the right times.
I'm glad to have known you in my lifetime - and am privileged to be your friend. Know that I'll always be there for you through thick and thin as you have been for me.

Friends forever! You can count on me. :)
(Though I regret I couldn't protect you from the toothbrush. LOL XD)
Becky: Your words have brought me back through my own time tunnel... Reminding me of the friends whom I have left behind ever since I left high school.
Ah, feeling nostalgic at the moment.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW BECKY DARLING!!! This totally made my day!!! I can't believe you're still keeping all these stuff...mine are long gone, but the memories we shared will never fade with time. In fact, they'll never fade at all! Though we don't see each other often anymore, you too, will always be a wonderful friend that I can turn to whenever things go wrong...we grew up together, picked each other up when we fell. I still remember the time when you called me, crying over your first puppy love, do you remember? And how I'd call you almost everyday to ask about homework. I can still remember BOTH your phone house numbers...haven't changed them right? :P Can't wait to see you in December when I come home!!!
Love from Switzerland!!! XOXO
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