It’s a touchdown for the G.O.T. at USM~! Whoo-hoo! XD A warm welcome for the elusive, gorgeous gay, anyone? A hawt, Korean hunk maybe? Or a pretty Japanese boy?
AND …what a letdown. :(
Men were outnumbered 3:1 by women this time around in USM. A sad state for all us desperate gays. My hopes were completely crushed. Boo. And I’m thinking that by G.O.T.-ism shall face extinction soon if people keep giving birth to females. :(
ANYWAY. So as to not scare my new blog readers, I shall elaborate no further about my ideals. Although, I must say that the current situation with the lack of males will steadily push me to my limits and will eventually steer me into jumping into the International Students’ dorms at night or something. GAHHHHHH.
…okay, uh, I’ll talk about the Orientation Week instead. The first 3 days were verging on HELLISH considering how little time we get to rest and recharge. I had a mere total of 7-8 hours of sleep only for the first 3 days and the stomach-sensitive G.O.T here had a lapse of incurable diarrhea. GAH. The talks were all… TALK, and they were so mundane that I’m unable to comprehend even the simplest info. Awesome, no?
(THIS TUMMY INCIDENT IS GIVING ME A HUGE PHOBIA ABOUT GOING TO KEDAH THIS FRIDAY. I'm probably the only person's who's head over heels worried about barfing a hundred times over a span of 3 days. OMG.)
Plus, we had to walk to the DTSP every single day all the way from our hostels across the road and each walk took us HALF AN HOUR ONE WAY. OMG! But the hall’s HUGE and AMAZING and I really mean HUGE and AMAZING. Wahahaha. State of the art technology, and best of all… AIR-COND. The air-cond is of course, a very important thing to mention. BWAHAHAHAHA
Slept throughout 3/4 of those talks and… I don’t think I should be so frank about it, right? BWAHAHAHAHA! I’m proud to say I wasn’t the only sleepy-head around here! YAY!
Most people in the audience were sleeping. And Audrey was the most ill-fated of all – caught in the act through the lens of the camera. OMG! If that’s not enough, her photo was aired on the LCD screen repeatedly during the Makan Malam at the Desasiswa. OMG! XD
USM is HUGE, and it’s just so big that we can get lost just being inside our own FACULTY. HAHAHA! Even with my awesome sense of direction, (the best among all my friends? XD) (Ama’s, Vin’s and Ah Hone’s are among the worst… XD) I just can’t find certain laboratories and lecture halls. FUHHH. I should probably bring along a compass next time I’m venturing USM grounds. SHEESH. Blur. XD
After a brief explanation about the Applied Biology course I’m taking, I can’t help but to feel worried if I can really handle it. Alike most of my blur classmates in Form 6, (XD) we are HORRIBLY INEFFICIENT when it comes to handling experiments and the practical part, in general. OMG. And to think that my course involves lab work every week is just unnerving. OMG!
We get to choose our major (and probably minor?) next year, but I’m really worried about aiming for Biotechnology. The seniors were saying, “If you take Biotech just because it’s a popular subject and you think that popular subjects are usually good; then don’t cry and beg to drop it in the 2nd year. It’s tough and it really is.”
… OMG. Biotech brings back bad memories about the “Modern Genetics Technology” chapter in Upper 6. The one almost everyone except HuiYing and GeokHooi failed to understand?
Now, do I really want to take Biotech…?
What’s even worse than thinking about experiments every week is that: IT IS COMPULSORY FOR US TO TAKE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AS A CORE SUBJECT.
…OMG. Now I’m really worried. *swoons*
And by the way, the grading system for universities is just… COMPLEX. I’m completely… BLUR about it. I’m getting blur-er than I could ever be as compared to my blur times with Jamie in Form 5! WHY IN THE WORLD AM I FEELING SO BLUR IN UNI? My brain could hardly comprehend a THING. No thanks to Cheng Cheng, Pow Pow and MANIA. XD OMG, Mania’s the cutest, blur-est little thing in the world! XD
… and how many times did I mention blur in the last paragraph? XD
I'm also kinda sad I can't take Japanese this semester because it clashes with my course timetable. HOWEVER, THAT'LL ALSO MEAN THAT I'M TAKING GERMAN. From a sweet and nice German lecturer. Awesome! Continue rooting for Germans despite being just third! WHOOO-HOOOO!
Ahem. Putting sad stories aside, the Walkrobic was extremely FUN! My Desasiswa Tekun was all pumped up to win but then Fajar Harapan won instead. (Or was it Saujana? Blur. XD) (See what I mean by getting blur-er?)
Not forgetting, we had very, very helpful seniors in the PPSL in which I was angry at sometimes for pushing us really hard into the wee hours in the morning – but they really, really worked hard for us. We can be a tough lot to handle, but somehow they pulled through.
My hostel is Tekun, by the way – in which I think I did mention somewhere up on top.
We climb and average of 200 steps every single day. No wonder I'm slimming down. SHEESH!
And of course, I met some really awesome new friends. :)

Pow Pow and her crazy fellow Johorean whom I call, 'Ah Skirt'. Precisely because her name in Chinese means skirt.
USM, here I come! XD
eh, i only had 3-5 hours of sleep during the first three days and you had like 7-8 hours??? whattt! do we live in the same desasiswa?? lol!
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