Congratulations to my blog for its... uh, CENTURIETH post!! And to commemorate this very special post, I shall blog about the dumb things we do in school. And to let the world know what a BLAST were having here doing all the stupidest things that people would never have imagined about~!!
This is a post like never before. It highlights and goes in depth of the very rubbish we do in school, and how our madness seems to peak as we grow older. Prepare yourself. And be open minded.
Here goes:
1. The Randomness of a Sushi Maker and a WeirdoHui Ying darling was very very cute!! In the next picture, you all WILL see what she's actually standing on. Due to the stress of knowing that our finals for Chemistry is coming out til Chapter 12 (now reduced to 9 chapters, though), I've decided to pursue to role of a sushi maker (should my Char Koay Teow plan fail). The monitor tie serves its true purpose!!
On another note: Pn. Ang, our class teacher stated that Angela Goh's year was just as crazy as us, with the monitor doing the same stupid things I do. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I will get more pics from Ming Yen... I had one posed as a Mak Cik... *ahem*
2. The Super Fighter Assistant MonitorDo notice that she stands very cutely on our Biology experiment apparatus: MILO TINS. It's more than 5 times the size of the actual required container, and Ama and I threw RM3 down the drain poking holes on the Milo tin. WTH.
I like her pose!! It looks freakishly cute!! TOO CUTE!!
(Do notice that we DO study. Look at the heap of papers and books on the table)
3. The Beggar PoseThat's me~!! Once the tie was removed from my head, I somehow came to a realisation about how financially broke I am for the month. It was Ama's idea to beg at the Goddess of Mercy's temple. And so I practiced without even bothering to tie my hair first. My 3rd back up career: BEGGING. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
4. A REAL BeggarThat's the Milo tin that Hui Ying darling was standing on!! Serves its purpose right in our class, you know??!!
5. Random Act of Kindness from An Old Lady to A BeggarLook how sweet Ama is~!! (though she took back her money later.) I need to work harder on my GAY appeal...
6. Random Act of Kindness (2)Unusually, Ama is richer than me. That's why they say old people are the richest!!! (Btw, Ama said she's dying tomorrow. She has decided to die tomorrow. All preparations are complete~)
7. Roof tiles GoofWE NEED TO REPAIR OUR OLD ROOF TILES!! No wonder water bocors everywhere when it rains!! (we ain't removing anything...) GAHAHAHAHAHAA. We just played with it, then put it back. Now it looks better than before~
8. 2 GAJAH BERLAWAN, PELANDUK MATI DI TENGAH-TENGAH.Look at my fearful expression!! We were fooling around in the Bio lab (in which Ama broke a crucible and nearly gave up on life thinking she had to pay RM35 for the broken porcelain thingy) and our teacher actually said that we were childish. Sure we are!! We're still young!!
9. Gajah sama gajah berlawan, pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah (2)BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ain't I cute??!!
10. The Power of the Head GirlLook at Jze Yuin using her motherly skills to cool down MYen!!
10. Power of the Head Girl (2)
... to no avail because they still fought.
11. A CUTE Human Scale
The both of them trying to be balanced!! A human scale!! With the ruler on their heads!! *faints from excitement*
The expression on MYen's face is really silly!! Laughed like mad!! Hui Ying darling on the other hand looked innocently cute~ The best pose was Jze Yuin's that made her look like she had a spineless backbone. GAHAHAHAHAHAHA
12. MBS's Ninja Turtle
MYen insisted that she looked like a Ninja turtle with her bag like that and the metre rule in that position. Hahahaha
13. Happy Bday Sheng Zheng.... NOT!
After playing enough tricks in the Bio lab, we decided to go down to SZ's class to yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHENG ZHENG (mummy loves you!)!!". Luckily we didn't barge in like the initial plan... BECAUSE SZ was in A6 and we went to A4!! OMG. Lucky lucky.
14. Becks Pole DancingStretch that people!! Bet you can't beat my flexibility. *ahem*
15. Darling No. 0.1 : VioletMeet my darling, one that far outweighs even Mei Ling... Miss Violet!! I fell in love with... 'it'. I have an insatiable love for cute inanimate objects.
16. Flex those wushu muscles~!!
We gave our best shot in Wushu!! (failed miserably) I still can't touch my feet. BAH.
(Am hoping to go for Wushu drunk one day... might be able to learn Drunken Fist kung fu or something.)
17. Laze it Out, Gay.Well, that's just a typical scene in school. Sleeping. With my eyes open~
18. Roll the Red CarpetWoman of tomorrow!! And on those shoulders lie the invisible heavy weight of divorce. HAHAHAHAHA jk! Ama and I were laughing today bout how we lazy bums can't cook, and therefore, becoming the worse housewives to go down in History. The way we treat our husbands would be horrid... and that'll probably make all us weirdos divorcees. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
19. Las Vegas goes to PISA!!
That's us GAMBLING during tuition break. The heart of a true gambler!!
20. Mummy's Undivided Love
Ah Kia~ (son)!! Vern darling~ mummy has not regretted giving birth to you!! My proper upbringing has seen you grow into a fine man with the BEST manners towards Ama~!! But Mi ku shall be Mi ku, cos Or (black) Ku just sounds weird.
All the best to Ama tomorrow!! Must pray for her. :P
All those who missed out on Form 6 has got a lot of regretting to do! Schooling always makes you feel younger. But despite it all, MGS is still the best~
After sleeping in that one same room I've been sleeping in every night for the past 17 and more years... I came to realise something.
Something strange.
When you off all the lights... a little blue light glows.
For Fatal Frame III fans, don't you think this blue light reminds of the little blue lanterns in the Manor? The ones that act as save points?
And I have one look alike scenario in my house for 17 years and I only noticed it today. I've gotta be blind...
FATAL FRAME ROCKS!! (However, I only played Fatal Frame 3, and I've only got as far as to use Miku for the first time, and I gamed over 3 times just trying to kill that ALREADY dead floating woman ghost - the one clad in white and with streaks of blood everywhere. GAH.)
But it's just the light from a mosquito-attracting, electrifying lamp. Don't know what you call it.
Random, I know. :P
As much as I would like to avoid discussing politics on my er... overall, lunatic-al blog, the political bickering as of late in our country has brought the rakyat to an overdrive of fury. And as part of the rakyat, I'm feeling that tinge of annoyance at the current state of affairs in our nation. What happened to Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan?
Inspired by Manda's post (which was written with much fervour and passion) on the nation's political scenario and towards a better nation, I have actually decided to post something sensible for the first time on my blog.
Just to recap this week's roller coaster of events:
- 3 people have been detained under ISA, that is: one Member of Parliament (freed today), one prominent blogger and one journalist (freed)
- SAPP quitting from Barisan Nasional
- The resignation of Datuk Zaid Ibrahim due to his firm stand on the ISA detainees
And of course, the very much anticipated September 16, not just Hari Malaysia - but also the day in which Anwar was supposed to topple Barisan Nasional.
Today's headlines were about bribery bids to Barisan Nasional Members of the Parliament.
And so I began to wonder: when is this drama going to end, and when are the chosen leaders of the country, elected as of the March elections, going to carry out their duties... for the people? It is undeniable, that after 51 years of independence, Malaysia has finally shown the maturity of a truly democratic nation. There is not one dull day in the nation's political arena ever since the general elections in March. It has been six months since the elections, and yet the rakyat has seen little development, or worse still, even lesser proof as to what politicians had promised to do while campaigning during the elections.
What happened to 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people'?
I am, of course, undoubtedly, intrigued by all the drama in our political arena, even though I am hardly of age to vote.
But if people my age were given a chance to vote, we would vote for peace, and most importantly, justice and equality. I believe that our country has matured enough to at the very least, work on this. Care for the people who have chosen you to lead. That is all we ask. Is it too much to ask for?
51 years into our independence has brought the rakyat, though of different races, together as one. Perhaps politicians have yet to notice that behind all the politics, the people truly are united? I see people of different races sitting at a mamak stall not just in advertisements. I have seen this even in real life. I have seen young children running around with pure innocence; oblivious to their differences in race, cultures and skin. Unity does exist.
And with a little more push, an amendment here and there, and a little effort - this unifying bond can be strengthened. It can be our shield. It IS our weapon.
Take your eyes off the political arena, and fasten them on the current economical crisis. The Lehman Brothers have gone bankrupt. Share markets, stock exchanges... all have taken the big dip.
If we stay united the way we did in 1997, the burden on the people may be reduced; the impact, softened.
But how shall we overcome now, if the leaders themselves are not leading us? Let politics be a matter of the past and let our future be the consequence of today. Bottom line is... get down to business. Enough is enough. For me, if you truly are patriotic, and if you really love your country, you should play your role efficiently and effectively towards nation building. To show that Malaysia Boleh.
-Lelouch vi Britannia-
Lelouch's words are very wise; very precise and all practical. Even though he's just referring to a game of chess.
All these from the eyes of a 17-year old otaku; (who realised that she loves Malaysia as much as she loves Japanese men - be it real men, or FAKE men.) one who is a strong believer in a more progressive, developed and booming Malaysia.
I'm all for Malaysia.
Whee~! Another week has passed!
And while all my friends are worrying about HOW to finish 12 chapters of Chemistry by 16 of October (finals), I'm still sitting here wondering why FLEIA didn't kill Nunnally.
Right... last Saturday was Wushu Farewell and I had a fairly good time (pulling pranks on Ama til she fell). My bad. I forgot that bones were brittle for elderly people. GOMEN-NE!! And then I offered her to go to tabib cina but then she insisted to go for spa, so I take that she doesn't want a professional massage to soothe wounds. SIGH.
But seriously, Ama sorry ya for the big blue black you've sustained. :(
Never mind~ I'll just offer her some ice cream to soothe the pain~Geok Hooi played around with my tomato soup causing it to look like this~
This was our President when he was a younger boy. EXTREMELY CUTE~!! I can't believe he could look so young (considering how mature he looks right now...)
Sorry that this pic turned out so dark, but we were in RIBS posing with all their wine - that attracted Ama and I like magnets. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I suppose their wine should taste pretty good, ya? Let's go drink there someday, Aaron... (you pay..) AHEM.
Oh yeah... remember I said how I skipped school just to complete my beautiful Lelouch theme? Yeah... I skipped school.
Erm, that's not the main point!! Ama, Hui Ying and I went to Starbucks at New World Park to study~! See how hardworking we are??!! Life isn't just about wondering how Nunnally's alive, ya know??!! Ahem. Well, yeah, we were there, and being the crazy three nuts we are, we completely changed the whole geographical contour of Starbucks. Not exactly contour... but we moved the chairs and sofas and tables around like nobody's business. And we found a condusive part to study.Hui Ying darling studying hard~!!
Ama darling studying hard... to be an along. Wow. Compare and contrast Hui Ying and Ama. Hahaha
Erm, and yeah... compare and contrast Hui Ying and I. I was, uh, fiddling with the phone. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Erm... STILL fiddling with the phone...
Tada!! See??!! I DO study!!
(And that's a pricey, lousy MBS file you see.)
I dunno what I've been doing this whole week, but it's sure been a whole lot of nonsense. Here's Vin, Ama and I laughing like mad before Wushu practice on Friday. We went from one food court to another food court just to 'eat the sea breeze'. Which ended up in me having a sore throat today.We laughed like mad at this picture because Ama's mother had said that her face was like 'mi ku' and this picture was just...
Vin couldn't stop laughing at thaat pic, and so...... she ended up with this strange 'laughing-like-a-mad-woman pose' once more.
We concluded that Ama has the potential to be the best F1 driver in future!!
Btw, has anyone seen this fruit before?? It's cute. Ah mo Durian. But it's not Soursop or Durian Belanda. Anyway, I'll never eat anything with the word Durian in it. Hahaha.
Looks like some cute mutated fungus to me.
Thanks for feedback darlings, I KNEW Lelouch wouldn't do well with pink! Somehow, I can't change the background colour for the image cos then it wouldn't match the colour of the Geass he's holding. And also I would have to do changes in vectors and gradient tools; in which I haven't quite mastered.
So you will all have to bear with this!! Lelouch with pink. My bad. Gomen!
Will update soon... I guess.
Hiya everyone!! Don't be shocked that my whole blog suddenly turned into a Lelouch shrine. After spending some 2 days working on this whole background, header, side-wrapper and blog roll, I'm proud to say it's finally done after 46 hours!! Yay!! Hope it's worth it. It's nice, ain't it??
(It better be.)
And I'm absent from school once more because I toiled too hard on this new theme that I forgot to rest my eyes and my brain. So I shall sleep like a pig today.
(I'm such a Code Geass freak.)
... whom, of course, means me. :P
Went for a team building camp at PSDC today... all monitors get to go for free, since HM says we monitors don't work hard enough or something. Am actually feeling extremely lazy to blog, since I'm waiting for Code Geass R2 episode 23 to buffer, and I only came here because I was waiting for Hui Ying darling to reply to my msg but she is yet to do so.
Erm... anyway, that's us at the team building thing!!
Had fun especially playing the Hole-in-One thing, in which I had rolled all over everyone's feet. SORRY people!! Btw, you guys are strong.
And I really thank Hoay Ping and Sandy mummy for being kind enough to not let me bump into trees and poles when I was blindfolded. Unlike poor Chee Wai who had to walk extra and do silly stunts after being bullied by Boon Su and Wilson. :P
For more details please read Vin's blog since her blog is somewhat like MBS's official blog. I really admire her for going to almost every MBS activity. I, on the other hand, prefer to sleep at home. BWWAHAHAHAAHHAHA
Shall go off to kill Prince Schneizel now while mourning that Nunnally is not dead. I hate her for ruining Lelouch's plans!! Do you not trust the brother that has cared to you for all these past years?? Would you kill 200 million people rather than sacrificing just 20 000 for the sake of peace?? Man, this dumb girl needs to get her Maths right. I may have failed Maths but at least I know that I'll side Lelouch. Dumb girl. (*&%#$&*^#!!!)
AHEM. I shall be off to prepare my new theme now~
Hui Ying dear, you okay??
I've never regretted taking Bio in my life~!! (except for the fact that we had to go to school for Bio PEKA on Thursday and since I was absent on Wednesday... I didn't wanna go to school on Thursday but HAD to go. Why oh, why did I had to stop watching Code Geass at such a 'chi kek' part??? LELOUCH~!!)
(And yes, my hatred for Suzaku is yet to subside.)
We had fun preserving insects yesterday... though it meant that we had to CATCH live bugs and then pull out its intestines using scissors and scapels and stuff. I of course, was smart enough to BUY crickets which were too small (and smelly) to disect.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love the way my brain works~ That's the brain of an insane genius.
Anyway, let the pics do the talking. (Handphones were brought to school even though there were .... AHEM.) ABout time I showed my beautiful CLASSMATES to the world~!! They're the greatest, most fun and craziest people in the world :)
Lower 6 Science 2 rocks!!!Inhuman acts performed by Bio students for the sake of Science. We were injecting formalin into crickets! Their body is really soft and silky... AHEM.
Hui Ying darling and I had a blast pulling out intestines from this cricket that I would like to name.... "Suzaku".
The aftermath of pulling out intestines was the foullest smell of dead crickets and indigested food. ;P In which I hid from the smell to no avail...
Presenting: The noisest and naughtiest people in Science 2!! Hui Ying, my darling assistant, (currently my darling No.3, me, and Ama)
Ladies of Tomorrow!! JuJu, me, Lo-kong (mingyen), Ama, Debz and Hui Ying right in front.
My cricket whom I've named as Brandon. He still lives in my house, preserved in formalin, sleeping in chloroform's eternal slumber. BWAHAHAHAHHAHA
Yuennie darling who cut her hair (looking cuter than ever!!) and Ama
Me and darling Brandon~!! Why Brandon, don't ask. I just felt that it was a fitting name for my life partner. *coughs*
Hui Ying dear (Darling No.3) and I~!!
Hui Ying again.... oooo I forgot to ask her what's her cricket's name...
Ming Yen and Juju, both trying to look serious, but i don't understand why Ming Yen is smiling...
Yoke Yee, Debz and I~
Us with our most beautiful Bio teacher!
Girls rules!!
More of us...
Ming Yen trying to look serious again, I think... but endced up failing miserably when she ended up looking cute instead.
Pasukan Berlima~!!
Yoke Yee and Juju! Cruelty to insects.
Erm... forget about me saying Ming Yen was trying to look serious. In this pic, I wanted to pose something fierce but ended up looking dumber than ever. And Hui Ying once again, looked cute.
The two most powerful people in Lower 6 Science 2!!
Next.... heed this warning.
THESE two ARE NOT LESBIANS.That's Mei Ling and I~!!! Undisputable Darling No. 1 of mine is the ever 'yeng' Mei Ling!! you should have seen the way she removed her specs, it was way cool. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Vinny is now in second place, as Darling No. 2. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Do not kill her, Vin dear~ You're still my Pookie. :D
LOWER 6 SCIENCE 2 ROCKS!! Finally a class picture that has all of us in it!! L to R: Siva, Vikram (crazy guy, this Vikram...), Kirubakari, Jillian, Yuennie, Yoke Yee, Debz, Juju and I. 2nd row: Ee Lui, Wei Hone, Ama, Mingyen, Hui Ying. Front row: Sumitha and darling Mei Ling!!! Finally get to show off my whole crazy class.
More pics with my No. 1. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
These were taken today when we settled down in class and finally restarted our class's "Las Vegas' imitation. BWAHAHAHAHAHAThat's Hui Ying flashing off her straight royal flush!! All SPADES!! And in order!!
Ama, making Hui Ying and I laugh like mad looking at her Ah-Long pose. She looked like she was studying the number of people that owed her money by looking at that paper she called 'rough paper' but honestly, that's her Maths T exercises.
And we've planned exciting things in December which includes us all going for a hotel stay with 20 others. Won't tell the details til everything is planned! The more we think about it, the better it gets. Exams are next month and my mind's as blank as... a piece of white plain paper.
If I had the Geass, I could probably make the teacher... AHEM.
That's all to this blog, unless you wanna read about me venting out my anger on Suzaku, Nina, FLEIA, V.V and Charles while sobbing my heart out about Lelouch's loneliness, Rolo, Nunnally and idiotic Shirley.
Hate Suzaku for life!! Low-life!! Self-disrespecting Eleven!! Unworthy Knight of Seven!! Suzaku you -
*sound of transmission being cut off or sth*