I've never regretted taking Bio in my life~!! (except for the fact that we had to go to school for Bio PEKA on Thursday and since I was absent on Wednesday... I didn't wanna go to school on Thursday but HAD to go. Why oh, why did I had to stop watching Code Geass at such a 'chi kek' part??? LELOUCH~!!)
(And yes, my hatred for Suzaku is yet to subside.)
We had fun preserving insects yesterday... though it meant that we had to CATCH live bugs and then pull out its intestines using scissors and scapels and stuff. I of course, was smart enough to BUY crickets which were too small (and smelly) to disect.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love the way my brain works~ That's the brain of an insane genius.
Anyway, let the pics do the talking. (Handphones were brought to school even though there were .... AHEM.) ABout time I showed my beautiful CLASSMATES to the world~!! They're the greatest, most fun and craziest people in the world :)
Lower 6 Science 2 rocks!!!Inhuman acts performed by Bio students for the sake of Science. We were injecting formalin into crickets! Their body is really soft and silky... AHEM.
Hui Ying darling and I had a blast pulling out intestines from this cricket that I would like to name.... "Suzaku".
The aftermath of pulling out intestines was the foullest smell of dead crickets and indigested food. ;P In which I hid from the smell to no avail...
Presenting: The noisest and naughtiest people in Science 2!! Hui Ying, my darling assistant, (currently my darling No.3, me, and Ama)
Ladies of Tomorrow!! JuJu, me, Lo-kong (mingyen), Ama, Debz and Hui Ying right in front.
My cricket whom I've named as Brandon. He still lives in my house, preserved in formalin, sleeping in chloroform's eternal slumber. BWAHAHAHAHHAHA
Yuennie darling who cut her hair (looking cuter than ever!!) and Ama
Me and darling Brandon~!! Why Brandon, don't ask. I just felt that it was a fitting name for my life partner. *coughs*
Hui Ying dear (Darling No.3) and I~!!
Hui Ying again.... oooo I forgot to ask her what's her cricket's name...
Ming Yen and Juju, both trying to look serious, but i don't understand why Ming Yen is smiling...
Yoke Yee, Debz and I~
Us with our most beautiful Bio teacher!
Girls rules!!
More of us...
Ming Yen trying to look serious again, I think... but endced up failing miserably when she ended up looking cute instead.
Pasukan Berlima~!!
Yoke Yee and Juju! Cruelty to insects.
Erm... forget about me saying Ming Yen was trying to look serious. In this pic, I wanted to pose something fierce but ended up looking dumber than ever. And Hui Ying once again, looked cute.
The two most powerful people in Lower 6 Science 2!!
Next.... heed this warning.
THESE two ARE NOT LESBIANS.That's Mei Ling and I~!!! Undisputable Darling No. 1 of mine is the ever 'yeng' Mei Ling!! you should have seen the way she removed her specs, it was way cool. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Vinny is now in second place, as Darling No. 2. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Do not kill her, Vin dear~ You're still my Pookie. :D
LOWER 6 SCIENCE 2 ROCKS!! Finally a class picture that has all of us in it!! L to R: Siva, Vikram (crazy guy, this Vikram...), Kirubakari, Jillian, Yuennie, Yoke Yee, Debz, Juju and I. 2nd row: Ee Lui, Wei Hone, Ama, Mingyen, Hui Ying. Front row: Sumitha and darling Mei Ling!!! Finally get to show off my whole crazy class.
More pics with my No. 1. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
These were taken today when we settled down in class and finally restarted our class's "Las Vegas' imitation. BWAHAHAHAHAHAThat's Hui Ying flashing off her straight royal flush!! All SPADES!! And in order!!
Ama, making Hui Ying and I laugh like mad looking at her Ah-Long pose. She looked like she was studying the number of people that owed her money by looking at that paper she called 'rough paper' but honestly, that's her Maths T exercises.
And we've planned exciting things in December which includes us all going for a hotel stay with 20 others. Won't tell the details til everything is planned! The more we think about it, the better it gets. Exams are next month and my mind's as blank as... a piece of white plain paper.
If I had the Geass, I could probably make the teacher... AHEM.
That's all to this blog, unless you wanna read about me venting out my anger on Suzaku, Nina, FLEIA, V.V and Charles while sobbing my heart out about Lelouch's loneliness, Rolo, Nunnally and idiotic Shirley.
Hate Suzaku for life!! Low-life!! Self-disrespecting Eleven!! Unworthy Knight of Seven!! Suzaku you -
*sound of transmission being cut off or sth*
12:54 PM
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