Mood: Half dead thanks to technology.
I'm not blogging because Manda asked me too. :P It's just that
Balthier darling decided to ask me to give him a
break from his mundane companions.
OF ALL PLACES, MY DISC HAD TO STOP FUNCTIONING AND HANG WHEN I'M AT THE BEAUTIFUL PHON COAST OF ARCHADES. Right after I trained like nuts to prepare myself to meet my father-in-law (Dr Cid in Draklor's Laboratory).
Ok, Draklor's Laboratory is not very near... But it's just past Phon Coast, Tchita Uplands and Sochen!!For those who have no idea what I'm talking about... never mind.
Kindly ignore the ramblings of a broken person who cannot be consoled.

For those who haven't seen the Phon Coast, well, here you go. But if you really go there with Vaan, Basch and Penelo at that kind of level and HP, consider yourself dead. You wouldn't be able to
reach there in the first place, come to think of it. My Balthier with a HP of 2000 at that time had barely survived the first time I got here thanks to an ambush by those
darned flying
Pyrolisks, Burgolys and a herd of wolves.Unfortunately, I'm unable to continue playing!!!
...Pardon me for my crazy gaming disease as of now.
On to the Singapore trip! Went there recently to celebrate my Akong's birthday, and it was GRAND alright. We ate at this Executive's Exclusive Lounge restaurant which was... DARN exclusive and it made me feel like a
rich man's daughter for once.BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyway, the food there was GOOD, not GREAT. However, the decor on the food was FANTASTIC. And that's because they decorated the plates with fresh oysters, scallops, abalone and sea cucumbers. Don't ask me how much the dinner costed, cos I myself was baffled at the figure. :O

My cousins and I in our dinner's own personal room. There's actually a bar behind us.
I was playing the piano, while you all get a glimpse of those beautiful wine bottles at the back~ *swoons* I had a major dose of white AND red wine that night. Too bad the wine was a bit diluted even though it wasn't on 'rocks'.

Our room in that restaurant had glass panels so that we could see the beautiful night lights of Singapore.
VERY VERY spectacular! You can even see the Clarke Quay river, the Singapore Flyer, Esplanade plus the many, many boats sailing there on the river!
Each room has a binoculars so that gays can spy on other men who are undressing at nearby apartments and hotels. *nosebleeds*
This is the menu of our dinner that day.
Frightening dishes, seriously. The digits just
pounce upon you as you scroll them with your eyes.
The 2nd day... we went to Raffles. And there was this interesting picture on the wall of a shopping complex, with a rd film stall and a blue film stall by the roadsides. If you enter the red stall and look at the picture you'll see this..

... a picture of a girl crying. But however, if you enter the BLUE film stall and look, you'll see this...

... a man crying in pain. And if you observe really closely... you'll see some strange figure os
something on the right. Like a... head? Of someone? A child maybe?
Cool huh?? But if you're just walking past the streets, and not inside those coloured stalls, you'll see this...

... this. Someone been bitten by a snake.
Is it? Just a normal picture on the wall of a shopping complex. :)
We went for dinner again that night, the food wasn't as exclusive as the Executive's place but it was better.
3rd day: To the Singapore flyer!

The colour changes at different times, and I happened to have caught a pic of it when it was turning purple from pink. Of course I wouldn't take a picture if it had been pink. :P

So this is an exclusive view from up above!! Up there, you can see Singapore, Indonesia and even the tip of Malaysia (Johor). Really cool.

A view of the Esplanade and part of a harbour (I think?) in Singapore

My cousin and I inside the flyer cabin, high up in the air!! The cabin's really BIG... it can fit up to 28 people in one cabin. My whole family booked up the whole cabin :P
We decided to go for some minight SATAY at a SATAY streeet in Singapore. And when they call it SATAY street, it REALLY is a satay street. There's a whole road like 2km long (how long is that...?) it's just REALLY long, and they had more than 20 satay stalls there. ONLY satay stalls. That's why they call it the satay streeet. REALLY.

Lookie. All the stalls to this side are satay stalls!

And so we had a family picture...

My cousin and I once again~!
4th day: Singapore Zoo~
Can't believe I went to the zoo.

Of course I needed to take a picture with my family and in-laws. (I've sort of wedded Mr. Shida, eh?)
BWAHAHAAHHA anyway, there were plenty of animals there to see... including polar bears, Simbas (lions) jaguars, wolves, penguins and seals. I fed the turtles, I roared with the tigers, I danced with the monkeys, swam with the polar bears... NAH! (the last one's untrue.) However, I did sweat a lot with the hippos.

And there was this cheetah that looked up to me so cutely!! Of course I had to snap a picture of it! Too bad its a female (my guess).

I fed THAT turtle. It's huge, ain't it?? And heavy too. If they step on you... bye bye, feet.

Their toilets were SOOOOO clean!! And they had a GARDEN in their toilets. Look! Their toilets in their zoos are cleaner than the toilets in our AIRPORTs...

A picture of my father in law exposing his pink privates!!
.... I didn't just type that.
At night, I went to Orchard via the MRT by myself (with my cousin who didn't quite know the way...) and... the CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ARE UP!! It was much better than the prevoius time we went... probably because the decor this year is very elegant...

My mum and I inside one of the malls...

Us, outside the Paragon

My mum and my cousin inside.... some shopping mall.
Day 5: MORE shopping
Went to Suntec City, the Esplanade, and Marina Square for shopping. Shopped like nuts!! My dad bought 3 pairs of shoes and a DVD player that can RECORD DVDs. WOW. The scenery was beautiful, I must say... and the Xmas decor is spectacular!

Here I am in a shopping mall that had great discounts on John Little stuff. Don't you like the pretty lights above??

And then my dad got all amazed by this Coffee restaurant that had a
projected clock on the wall.
Day 6: MORE shopping at Chinatown and HarbourCity
Went to Chinatown for early morning Dim Sum and... guess who I met...?
A PACK OF JAPANESE STUDENTS!! I could have sworn I got a nosebleed looking at the girls' uniform which were short and and STYLISH and all those guys just HAD to HAVE those COOL anime-ish, bishounen-ish hairstyles!! I was so dazed that my mum pushed me nearer to them, and I didn't even notice, and my dad took a photo straight away...
If you look at the BIG group of people at the back of me... THEY ARE ALL JAPANESE STUDENTS ON A SCHOOL TRIP IN THEIR UNIFORMS!! And there's this guy with that orange bandana who looked to me like an EXACT
clone of
Kaidoh Kaoru from POT (are you reading this, Ama??)

And then we went to Vivocity and got this picture at the Sky Garden. A SKY GARDEN. A SKY GARDEN. It's not like I've not been there before, but, the name still awes me.
And we went back the next day.
My shopping was rather successful, as I got a pair of FILA
sneakers (once again),
2 blouses, 1 skirt, 2 t-shirts, 1 pants, a cap, a belt, an MP4 player, an 8MP camera, 7 manga and more. Broke now, people.
yet I have to spend that RM on
yet another FF12 disc.