YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! After all the hard toiling at work for 3 months working my fingers to the bone... I've finally earned enough money to get a...
(I actually have enough to get a PS3 or a Wii or an XBox 360, but I got a PSP instead. Do you know how much the price of the PSP has risen to? OMGGGGGG)
And I was overwhelmed after I bought it that I immediately went to sleep right after I came home from buying it. Can you believe that? I didn't even bother to go check out Sephiroth's beauty on Crisis Core until this morning when I woke up at 8.30am. (OVEREXCITED. Couldn't sleep. XD)
And my, oh my. SEPHIROTH IS HAAAAAAAAAWTTTTT!!! (Probably I haven't seen him for a long, long time?) (To add to that, the PSP's graphics are AWESOME, making Sephiroth look all the hotter. OMG!!!! The scenes look exactly like they're plucked out of Advent Children. OMGGGG!!! SEPHIROTH!!!!)
(Almost cried, playing Crisis Core. Yeah, I'm THAT overwhelmed, see?)
OMG Zack looks awesome!!! And the graphics totally blowed my head off while I was screaming, "WOWWWWW!" NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Did I say the PSP was an RPG heaven??? OMGGGGGGGGG!!!!! Some other titles that are out for play on the PSP (and I have bought) include:
OMGGGGGGGG!!!! It's been so long since my disc disaster with Tales of the Abyss (but somehow successfully completing it) I GET TO PLAY RADIANT MYTHOLOGYYYYY!!!! OMGGGGG!!! I haven't bought Phantasia, Eternia and whatever Tales of title yet, but I'm starting with this one first. OMGGGGGGGG!!!
OMGGGGGG!!! (I dunno what Tactics is about) but online reviews about Tactics is very, very convincing!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
More Disgaea for Disgaea fans!! Never played it before even though it's out on the PS2, but I'll give it a shot anyway. Looks thoroughly interesting~!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA

I LOVED Atelier Iris but the PS2 versions of Mana Khemia were a little too.... disappointing? I dunno, I didn't quite like the alchemy system in Mana Khemia 2 on the PS2 and my Mana Khemia 1 DISC on the PS2 couldn't even make it to the first save point. So yeah, whatever.
But the PSP titles for the 1st Mana Khemia is different!! This one is Student Alliance but the PS2 one is Fall of Alchemy (was it? Or was it the Alchemists of Al-Revis? Oops. Haven't played for some time. XD). So I'll give the PSP version a shot.
Yet again, I dunno what this Dissidia's about. XD
I somehow saw some very familiar faces on the cover and I thought: GET IT. (Do you see Tidus (FFX), Zidane(FF9), Squall (FF8), Cloud (FF7) and the main characters for the earlier FFs that I haven't played before? This is awesome!!! XD) Dissidia is for multi-ply via the Net. Whoo-hoooo!!! Next, I've gotta make my router at home work to make my house completely Wi-Fi!! Whoo-hooo!! Then I can use the PSP to play online stuff!!!
My mum was complaining that I got too many RPG games. XD BWAHAHAHAHAHA. But mum, I can't play a 2 player game unless I'm Wi-Fi(ed)!!!! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! And the PSP is food for an RPG gamer's soul!!!!! (My mum also complains that I spend too much time playing FFXII. She prefers that I play Harvest Moon... she likes veggies. XD)
(Btw, my mum's right since my hours on the FFXII timer has already hit 150!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks to Phon Coast, Elder Wyrm and the Excalibur, of course!)
Anyway, these are shots of my new addiction. WHOO-HOOOO!!
NYAHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!! I'm tested positive for psycho-ness and RPG addiction!! Whoo-hooo!!
(And to top it all? I shall enter the impoverished lifestyle of poverty once again.)
Come ovah to mah house for wi-fi! I'll go borrow my friend's PSP or sth or steal yours somehow hahahaha. MUST LEND ME UR PSP SOMEDAY!
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