This is an exclusive peek into the every day life of those mad nutters in Upper 6 Science 2. My class~!!
You should expect nothing less from my class: since we have a crazy monitor like me, a cute assistant monitor like HuiYing and psychos like Juju, MYen, Ama, Mei Ling and Hone-y~?? All of these thanks to Debz darling's great phototaking skills. :PHone-y, Ama and I successfully smuggled up food to our class after reccess!! Can't believe Ama kept Kopi Peng in her pocket for 5 minutes. She later complained that her skirt got all wet. :P This pic shows us refilling the plastic with water... Debz should have snapped a pic of us WASHING the plastic bag. Ahahaha. We 'washed' the bag through the WINDOW.
Ppl on the opposite block might have thought that some lunatics were peeing out the window...
...oops. :POur tiny feast continued!!
My darling er... 'hubby' Mei Ling and I sharing some alone time - together with Hone-y.
Me doing what I do best... SPREADING THE LOVE~!!
And then I decided to give Hone-y a half hug. (No wonder Mei Ling keeps saying I berlaku curang. BWAHAHAHAHAHA)Behold!! Among the two noisiest ppl in Science 2!! Ama and I!! We look so yeng. BWAHAHAHAHA
Our sitting arrangement today is also extremely yeng!! Ahahahaha notice which direction HuiYing is facing. :P 4 tables were joined together today for the MUET Speaking test. Somehow everyone was just too lazy to rearrange back the tables.
On second thought... nobody's on duty to 'susun meja' in my class. Oops. :PI thought David looked yeng today!!
I meant DAVID OOI, not David Leow. :P Ahahahaha just kidding~!For the first time in some 20 years... I thought Ama actually looks studious with the tie on!!
Yoke Yee darling and Mei Ling darling look really cute here~!!
Erm... for some weird reason I was posing for Debz in the next room. :P I was in there to disturb another group of people who were practising really hard for MUET Speaking.
Today, I can almost conclude that I was proud of myself for not falling into hysteria. However, it was my classmates turn to BE hysterical for me!! Gosh, I love MYen and Debz a lot~!!See how SWEET Debz is?? She was spying on the next block for me!!! :P She knew I'm obsessed with Mr. Japanese and cute Nick~!! (My Korean is in 5P2 so it's really hard for me to spot him. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Which is a good thing. I think my blood would have run dry if I witnessed a triple delight.)
... ahem. Control.
So I was randomly paying attention to PA lesson in class... and after Mr. David left class, I stood up to get back to my seat or something. But to my surprise, at that very fortunate time; Nick was walking out of class. My most spontaneous reaction would be: "Ooh!" but...
... but to my UTMOST surprise, MYen suddenly stood up and started screaming, "Nicholas!!"
Juju, HYing and I were laughing like maniacs!!! I got kinda worried that everyone would think it was me (because I'm the hiau po?) and then MYen yelled Nicholas' name once again.
WOW. Once again I witness the true power of friendship... and obsession. :P
Debz was hurling around for my camera and she ran to the next room to get a clearer shot of him - which ended up with...THERE.
.... blur, I know, but who wouldn't be able to recognise the style and the height?
.... believe me. I am completely innocent when this picture was taken. If anyone heard yelling between 11.45-12.05, it would be MYen darling, who was somewhat over-excited and NOT me.
Anyway, our madness continued til Science and Maths club...... when Ama broke a full disc using her bare hands.
And there we are, actually looking hardworking for the first time in the club. :P
Anyway, I'm proud to announce that I've got myself a dear new brother... Jeevan~!! Not short enough to my liking, though... BWAHAHAHAHA. But great as a travel companion when I walk home from school :D
Whee~ What else? Ooh! Saw Renaldo's dad today and I thought it was his FRIEND or something and certainly not his DAD. So young looking!! And barely any resemblance - as far as my half blind eyes could see. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
I was actually kinda stressed today, having missed ALL my lessons before recess - I was with the HM. And being with the HM - brings nothing but a dramatic rise to my stress level. And my thoughts about my little meeting with the HM over SUARA... isn't something that I'm gonna blog. It's gonna ruin the mood~ (plus, putting it here might have a lot of ummm... UNFILTERED and UNPLEASANT words.)
To sum it up... today was just anothere typical day in Upper 6 Science 2. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Embrace the world of madness, huns.
7:11 PM
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