An array of emotions ivolving: havoc, food, flu, headaches, sweat (a whole lot of it), nosebleeding, immense self control, MORE food, food stains, tired ness... and most of all - FUN!THE THREE OF US WERE SUPPOSED TO BOW IN RESPECT FOR THOSE TEACHERS IN FRONT!!!!
Somehow they abandoned me and I ended up doing this alone. Boo.
After the usual morning assembly, it was time for our drama presentation at the Shaw Hall. Vin and I were getting the jitters and I just HAD to go and ruin my shirt by leaning against a pool of bird droppings. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO (God bless me~! I'm not the one washing my clothes. Phew.)
Had to run here and there searching for missing actors, lost props, Jon's bag, making Gerry strip...
... uh. Too much information. Ahahaha.
ANYWAY, barged into the Ed-Board room and got an immense case of nosebleeding because the room suddenly turned into a changing room.I managed to catch a pic of Chee Yong with his very funny wig. Laughed like nuts looking at him - uh, that explains why the photo is blurry. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
(Ama and I couldn't help but notice the big GLOMP of hair over his forehead XD)A scene in the drama!! Chris looks really into it. BWAHAHAHAHA
Can't help but to congratulate myself here for the most outstanding display of self control backstage during the course of the drama. BWAHAHAHAHA. Although I lost myself to the music when they were dancing the Indian dance, the nutty Fort Minor song and the Scene 8 song. :P
Jon's performance came last and Vin, Ama and I were swaying like 3 nutters in support of him. We're such nice seniors!!! Awwww!! Jon, aren't you touched?? (Though... Brandon and Vern suggested we passed him a broom during his performance because we couldn't find a rose to give to him. XD)
The highlight has definitely got to be the food.HuiYing darling went crazily addicted to crabmeat that... uh... 3/4 of the bbq-ing area was full of it.
Look at the amount of FOOD, people! The FOOD!!
I hope this was memorable enough for Sumitha, Viki and Siva who were then undergoing their first steamboat experience XD
Um... guess not so much for Siva. :P (Look at the amount of tomyam and oil that caught his shirt. BWAHAHAHAHA)
Ama's the big eater as usual... hahahaha
I'm amazed by HuiYing's prawn peeling skills!! They're the best ever!! She has a bright future ahead of her in this line... :P (I'm gonna get killed for that.)
HuiMei joins our class~!!
My cute lil Barnaby decide to join in the fun in my class~!! BWAHAHAHAHA
Jill's mum baked the awesome-st cake ever, once more. Was engulfing the cake like someone who's never eaten before BWAHAHAHAHA
Of course Mei Ling the hubby and myself, the wife, needs some alone time. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
UM.... Ama and I had a great laugh thinking about immorally wrong doings. :P The usual~!!
MEI LING WO AI NI~!! *coughs*
Happy Teachers' Day!!
This is wonderful blog. I love it.
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