First things first....
(... thank God it was Matt. Or else my mum would have been in a far worse form of hysteria than I can EVER be in.)
Thank God Kris is still around for me to swoon and admire... *nosebleeds*

Today was probably the most unpredictable day for me during my very short duration in MBS. One that had its craziest and most memorable moments; most funny, yet there were times when I was pissed off like hell: ALL in a day's work!!
Started off with the usual assembly - but remember the previous post about cat fleas?? AHA! Mama Wong refuses to enter that flea-y class of ours (I wouldn't enter it myself...!) and it's understandable that she has to go see Dr. Ong To (dunno how it's spelt, but he's one great skin specialist, that's for sure.) thanks to those pesky flea bites. So HuiYing darling and I ran off to HM's room to see if he has resolved the matter. To our utmost surprise - he passed us a BRAND new bottle of Shieldtox.
... HuiYing and I were like... "Huh?"
And if that's not surprising... wait til you listen to what he said. He said,
(Quote 1 of the day: HM to HuiYing and I- sharing tips on using the Shieldtox spray)
.... and that's probably the yeng-est thing I've heard all morning!! Couldn't stop laughing as HuiYing and I laughed (and randomly sprayed everywhere) all the way up to our flea-y class.
The drama continues on when HuiYing and I forced our darling classmates to evacuate our flea-y class - run to the foyer, darlings!! - and then I realised that I have found a promising career for myself: AN INSECT EXTERMINATOR!!!
Fuelled with determination; HuiYing and I closed all the curtains and exacted our revenge! Down to all ye buggy vermins!! We successfully sprayed and emptied practically 7/8 of the weapon-of-mass-destruction the HM awarded us with :P We sealed off our class, latched it tight and ran for our lives~
... until Jonathan accused me of killing the ozone layer. I guess it WAS a weapon of mass destruction...?
Anyway, skipped 2 periods of Math and 1 period of MUET thanks to SUARA once again. Got stuck in the Ed-Board room reminiscing about our drama competition because Chris and Jon played it on the comp. I thought I had successfully rid the Daddy Mummy Indian song from my mind (thanks to Vin during MUET exam in Dewan Budaya it was stuck in my brains for a while) AND NOW IT'S BACK IN MY HEAD!!! Darn it...
*hums to Daddy Mummy* Oops.
Jon, Chris and I shared some crazy 'Celine-Dion-songs' moment - in which Jon was actually trying to impersonate Beng Leong's crazy antics. Had a big laugh!
Anyway, ran down to see HM again for SUARA... then went back to my 'class' which was assembled at the foyer the WHOLE DAY. Imagine having lessons in the foyer!! That was really... um, memorable. No way in the world am I ever gonna forget PA lesson in the foyer when Viki exhibited his most 'yeng' pose!!
(Quote 2 of the day: from Mr. David to Pn. Ang bout Viki)
(either in class or ANYWHERE ELSE, his sitting/sleeping position is still gonna end up the same)
.... ahahahahaha.
After some desperate and useless attempts at trying to understand my Chemistry PEKA amidst the distracting noises in the foyer - it was recess time when I went hysterical after getting two consecutive stabs to the heart. Uh-huh :P Ama and I also successfully scared another bunch of Form 5 boys that I absolutely do NOT know.
Wasted three periods in Chemistry spoiling my noise and completely destroying my sense of smell thanks to the most pungent smell produced from the reaction between ammonia chloride and magnesium carbonate diluted in nitric acid.
Was stressed out because of my piling homework and unfinished Maths T exercises. But then after school, I HAD to go see you... which made me completely, infinitely, ultimately...
C'mon, shouldn't you be showing a little affection and consideration for those who have wasted their eyes for you? It's not about the money; it's about the TIME and our EFFORT. Appreciation would be very much welcome but you just had to -
Thank god it's the last time. Works both ways if you can't stand me.
That concludes my very interesting post about the wonderful chronicles of today's events~!! Happy Labour Day, everyone~! It's gonna be a fun-filled day of 5 hours Chem tuition!