You have been warned! XD
In case anybody’s wondering…? My gaming streak is lying low for the moment - thanks to a very HIGH level of difficulty for my final few remaining odyssey characters for Dissidia. BWAHAHAHAHA. Both Bartz and Onion Knight’s level of difficulty is 4/5 while Terra and the Warrior of Light is 5/5?!?!?! FUHHHH. I’m sweating just thinking about it. XD
Yup, Manda, in case you’re reading this: I’M ACTUALLY DONE WITH THE REST – Firion, Cecil, Cloud, Squall, Zidane and Tidus! Whoo-hoo!! Talk about a gaming marathon!! Whee~!! And my favourite character to use so far would be ZIDANE TRIBAL!!!
I LOVE YOU ZIDANEEEEEE~!! You’re unparalleled in midair combat!! I love you loads cause you’re so EASY to use in places where there is insufficient footing!! (which covers 3/4 of the battle venues in Dissidia..) LOVE~!! LOVE~!! *foolish fangirl shrieks*
(And I hate using you two: Squall, Cloud. Boo to you. Especially Squall. You’re completely lousy in midair. XD)
Ahem. Sorry, I digress.
Anyway, right now I find myself downright IMMERSED in a very random anime fever once again… BWAHAHAHAHA!! I guess there are quite a few mentionable titles to watch right now after the ‘hentai’ phase is over. Whoo-hoo!!
And this is a list of titles I recently watched and felt compelled to give it some credit for originality, plot and… BISHIES~!! NYAHHHHH~!! *nosebleeds*
By the way, I somewhat realized that some mangakas are really creative with names! They don’t come out with REGULAR JAPANESE NAMES anymore for their characters, no? Instead, they have these very FANCY FOREIGN names that are getting harder and harder for us fans to pronounce. Sheesh. Examples? Erm… Lag Seeing! Largo Lloyd! Zazie! Hamyuts Meseta! … just to name a few. XD
1. Tegami Bachi
(And I darn well ain’t talking about the 12-yr-old who hasn’t reached puberty.)
(And I darn well ain’t talking about the 12-yr-old who hasn’t reached puberty.)

From left: Niche, Connor, Lag and the ever-AWESOME Zazie!! (Zazie's always got the coolest entrance among the rest of them. XD)
OKAY. So this anime ain’t that new at all actually. XD I first watched the first episode some FIVE months ago but that time I was all caught up in my Eyeshield 21 Hiruma Yoichi fever that I paid almost no attention at all to this anime. Ahahahaha. I’m sorry.
(Why in the world did I just apologise?!?!)
Anyway, watched the first episode all over again TODAY and fell head over heels for none other than… (silver haired bishie alert!!) GAUCHE SUEDE!!! OMG!!
Loved him the instant he appeared – and that’s no surprise because his seiyuu is none other than the awesome: JUN FUKUYAMA. *swoons* Lelouch Lamperouge! Keiichi Shimizu!! Toshitsugu Fujiwara!! Kei Takishima!! Vincent Nightray!! Shinra Kishitani!! And now… GAUCHE SUEDE~!! *swoons*
… I love Jun Fukuyama ALMOST as much as I love Kenichi Suzumura and Mamoru Miyano… ahhhhhh…. *swoons*
.... *swoons some more*
I apologise for my random fangirl ramblings. XD AHEM.
Anyway, this anime is commendable and watchable if you have the patience to sit back and relax while watching crybaby Lag Seeing wail and cry throughout 9/10 parts of the show. YEAH. He cries at EVERY single episode except for episode 21 (was it?) where this blind researcher told him about her past memories with Gauche in a flashback.
The plot’s really awesome, about Tegami Bachi(s) or Letter Bees that deliver letters all over the world for a hefty price – because every delivery puts their life on the line. Gaichuus (monsters) are attracted to the HEART in humans and letters and therefore hunt any Bees that come close to their lairs. The show starts off with Lag as Gauche’s letter. During the delivery, the relationship between Lag and Gauche became more than just friends. Lag determines to be a Bee just as well as Gauche was.
Five years later, when Lag becomes a full-fledged Bee, he finds out that Gauche, his idol and role model - has been sacked from being a Tegami Bachi. Gauche disappeared mysteriously!!!
I miss you, Gauche! I really do!! *wails alike Lag*
AHEM. CGI effects for the Gaichuus, however… HMMMMM. It kinda reminds me of DRUAGA from The Tower of Druaga. Very mecha-ish. GAH. Not that I’m complaining. CGI graphics are good for games!! XDD
And the plot thickens and darkens until – WHAM!! Episode 25 of Season 1 ended – JUST LIKE THAT?!?!
WHAT A CLIFFHANGER!!! The ANTICIPATION! The WAIT!! Do you all know how agonizing that is?!?!?! ARGHHHHH!! And just when Gauche finally reappears?? ARGHHHHH!!
(Thank goodness the second season commences this fall. I would have killed if they made me wait any longer. XD)
Overall review? Probably an 8/10. Fillers and the incessant crying scenes made me feel like killing Lag sometimes.
2. Asura Cryin’
FOR GOODNESS SAKE, I JUST MENTIONED THAT I WOULD KILL LAG IF HE CRIED SOME MORE AND THIS ANIME’S TITLE IS ASURA CRYIN’?!?!?! Just kidding! XD This anime has nothing to do with sobbing crybabies and is a pretty good anime with a solid plot, too!
Tomoharu Natsume received a bag from his far, far away brother. Little does he know that the bag actually contains secrets of the world that may change or jeopardize the world. The trunk contains Asura Machina – thus Tomo became the Handler of the Kurogane after sacrificing his best friend Misao as a Burial Doll. Tomo also finds himself smacked in the middle of a war of balance between the Holy Guards and Demons.

I hope to do better with this show than I ever had with any other mecha titles: RahXephon, Gundam XD
YES… the story is as complicating as how complicated it sounds above. XD Slightly mecha-ish, and I USUALLY find myself hopeless when I watch most mecha stuff – but I’m surprised how well I’m taking this in!! HAHAHAHAHA!! Probably it’s because I’m only at the 5th episode, but still…
… it’s interesting. Worth your time, at least. No eye-candy bishies... but a whole lot of boobies for those who’re interested. XD
I can’t believe I just said that. BWAHAHAHAHA
Overall? Can’t quite rate it fairly yet because I’ve only made 5 episodes into the show. Probably a 6/10, I guess so far?
You know what? Having bishies would really make a difference to the show. XD
3. Hakuoki Shinsengumi Kitan

Bishie feast!!! YAY!!! It's been a LONG time since such a show!
… I just mentioned bishies, and this show is somewhat OVERLOADED with them. OMG!!! *fangirl squeals* Bishie galore!! Whee~!!
This show comes to me as AWKWARD because I started it right after I finished 201 episodes of Gintama. There’s a parody of Shinsengumi in Gintama but if you were to compare Gintama’s Shinsengumi to Hakuoki’s Shinengumi – you’ll find that there’s barely a similarity to their personalities despite their same names. XD
= a world of difference! XD
Kondou, Hijikata, my darling Okita Sougo (*nosebleeds*) and even Yamazaki the spy are featured in both versions of Shinsengumi. Although; I MUST add that somehow - I love Gintama’s Shinsengumi much, much more than the bishie-studded Hakuoki’s Shinsengumi! Hakuoki is really serious and relevant rather than the obscenely CRAZY Gintama! And myself, as a person with no common sense (or so I tell Hime-chan and Ama) I really learnt to appreciate Gintama’s psychotic-light-humour. XD
NOTE THAT I AM IN FAVOUR OF GINTAMA’S SOUGO OKITA ONLY AND NOT HAKUOKI’S. (No way I’m gonna like a TB- infected dude, man! XD)
By the way, for those who didn’t know… Shinsengumi really DID exist in Japanese history. Ahahaha. I’ve been studying a whole lot of Japanese culture, myths and history lately so yeah; I’m pretty amazed how related anime is to its culture!
(For example: Uchiha Itachi from Naruto Shippuden is a formidable opponent with three main skills. His genjutsu: Tsukiyomi, his in-extinguishable black flames: Amaterasu and his weapon and shield: Susanoo. Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu and Susanoo are actually names of Japanese mythical gods! WOW! There’s a whole lot of myth and history to it… so read it up if you’re interested. I’m lazy to elaborate on the relationship between these three sibling gods. XD)
So yeah… Hakuoki’s based on a spin-off real Japanese history. Watchable, but to put a GIRL as the main character kinda annoys me at times. XD I’m sorry, but I prefer gays.
Overall? A 6/10, I guess. So far it has been released until episode 8 only and so that’s where I am now. XD
4. Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra
THIS ANIME IS AWESOME!! XD Weird names, though. That’s where all these hard-to-pronounce character names pop out. Hamyuts Meseta! Mattalast Ballory! Mirepoc! Volken! Noloty! Colio!! Shindeki Church! OMG, seriously. XD
Set in medieval times, lies a world where deceased people turn into books. These books are placed in Bantorra, where people can read them by touching these stone-like books and learn about the past of the deceased. Bantorra is maintained by Armed Librarians who yield supernatural powers. Bantorra’s arch-enemy, the Shindeki Church, is a cult that strongly believes that Books should ascend to heaven instead of being kept in Bantorra.
The series is divided into arcs in which each of them portrays human greed, sorrow, happiness, hope and despair. And with each arc – secret after secret is slowly being revealed.
It came to me as hard to understand at first but as the story progresses – it’s just amazing to see how relevant this anime is in portraying the ever-changing human heart! Enemies become allies and allies become enemies, making this entire series unpredictably entertaining. And did I mention that the fighting scenes are AWESOME?!?! XD
No bishies once again, but there are HUGE boobies to feast on. BWAHAHAHAHA!!
(I said something unthinkable again, didn’t I? XP)
Overall? Short, sweet and action-packed. Probably an 8/10. Whee-hoo!!
GAHHHHHH. I feel like a pro anime watcher and a pro gamer after writing this post. Gotta finish everything I wanna watch before next month!! =( Exactly 1 month and 2 days from now I’ll be fretting over lectures and tutorials like a psycho, man. Sheesh.
My only regret with my time management? … I wished I had finished more anime and games in the earlier months before! What was I doing?!?! Sheesh!! Now I’m rushing like a psycho to finish Xenosaga III that I abandoned some years ago. Together with all the remaining Final Fantasy(s)!! Good thing I read Apek’s post about time management – now I can finish an entire series in a day!! Whoo-hoo!! Wait for me, Uraboku! Shugo Chara! BLEACH!
Thanks Apek! I’m not about to go off studying regretting what I could have done during my holidays. XD
hi, new to the site, thanks.
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