This semester in USM, I’ve been exposed much to what I can do and the many social concerns around us. I feel like the time could not be any more suitable for these actions to ring true. Society is quickly falling into a moral decline that most of us cannot even fathom.
Just recently in the news was coverage on Yue Yue the toddler who was run over by 2 different vans in one night. She laid there bloodied and severed for 7 minutes. During that span there were at least 18 passer-bys in which NONE of them chose to help and instead ignored the whole situation.
Today, Yue Yue passed away.
Had she made it to the hospital in time, had she not such a severe bleeding, she would have made it. Do not underestimate the power of a single individual to change the world. She could have had a future, she could have changed the world.
She was another victim to the immoralities of this cruel world.
Moving on to issues closer to home, I was deeply moved by a speech that I heard yesterday concerning human rights by this guy who's a Commissioner for SUHAKAM . He voiced out concerns for the indigenous people especially in Sabah and Sarawak, for refugees, immigration matters and on religious issues.
Today, on the 22nd of October, several hundred members from over 10 NGOs are to gather in Shah Alam for the Himpunan Sejuta Umat (HIMPUN) supposedly to protect Malaysian Muslims from apostasy, especially to Christianity. HIMPUN’s other objectives include stressing on the importance of unity among the Muslims, the core importance of Islam in our Constitution as well as the essential role of royalties in protecting the status quo of Malays in Malaysia.
The basis on which HIMPUN operates is vague. They say that the small charitable things done to help society are actually Christians promoting evangelism to the community. In reality, there is little information if Christians are the only non-Muslims evangelising.
Is seeking out the poor and the needy and helping them get by with their daily lives a condemnable act? Is getting involved with social concerns in this country now a crime? In the first place, if people were given proper attention and sufficient welfare to live a sustainable life, there would be no need for charity. But in the reality of this world, no amount of social welfare by any government in any country is ever enough to care for the needs of the hardcore poor.
I believe also that Muslims are of good faith, and that faith that they hold are not so brittle that they may fall prey so easily. They are strong in their belief, and with that, I give them all due respect.
If HIMPUN is just another political ploy, then I must say that I find it utterly humiliating and appalling. Article 2 in The Universal Declaration of Human rights states that: “everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.” We ask for our right to live by the religion we choose freely without fear of being discriminated or intimidated.
Fighting for justice and equality is a ongoing war that started some thousand years ago. From the times of Egyptian slavery to Napoleon’s conquer to World Wars until today – we are still facing and fighting for the same cause in different ways. All it takes is the willingness and the commitment for a genuine change.
Keeping true to what the speaker would want me to do, I will immortalize the speaker’s words in my heart. What I heard was really life-changing and it made me want to be an activist to fight for human rights and equality. As Malaysians, we have a long way to go. But through collective effort, we can make things change for the betterment of people.
And through His glory and grace – and with His blessings – nothing is impossible.
I once wrote this about you when I we were leaving Form 5:
Btw, you too owe me a Khoosh ball cos it was your fault too that you were too tall. :p"
I was flipping around unnecessarily (MUAHAHAHAHA) recently and I found this recollection of you. And you know what? It's funny that after all this years I still feel the same way - that you shall always be one of those besties whose value would never depreciate with time. :)
You are among the few people who seem to know me better than myself. And I love how you read my mind even when I don't say a thing. I love it even more - because you know exactly what to say at the right times.
I'm glad to have known you in my lifetime - and am privileged to be your friend. Know that I'll always be there for you through thick and thin as you have been for me.

Friends forever! You can count on me. :)
(Though I regret I couldn't protect you from the toothbrush. LOL XD)
Labels: reflections of life
It begins, unsuspecting, unpredictable as life is,
when a shadow steps in with red beats.
A memory rekindled of a childhood I miss,
when a boy and a girl - now grown up, meets.
A union was found with the shake of hands.
An endless intertwined loop of similarities.
With his silver tongue, her wounded heart mends -
You patched me up piece by piece.
Standing on a veranda overlooking the sun
as it sets, slowly, a mesmerizing view.
When this day ends, will it take with it my fun?
Or does it promise happier days anew?
Underestimate not, the power of a gentle gesture,
even a simple smile would suffice.
It shakes the roots even of my nature -
over an extravagant dinner of seafood and rice.
My idle footsteps are heard under the velvet night,
that was when I first got lost in your eyes.
Am overpowered with the urge to hold you tight -
to feel your warmth beneath the pitch dark skies.
A dreaded moment of when we had to part,
as the stars came to take their place.
Little did I know, this was just a start -
as you continue to amaze.
Labels: getting personal
flesh and blood
But I have within me
an inextinguishable flame
that ever burns
with an insatiable passion
a ceaseless hunger
a piqued curiosity
of Your endless love and compassion.
For You are beautiful
glorious in holiness
fearful in praises
(Exodus 15:11) doing wonders
so majestic
all sufficient.
With You
I feel no solitude
I taste no grief
I fear no evil.
In You
I have found strength
I am lent wisdom
I acquired faith
all renewed.
You work wonders
and now
the ones I love
are inching closer to salvation.
rejoice in the Lord!
For He hears, sees and speaks
right into the heart of those He chose to touch
and would change them for a lifetime
for the better good.
This is my testimony of how He spoke to me in 1 Chr 16:10-11. The Lord truly is amazing by helping me pull the ones I love closer to Him. You work wonders in ways that I can never comprehend. And in the end, I just know that I love You all the more. Thank you, Lord for all that you do. :)
Labels: spiritual walk
Yes, the 9th of July rally is over and done with but that does not mean that we should stop talking about Bersih 2.0.
The desired outcomes of Bersih are relevant and necessary towards a healthy and successful nation building. It does not end unless there is a true electoral reformation that will see us Malaysians basking in the light of an impartial and clean election.
There are 8 issues that Bersih calls for a change:
2. Reform postal ballot
3. Use of indelible ink
4. A minimum of 21 days campaigning period
5. Free and fair access to media
6. Strengthening of public institutions
7. Stop corruption
8. Stop dirty politics
(Reference: About Bersih 2.0 )
I think that if you label yourself a patriot; a real Malaysian, you would be fighting to protect the calls of change in which Bersih is fighting for. The assumption that rallying on the streets, or a demonstration (as they call it, whilst slyly dropping the word 'peaceful' selectively) can only lead to public fear is nothing but an outright lie.
Why so? Because this rally has dug up the genuine beauty of us Malaysians - as ONE.
I believe that it is through rallying that our voices can truly be heard. And it is through this sort of gathering that we can see the bright colours of our fellow Malaysians shine - in times of support and trouble. If you would take the time to read this article (click here) you will see that so many of our countrymen actually love Malaysia so much and that we do all we can to fight for a better Malaysia.
The 9th of July 2011 made me proud - that I am a patriot - striving for a maturing nation, fighting for the better good and loving the courageous people who dared to voice out.
Labels: malaysian politics
For him and only him. :D
Long to be
Only with you
Vast is our options
Endless is our strength
Yesterday is but another memory
Onwards we walk
:) Let's keep going strong.
Labels: getting personal
OMIGOSH. Level E mania! I recently started watching Level E. And I seriously LOL-ed at the anime.
Why, you ask? XD A fair share of bishie action from the dearly beloved Prince Baka + hilarious comedy that makes no sense + random dawdles + totally no storyline = WIN. MUAHAHAHAHA
I've been missing my share of randomness ever since I finished Gintama. I want to rewatch, maybe? But my complete collection is with Edward Lee? LOL.
The thing about men is that they let emotions run free before they find out the truth about things. Trust is but a meaningless word unless it is put into action. Just because men ARE men, a man's ego does nothing to right the wrong. Cos that'd be sexist.
SO YEAH. Gays are awesome. MUAHAHAHA yaoi, wooooots! (Rehab an utter fail from its humble beginnings.*dies*) BWAHAHAHAHA XD
AND. Nobody wants to be a caged bird.
A caged bird can be fed until they're full - but food can never satiate their hunger for the sky. Why is it restrained, when it can spread its wings and soar the limitless skies? Though stripped and bare - why not trust those wings that'll help to discover all those infinite possibilities?
SO YEAH. I'm in support of Bersih 2.0. LOL. It's high time we undergo some reformation, hello. We are in need of a clean election. Because this is part of our rights.
This goes out to the one person out there that holds my heart. I mean it each time I tell you those 3 words.
With that concludes my utterly random post. Anime, politics, gays and relationships. MUAHAHAHAHA how much better does my blog get? XD
G.O.T. Out.
Labels: randomness
Oooooh and so I've been missing in action here for almost three months? I surprise myself with my MIA stunts sometimes. Wheeeeeee~
I'm here to set my priorities straight and so to tell the world! These are the things that matter to me most in my life. In order.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at the end of all that mushy talk about loving all you people out there I'm here to clarify that MY NUMBER FIVE PRIORITY HAS BEEN ROBBED OF ME SINCE LAST NIGHT. 500GB OF MY PRECIOUS TREASURE GONE!!! Yes, am filled with regrets... but then I must get onto the path of rehab once and for all.
Moral of the story people?
1. I'm whacked. No surprise there. Teehee.
2. Money isn't everything but it sure is something.
3. Divine love is the best kind of love that you can ever experience in this lifetime.
And so. Becky the random GOT is back. And out.
Labels: randomness
moving on
means stepping out
of your comfort
opening up
and allowing others
to touch you
and delve deep
within you.
as gentle as wind
as tender as rose
as smooth as silk
so sweet the talk
yet stronger than steel
beyond caring
was he.
windows opened within
the gates rattled
too close a call.
I am still me.
change nothing.
opening up receives another
loving means accepting
not changing
but to cherish one for all they are.
He is
anything but monotonous
living and growing in me
all that one can ask for
nothing can outdo.
Labels: getting personal
Wheeeeee~! And so comes a random post about quick updates in my life. YESSSSSS this gay here is feeling random once again.
So it was evident that I ran out of steam toward the end of my blogging spree once again. XD Sooooo sorry people.
But today I'm back here with one single declaration to the world: MY BLOG IS ALIVE! BWAHAHAHAHAHA. I've been hit with the sudden realization that I ALWAYS choose to blog during the periods in which I am most busy and most stressed. Yeaaah. Right now I'm facing the pressure of the exam season.
Next paper up would be Programming, in which I suck, because it was my fault in the first place to neglect it. Uhhhh no. I'm not being emo here BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Cmon people. When was the last time you actually saw gay me emo huh? I'll just take one trouble and BWAHAHAHAHA it to its face. So yeaaaah. XD
Once again I thank Apek Cheah for saving my Programming from utter annihilation. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. And I now thank my darling roommate who taught me enough Chemistry to get it past today's paper with little stress. Awwww ILOVEPOWPOW. Don't cry, darling. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Um what else is happening? Nothing major actually. Besides that I haven't been gaming much or doing anything constructive at all. GOSH. I haven't even been reading enough to even blog about anything. :O
I did however, watch two movies recently. SCREAM 4 and The Roommate!
Scream 4 didn't quite give me a scream but it did jolt me up from my seat a few times. Sound effects much. Teeee heee.Scream 4 was okay. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. I had a good laugh throughout. But of course Final Destination gave me the biggest laugh of all to date. BWAHAHAHAHA. What's best about this show Screm 4 is that NOBODY COULD HAVE EVER GUESSED THE IDENTITY OF THE PSYCHOTIC KILLER. Awesome, eh.
So yeahhh if I have perked your interest, do watch this show. XD
And then there's The Roommate, which I watched today to release the stress of having sat for a Chemistry paper in which time was thwarted and deficient.
If I'm not disturbing enough for you, do watch this show because this psychotic person shares MY NAME. WTH, right?! BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Rebecca's such a popular name nowadays. (Black and all XD) I am GLAD that my dear PowPow chose to not watch this show with me. She will be... disturbed. BWAHAHAHAHA.
And that concludes the brief update about my life right now. Kthxbai.
I forgot something. Didn't I?
Oooooh yeah. With more than 70 likes, 60 comments and over 200 people being confirmed with diabetes, what's the most happening thing on my Facebook right now?
Rebecca Koay is currently in a relationship with Alan Woo. :)
Ciao. Out.
Labels: randomness
between the past and the future
of filial piety
or Obedience
of philia
or agape
of roots
or salvation.
the wide gate
calls out to me
the popular choice
so effortless
requires no sacrifice
and of simple decisions.
the narrow gate
is never easy
by trials and tribulations
and reproach
that question your faith.
but why
give up?
but why
when the most beautiful things in life
has unfolded itself
right in front of you?
let go
of the One who
truly loves
who is the Truth
who is the Way
who is the Life?
the only One
who would die for you
to save you
so that you may Live?
the narrow gate
envelopes me with inhuman warmth
with longing
and of such passion
that only He can fill.
a reminder
of His preeminence
a clarity
that He is above all.
the gate that I chose to walk
at this first crossroad
does not mean I have forgone my past
for my past is who I am
the future is not a barrier
nor a factor
that will ever change how I feel for you.
...I will love you for always and for eternity.
Labels: spiritual walk
Much has been said about finding our spiritual gifts and then igniting them with a fervent passion for the Lord. And I prayed onto the Lord daily that He would show me clear signs as to what was my gift.
Surely enough - today, I had this sudden epiphany about what COULD be my gift. HAHAHAHAHA. It came to me when I was doing my daily devotion today - when I suddenly felt that I expressed myself best in written words.
YEAHHHH. This feeling - have I got the gift of writing? :D
You know, there's a profound difference when I write and when I speak. I feel as though the words just slip off my fingertips when I write (or type, for this matter HAHAHAHA) WAY faster than they slip off my tongue. I express myself so much better when I put it to paper (or blog XD) compared as to when I say them out loud. The best thing is that when I WRITE, I don't pause to think. It just... flows.
As I flip through my journal in my walk with Him, I too realize that I've been building my relationship with Him through written words. And I tend to get very personal in my prayer when I write. In a way, His Words (= Bible) relates to me in a very, very personal way that I can't really describe literally in spoken words. The Lord = Word = Life. My life. XD
So, Lord, is that my gift?
Well, I know that I shouldn't rush things especially in my relationship with Him, right? Because sometimes rushing things may cause us to lose sight of it, no? So I'll just take it in accordance to His will, at His pace. Simply because we know that our time is not measured at the same pace as His time. So once again, I commit this to Him and wait on Him to startle me with another sudden revelation. MUAHAHAHAHA. Praise God! :)
Ohhh. On another note - how the Lord has answered my prayers! HAHAHAHA! About a month ago, I wanted to get a commentary Bible. So I asked Him to guide me to get one in which I can really connect and understand so that I can learn more about Him. Truth be told (confession! HAHAHA) I am really bad when it comes to discipline in reading His Word. Sometimes because I find it hard to truly gain an understanding. YEAAAAH.
Imagine my surprise when I walked into Borders and came to realize that commentary Bibles, or rather, Bibles on the whole - are pretty expensive! So I waited on Him (once again: not rushing things and doing it at His pace) and true enough - yesterday Rou En told me to ask Darshinii about study bibles - sold at a student price of RM60 ONLY. WHAT A STEAL, MAN. OMG. I'm definitely getting one. SOOOOOO CHEAP! Compared to the Rm120 and above ones that I saw. WOW! CHEAP!
Ahahahaha. So once again, praise God! MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
Isn't it PHENOMENAL to see Him do His thing even in the smallest occasions in life? He is truly ever-faithful. And that's why I *heart* Him~ XD Awwwwww.
Labels: spiritual walk
WHOOOOOO-HOOO! New layout! Hope it works because I got too lazy to make my own. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. And then my laziness is back after one whole week of being hardworking. MUAHAHAHAHAHA XD
Anyway. Coming back to the topic - I went everywhere and did it all. Uni life rocks! XDA USM first! Enjoying Starbucks all the more with great company! (btw, Caramel Macchiato tastes like milk BWAHAHAHAHA)
The tailor behind Pow's clothes. Man, I totally rock. MUAHAHAHAHA. I was sewing her costume for her upcoming dance event. WOW! I turned it from a cloth into a dress. MUAHAHAHAHA I am so gifted! (insert super perasan look here) XD
Guess what? We (Wan Yin, Leong, Pow and me) became Pharmacy students for a day! Whooo-hooooo! Their Dewan Kuliah gives off a totally different vibe altogether. Eerie OMG.
Pow doing some really random pose there in DK X. =.='
Leong cycling! I took this while cycling. MUAHAHAHAHA. I'm such a pro. Sorry I didn't manage to take Wan Yin/Pow. You two were so far in front that day...
Bubble fest in USM! I wanted to go try, but then I was running late for my rehearsal at Dewan Budaya the other day. And I think one's gotta pay to play. Boooo. How I wish everything was free. Grrrr.
You're looking at the number of beans the new CHOPSTICK MASTER MANAGED TO PICK OUT. Muahahahahaha! Won 2 RedBox complimentary tickets for this! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
Now who said bananas can't use chopsticks?! I'll prove them wrong! XDPow, myself and Khoi at the Karnival Wanita!
THANK YOU KHOI KHOI for the ice cream. Awwww. It tasted all the better XDOWL ASLEEP IN CLASS. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is proof that everyone sleeps in class! Wheeeeee~!
So many other ppl were sleeping in class. Sorry I had to take only YOUR photo.Dunno what stunt Pow was trying to pull in Pizza Hut the other day =.="
Mania looking cute with our deadly concoction of Coke + Cheese + Pepper + Tabasco sauce! MUAHAHAHAHAHA. The very next day after she drank that, she came down with Chickenpox. See what I mean by deadly? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
My CNY cookies that I baked! A VERY VERY small batch of it. XD
Audrey's muka tertidur in Pulau Jerejak. Epic la wei XD
When Pow and I decided to do some Taylor Swift stunt by disturbing our neighbour and writing weird signs and showing them off to her. Poor girl, we must have scared her silly (she never opened her curtains ever again) BWAHAHAHAHAHA
An earphone connection! Both us roomies showing off our awesome new earphones! Mine's red and hers are green. Wheeeeeee~! Support USM's PC fair!!
And that was a very brief recap of the silly/weird/disturbing/memorable things we've done this semester in USM. Yet another awesome semester soon to end.
Labels: randomness
OKAY. So, this week has gotta be the BUSIEST week I've ever had since I stepped into USM. A summary of my week would mean having not enough time and not enough sleep with my long workload of 6 Assignments, 2 Tests and So You Think You Can. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
Amazingly, it's the first time I've ever skipped lectures for a whole ENTIRE week and yet have an exemption letter. BWAHAHAHAHA.
Putting the 'stressed' part aside, this week has its pros too! Of all my 10 years walking with Him, I've not once felt how it feels like to have the Lord so profoundly intervene in my daily life - until this week. I guess it's true when they say that He's doing his greatest work when we are dealing with most difficult situations. For those who have faced the greatest darkness are those who fully appreciate the glory of His light.
The Lord, working in my life started all the way back on Monday when I heard Jess talking to Lydia about discipleship. After movie night, Wilson and I shared a little chat over a cup of ice-blended. Even though I've walked with the Lord for 10 years, I'm still a spiritual infant. Sad to say, I've stopped at acceptance for a very long time now. But NOW I want to grow in Him - because if not now, then when? So, despite rushing to meet datelines - (most assignments were due on Wednesday!), I asked him about discipleship. And he enlightened me for an hour or so.
That night I prayed to God. Like, I REALLY prayed HARD. I really, really wanted to grow in my relationship with Him. But blind faith is nothing alike real faith. I asked Him, What do You will for me to? Need I a mentor-disciple relationship? Or do I just need someone to be accountable for? What is my purpose in life? Take control of my life. Let Your will be done. Slam the truth right to my face.
And he spoke to me most directly through Ephesians. Time and time again! GOD IS GREAT.
On Wednesday, I browsed through Ephesians 4:1-16 by accident. Those verses centered about letting His providence place us where He wills us to be. These verses also told me that we can do whatever task he assigns us to do, no matter how impossible it may seem - because He put us there for a reason. All we have to do is to wait for our moment and find our calling.
Yesterday too, I was tired and disappointed. 2 tests = 19 chapters to be tested; but NONE studied. (Assignments was copied, btw. HAHAHAHAHA) I randomly browsed His Word again, and I landed on Psalm 37:3 that says, "Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the Lord, and feed on His faithfulness." Once again, the reassurance of His never-ending faithfulness enabled me to carry on in His name. And though at that time I was feeling so negative; disappointed with far too many people, and even with MYSELF, I felt so warm and loved knowing that I would never be disappointed in Him.
Today, I woke up in the morning feeling too tired to want to go to BE. I made up excuses to not go: I had a test at 4pm in which I've studied 0 (ZERO. NULL.) chapters. FORGET 4PM! I even had a test at 9am in which I was BARELY prepared for.
One way was by making me flip all the way to Ephesians once again in the morning. 3:18-19 this time. And to read about the fullness of his love, the infinite possibilities by knowing Him - it touched me straight to the core of my heart.
The second way in which He worked was through my FRIENDS. HAHAHAHAHA. Some of you who messaged me in the morning - you may not know it, but every each and one of you who did - made me go to BE. And even those pals that I met in the library. Everyone was pointing in a direction as if God WANTED me to be there.
AMAZING, isn't it?
BUT WAIT. It was NOT just the Scriptures that talked to me. XD
YEAH. The most amazing thing was that EVERY SINGLE THING Dr. Alex spoke of today pretty much sums up everything that happened to me this week. He even spoke about discipleship - as a way to completely place our trust in somebody we can be accounted to regardless of the situation. He also talked of fighting faith that is imperatively crucial for one who walks with Him.
And as I sit here with my journal on my walk with God - it pieced up all the pieces together.
Even more surprising was that it didn't end at just that! Wilson offered to teach me about prayer over the weekend! :) And a non-Christian friend told me that "You are kinda spiritually immature now - but learning, albeit slowly, is really good." OMG XD God just continues to surprise me time and time again HAHAHAAHAHAHA!
The way that the Lord worked with me this week was just AWESOME. And I cannot be any happier that everything went just as it should be. (I don't think I did bad enough to have flunked those 2 tests either! XD)
Maybe you too should surrender control of your life to Him - and let Him work wonders with our lives. :)
(... OH WAIT. I MIGHT have flunked my WileyPlus though. Grrrr.)
Labels: spiritual walk
I'm down with the blogging fever! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, gotta blog while it lasts before I disappear for another month or two XD
Weeeeeeeell. I actually have nothing much on my agenda to blog about - but THEN, I was clearing my handphone of its 1000+ inbox messages. (I clean my inbox, like, once a year XD) Surprisingly, I found some REAAALLY memorable/laughable/annoying yet bloggable stuff. Whee~ RANDOM! XD
Oh my. The weird things friends text huh. Got me laughing like a mad gaylo for a bit and so I shall list them here for further laughs MUAHAHAHAHAHA
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG! Hard not to think serong rereading this! OMIGOSH HAHAHAHAHAHA! I really just couldn't stop snickering to myself every time I read this BWAHAHAHAHA
Laughed like nuts re-reading this text from HuiYing la... OMG?! That time we were talking about a CNY gathering for 2011. However, (as usual) Ama always fails to reply. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. And so HuiYing sent me this text message. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Need no explanations, no? At that time I just straightened my hair and was in an eggy status for a month. Raz was mean. XD
I SOOOOOOOO wanted to kill her there and then. Nothing to elaborate on, though. MUAHAHAHAHA. Epic - because I shall kill her one day. With my love. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
"OMG Manda?! The heck was this about?!" was my initial reaction when I reread this message. Manda dear, if you're reading this, I bet it gave you a good shock too HAHAHAHA! It took me a while to recall that Manda was actually talking about my PSP. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. (still doesn't make much sense, no? Oh well. XD)
by PowPow
POWPOW IS SO VIOLENT!! OMIGOSH?! How am I still alive after one and a half sems?! Now I'm worried :O
I vaguely remember that Cheng, Pow and I were screaming for Aud from the ground floor but apparently she wasn't in her room. It turns out that she was in the ladies. Aud then sent me that message.
... *speechless* I don't see how anyone can't get speechless after that. Ahahahaha.
MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! Had a great time blogging about this! But I noticed that my posts these days lack politics. Going to USM has left me SOOOO outdated about Malaysia's current political saga. I'm gonna go study the news for the past 3 months and hopefully blog about politics soon MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
... or the like XD
Followers out there: enjoy my blog while you can! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA ( I apologise for my inconsistency :D I only blog when I'm TRULY busy. Tee-heee~)
Labels: randomness
emotional devastation
eruption of thoughts
moment of insanity
trivial strife
a temporal wall
I just can't rid off myself.
lend me
to control
the choice between kindness or anger.
teach me
so that I love.
Labels: getting personal
Today can be summed up as: Eat a lot, work out a lot. WHOOOOOO-HOOOO! (most importantly, I'm on a blogging frenzy!)
Had a sinful lunch at Pizza Hut today in which the three of us (Pow, Mania and myself) finished ONE WHOLE NEW BOTTLE OF PARMESAN CHEESE. See what I mean by sinful?
Try Coke with half a bottle of Parmesan cheese, Tabasco sauce and a whole load of pepper.
(I'm so gonna get diarrhea tomorrow XD)
And after Pizza Hut, Pow was feeling so guilty that she just needed to work off those extra calories. Of course the psychotic Cheng and I would join in on any weird occasion. XD
Cheng and I did some unforgivable sia sui things trying to start a conversation with a biawak. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Some passerby may have thought us to be crazy XD


SOMEONE just wouldn't concentrate on exercising and instead kept taking photos.
Slimmed down much, no? (Do note Cheng's tomato-ish face. HAHAHAHAHA)
Plus, this awesome instructor trained both Pow and I for about an hour or so. HAHAHAHA. He even speaks PENANG HOKKIEN. I'm not too sure but I think Cheng knows his house?! *evil smirks* MUAHAHAHAHA. You'll never know what mischief I'm up to. XD
AND... I MAY just join the USM Rowing team (for him?). HAHAHAHA.
Read more misadventures at Pow's blog. What an eventful Monday XD
Totally loving campus life. Wheeeee-hoooo! Gonna go training with the hot instructor again tomorrow MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good bye, Vinny Tan. XD
Labels: randomness
First off, I know I'm lame and all - being a Penangite but never once setting foot on Jerejak island for the past 20 years. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. But my first time there was nothing short of fantastic! It was a great moment for fellowship and one of utmost fun and adventure! WHEEEEEEE~!!
And now, time for photos! Well, these were taken from Audrey's camera only since both Derek and Tien Hui are yet to upload anything *HINT HINT HINT* XD
Woke up at 7.00am - great start to a great day!

Loving every moment of my CG outing :)
Lesson of the day: Never hop onto the suspension bridge when Tien Hui/Michael/Audrey/Jessica are on it.
It was my first time on the Flying Fox and it was great! Too bad it was too short for me to fully feel scared. But I know someone who was scared then and really showed it. *hint hint hint emily* XD
I kinda regretted not making that final step to reach the top. GAHHHHH. ONE STEP AWAY - but my muscles gave up on me.
On a side note: I couldn't even hold my chopsticks properly to dig in to my Maggi Mee that night. Random. XD
We all had a great time and were leaving with heavy hearts.
(stopped by QBay to eat McD, though. BWAHAHAHAHAHA)
And at night, I went to my first church service at EPCC. It was moving and the feeling of just being there (despite my fatigue-had a hell of a week :S) was amazing. And I realised how true it was that moments spent with God are those of refreshing times. Felt so revitalised when the Spirit's in the house! XD
Am looking forward to more fun-filled CG events! What's so great is that we truly are one big family united under God as our Head. It's totally... Wheeeeeeeeee~! XD
Labels: randomness
Had an awesome time with my very very reliable, effective and fast-planning Bio coursemates on the last day before the one week long CNY break!
At first, I just kinda randomly invited everyone to join in on a bbq steamboat thing on Thurs evening. And the event was planned for FRIDAY. HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, random. XD But suddenly, OWL had this great idea to make their own bbq steamboat! Imagine my surprise that it took them only 2 hours to plan out such a fantastic dinner. Every little thing was done ourselves. WOW. It simply was fun! :)
Plus, not to mention: the event was graced by their very own Bakti Idol. WAHAHAHAAHAHA.
(from the way I'm writing, you'll know that I'm actually lazy to blog, but instead, I'll spam my own wall with some photos of the night. XD I'm a total pig after CNY.)
More useful than me anyway. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. We should have more Bio gang gatherings + outings!!, when's the next one?
Labels: randomness