Mood: Gay-ish~
Chill people... I ain't talking about the real coffin I bought for Ama from NIRVANA. :) Just kidding!
I watched the Thai horror The Coffin with Ama at QBay on Tuesday while the other maybe... 29/31 of the gang went to watch High School Musical 3? Hahahaha had a good sob watching The Coffin. It was too sad when the ghost, well, died.
I stole these pics from Vin's blog and they were very few. Remind me to steal from Jelissa!!
Just... 24..?
Here we are at Nando's where I laughed and cried after reading Absolute Boyfriend. BWAHAHAHAHA
MYen presenting me with my bday present at Toys R Us... a Drumstick Techno ice-cream!!
We were pretending to be a professor and her graduate.
On the night before:
My dear parents took me to BAGAN at Jalan Bagan Jermal. Great food, fantastic atmosphere, brilliant place but... PRICEY prices! Nothing I can afford. But I loved it! It's sort of like a gay rendevzous bar thingy I guess..? Probably why it suits me best. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Did I mention I love the food?? The food's delicious~!!
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